In January of this year, online gay porn studio Corbin Fisher sued one of its own former models, Jake Lyons, after Lyons’ Corbin Fisher photos appeared on the male escort site “men4rentnow.” Claiming copyright and trademark infringement, Corbin Fisher initially sought over one million dollars for the use of seven photos.
One million dollars is, of course, absurd. But what about $54,160? Because ten months later, that’s the amount the court found was owed to Corbin Fisher.
Here’s the judgment:
Seven images at $5000 each, plus about $20,000 in legal fees equals $54,160, which Corbin Fisher’s attorney Marc Randazza says will be collected via wage garnishments. The Sword spoke to Randazza, who was more than pleased with the outcome for his client.
“We initially had asked for the million but reduced our demand to $35,000. [Lyons] was showing up to court for a bit, but then he just stopped, which didn’t work in his favor. We normally can resolve these things for a lot less money–sometimes just a few hundred dollars–but not in this case.”
It’s unclear how or if a wage garnishment could impact a porn star; models are typically paid on the day of or close to the day of their performances, making it impossible to track or garnish wages using the traditional means of sending out a sheriff or filing a lien. But Randazza was optimistic, if not creepy.
“We have ways of finding out where [Lyons] is working ahead of time. We have people close to him who keep us informed of what he’s up to. And regardless, I’m fine with that judgment collecting 6% interest, which is great in today’s economy.”
Today, The Sword spoke to Lyons, who has his own elaborate, improbable (but kind of likely?!) side of the story. According to him, the entire lawsuit was a set-up.
“First of all, I did not create that men4rentnow profile; that was done by my agent, Bailey,” Lyons explained. “Bailey has a business relationship with men4rentnow, and Bailey also has a business relationship with Corbin Fisher. I believe Corbin Fisher paid Bailey to create the profile, and out of the money they paid Bailey, Bailey paid men4rentnow, in order for Corbin Fisher to sue me.”
He continued, “Corbin Fisher used a crowbar to break into my house so they could steal my MySpace log in, just so they could change my profile to say I lived in Orlando, when actually I lived in Wilton Manors. They changed it to say Orlando so they could sue me in Orlando federal court.”
Whether or not federal courts use MySpace profiles to determine proof of residency is unclear. Also, why would Corbin Fisher go to such extreme measures, and why would Lyons’ agent betray him? According to Lyons, it all came down to money.
“Every once and a while, Corbin Fisher likes to pick models and make public examples of them. Remember when this story first came out? It hit the top of the blogs. What do you think readers think when they see news about cute models? They think, ‘I should get a membership to that site.’ So it drives up sales. Money talks. Plain and simple.”
Lyons went on to announce that he’ll soon be filing for bankruptcy–which would absolve him of any debt and garnishments–and will be producing his own porn on his own website,
It’s also worth noting that The Sword recently awarded Lyons “King Of The O Face,” but the title unfortunately did not include a cash prize.
You can see the bottom of Jake’s ball bag (testicles) in that photo.
Background Report
Justin Ma Caro
Name: Justin Ma Caro
Age: 38
DOB: 6/28/1974
Phone: 954-916-7865
Additional phone numbers: 443-292-4759, 407-896-1650, 410-721-xxxx, 410-267-6206, 386-283-5059, 410-643-xxxx, 4072865915, 803-234-7330
Most recent adress: 2112 NE 1st Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33305.
Criminal records: 7 found
Aliases: Justin Marcus, Justin Graham Caro, Justin Caros, Justin Carro, Justin Marcos, Bailee.
Criminal Record
Name: Justin Marcus Caro
Offense: Cs:possess- Not Marihuana
Date of Offense: 04/29/2003
Location: Maryland
Court: Criminal Court
Case Number: 1A00119883
Offender ID: 961A00119883
Criminal Record Name: Justin Marcus CaroOffense:Sex Offense Third DegreeOffense: Sodomy-GenerallyOffense: Sex Offense Fourth DegreeOffense: Assault- Sec DegreeOffense: Prostitu:procure/Solicit Offense: Prostitu: engage inDate of Offense: 04/29/2003Location: MarylandCourt: Criminal CourtCase Number: 6M00004878Offender ID: 966M00004878__________________________________________________________________
Criminal Record Name: Justin CaroOffense: MunicipalDate of Offense: 07/12/1993Location: FloridaCourt: Criminal CourtCase Number: Offender ID: 697000140531974062819930712__________________________________________________________________
Criminal Record Name: Justin M CaroOffense: MunicipalDate of Offense: 08/18/1993Location: FloridaCourt: Criminal CourtCase Number: Offender ID: 697000140531974062819930818__________________________________________________________________
Criminal Record Name: Justin M CaroOffense: MunicipalDate of Offense: 09/13/1993Location: FloridaCourt: Criminal CourtCase Number: 697000140531974062819930913
Criminal Record Name: Justin M CaroOffense: MunicipalDate of Offense: 09/14/1993Location: FloridaCourt: Criminal CourtCase Number: 697000140531974062819930914
Criminal Record Name: Justin M CaroOffense: FelonyDate of Offense: 07/28/1997Location: FloridaCourt: Criminal CourtOffender ID: 697814846191974062819970728Case Number: __________________________________________________________________
1 Bankruptcy
Chapter Description: 05/26/1998
Resolution Date: 09/04/1998
Court: Maryland- Baltamore
Type: Individual
Filer Type: Individual
Debtors: Justin Marcus Caro
Attorneys: Andrew G Wilson II
Why did none believe me when I said that I never uploaded the pictures to the site?
Corbin Fisher and I were both fools for doing business with Justin Caro.
Why would a person with a record like this ever get to run an agency for porn actors?
