It’s a shame that Pablo Hernandez will never fuck me.
And he looks a little bit like too much of a bossy muscle bottom for me to handle, so I’ll pass.
But now he has a whole Madonna-parody single, “Bitch I’m a Bottom,” and a music video for it, just to make sure we all know what a bottom he is — just in case we missed the sex tapes.
Boner killer, anyone?
Also featured in the video is Pablo’s porn star boyfriend, Lucas Entertainment model Drae Axtell.
loved it too, we all do over here (that’s europe i mean)
lol Pls, don’t generalize, most of my friends and I hate this shallow piece of s+++ and we are from Europe…
hear hear to all of the comments, have heard far worse, enjoyed it
he’s cute and gay-and-bottom-proud, the perfect catch for me:)
Song is quite okay actually.
PS I’d love to see them flip flop drae and pablo i mean, both are born bottoms
Watching that makes me wish he had stuck to running that tragic hair salon on “Tabatha’s Salon Takeover”.
well, i got a boner and love to top him (but drae axtell evne more!!) anyway good clip and the “song” isn’t that bad either, good rythm and tune
Are you guys fucking kidding? If you have a cock, he will fuck you. Haven’t you seen those videos of him all methed out and getting raw fucked by a wildebeest? Trust me, you have a chance.
Dont worry, I wouldnt stand a chance with Pablo in a million lifetimes either lol
Well he was being honest here so it’s good for him. One thing I advise him not to gain so much muscle it wasnt look good only gay top could carry that.