The bromance of the century just got even more bromantical for two of the most famous bros of all time—Simon Dexter and Benjamin Godfre. The former and current(?) “fashion models” turned straight gay porn bros are so comfortable with their sexuality, they just got a house together in L.A.
Benjamin Godfre has a job with Falcon Studios as a director and a performer, and Simon Dexter has a job with his iPhone and any available mirrors. Together, they’re paying rent on a new loft in the Prospect Park neighborhood of Los Angeles.
They travel together, they change each other’s tires (#nohomo), they take pics of each other while they’re sleeping, and they feed each other breakfast. And last week, they finally made it official by packing up a moving van. Together.
Is there anything these two bros won’t do for each other (besides suck each other’s dicks)?
Is this just like “Three’s Company,” only neither one of them has to “pretend” to be gay for the sake of the landlord?
What is Simon Dexter and Benjamin Godfre’s celebrity couple name? Simamin? Benmon? Godex?
Will Simon Dexter ever get a real job?
Who have you busted a nut to more—Simon or Benjamin? (For me, it’s definitely Simon, a.k.a. Sean Cody’s Harley.)
I watched an interview of him and i just regretted doing it. Listening to him talk just destroyed all my wonderful and sweaty fantasies of him. I shouldve just stuck looking at his photos.
yup, they are fucking…
Austin Zane 2.0!
Sure, it is in no way strange for two guys to be living together. Gay or straight, two guys can live together and not be fucking; but…most roommates I know do not spend the kind of “quality” time these do together. I’ve had a roommate or two and not once did I snap a picture of them sleeping next to me. They don’t look or act like best friends to me. They look like two guys who are desperately trying to convince themselves and each other that they are not sexually attracted to each other. If you’ve read his blog posts and responses to the sexuality question, you know Simon Dexter is the master of performing the mental gymnastics necessary in order to admit to an attraction to men; while still thinking of himself as straight. Maybe Benjamin is his nohomo padawan.
We’ve yet to see Benjamin getting stuffed to compare.
patience. Rent isn’t due yet.
They have been fucking each other for quite a while. Pics of them on the same bed? HAHAHAHAHAHA
ambiguously straight duo
Really!?! They’ve been living together for months (as friends) News is only good if it’s current.
Tell the readers something we don’t know.
FYI Simon Dexter has his own company designing apps & is releasing his own underwear line
You, good sir, win the Sarcasm of the Century Award! Bravo!
Has one or is trying to get one started up?
And it’s current I didn’t know about it probably others either.
Fuck current. News is only *good* if people give two shits about it.
or a “Simon Girl”. If Cody can have ’em, why can’t he?
Weed smoking photos. lol.
“Will Simon Dexter ever get a real job?”
What *does* he do for a living?? Godfre at least has that site where he masturbates and cums on The Book of Mormon…
Men…for money.
Hahahaha!! :D
Is it “Douche Chill Wednesday” on the Sword? Between this and the Cody post, you sure got me shivering, Zach….