Will I ever see justice?
Corbin Fisher ruined my life. I am prepared to begin to seek damages for defamation of character. I think Liberty Media holdings owes me an apology. I think it would be good for this apology to come in the form of a check.
I was mistreated on a false basis. My life was threatened on many occasions by Mark Randazza, my house was broken into, my friends were paid for information and my privacy was violated.
Do you have contact info for Corbin Fisher? My e-mail is
I have looked everywhere & I cannot find any way of contacting him personally.
Please if you get this let me know.
This is regarding a personal matter that has nothing to do with anything on here. Thank you very much!
POOR CF gtlad I left their site many years ago. Now, Banana your in CF pocket also most of the time the first thing you advertize is dear old CF. How much do YOu owe them. the way they show the wantbes guys and girls like whores( for them ) So people you get what your asking for, you know there are other sites that ARE so much better. I am thinking, they they might have had money flowing toward the court, I hope not.. CF you’ll get your day when you have to pay. Remember ( do unto others as you woould like them to do unto you.. I’m a gay man, not the little queens that need child like KIDS to fill their dreams
I will persevere! To be honest, no one really knows what they are talking about, when concerning this case.
Not even I know all or even 1/10th of what took place. My LLC will take off in 2011, and I will be Corbin Fishers competitors.
That 54k will pay for my college, it will not go into the pockets of my harassers.
In the end, I will not be defeated.
I don’t normally talk shit on here but man, I sooooooooooo would never EVER in a million fuckin years want to fuck, pop a boner, or even be in the same room with this “O” face boy. I dunno, something about his face makes me want to roll my eyes profusely and puke. Guys jerk off and fantasize about douches like this? Seriously, the pic with him and the lollipop makes my dick wanna turn its self inside out. *vomits* It also makes me want to punch a wall. Or scream.
Let this be a lesson to all future wanna be porn dudes. If you sign with Corbin Fisher, you pretty much sign your life away. Basically, your right testicle belongs to CF. This Jake Lyons kid is lucky CF hasn’t castrated him for the money he owes them.
PHEW, that felt great. :P
he’s as smart as he looks…
Thankyou Iden
um Jake, i don’t think that was a compliment you know…
still, i feel sorry for you for getting into this pile of horsecrap.
get out of this industry which pries on young men selling their bodies.
you want to get into collegue?
how do you think people will judge you (i personnaly believe nobody has the right to judge anyone else) once they find out about your past in gay porn?
you’re setting yourself up for failure if you stay in this business.
you’re young and smart and goodlooking.
get yourself a boyfriend and a nice job untill you get yourself into collegue.
i don’t know you but i feel for you.
Charlie Sheen wouldn’t even sue a hooker. You have to be either stupid or crazy to do that.
You mean Corbin Fisher (studio and/or owner) is such an incredible pile of shit that has actually filed suit against a former model who already brought them WAY more money than they ever paid him for using 7 pictures on his escorting profile, which I am sure he is doing because he is such a wealthy person????
Wow…and when you think that other studios go bareback when the times turn rough/rougher instead of just suing their former models. Others just improve their product. Others come with original new ways to sell.
Great going Corbin Fisher!!! The secret of financial happiness is in good old American “sue everything that moves”. The “we have people close to him…” comment creeps me out more than you can possibly imagine and somehow make me tend to what Jake is saying.
I am not commenting on Jake’s explanations which do seem a bit out there. However, if they are true…read above!!!
Still, I feel sorry for Jake or any model who runs into such creeps and end up working for them.
They sound like GREEDY assholes. Will never join that site again. How much did they pay him for the shoots he did for them? Shoots that they own FOREVER and will make money on for years to come. Scum.
Corbin Fisher is run by a bunch of idiots. You can find their photos all over the web. He WILL NEVER HAVE TO PAY A PENNY OF THAT MONEY. For them to say we have people watching him and know where he is, thats sounds like stalking and harrassment to me, he should sue their ass. I have not been a member of their site for a long time and now never will. I do not think most people pay for these sites anymore today. Corbin Fisher SUCKS !!!!
Oh that’s just terrific that is! Yesterday I placed my face-book status on “devastated” upon hearing of the Chris porter/Samuel Colt snuggle me under the covers relationship. The day before that I highly embarrassed myself by sharing to the world here that I would be a piss magnet to the newly released from prison, felon Sebastian Young. Now, it would seem that I must further my personal humiliation by stating that the once sexy “O” boy, when mouth open had me escOrt.
Can someone FML for me?
Jake did live in Orlando at one point, then moved to Fort Lauderdale to run from the lawsuit. In Jake’s mind, “I can’t get sued if I move and they don’t know.”
Digging deeper: CorbinFisher asked him to remove the men4rentnow ad containing the copyrighted photos; of which Jake ignored. Much like the court dates.
Lots of little details to be told; but this is it in a nutshell. Everyone who knows Jake personally or has worked with him, knows how he has an arrogant, know-it-all personality.
Now Jake is living in San Diego but touring the US as a hooker. (Check your Grindr)
These are FACTS. I know Jake, one of his previous business partners, and a lawyer who gave him legal advice about this lawsuit.
Too bad he didn’t think to sign on as CF affiliate, I think he could have gotten the pics for free as part of affiliate material, then link some of the photos to the website and then CF could have done pretty much dick about it.
…and on a merry note…welcome back TJ :D
Not so, RandyN.
I believe Corbin Fisher has a “no escorting” policy that its models have to sign on to while they’re working for him to protect the company’s image of “wholesome guys,” health, morals or some other pretense. So they would never approve some “link to a hooker” scheme online.
My guess is that Corbin & Co. hate to see their brand name associated with prostitution MUCH more than they hate any “damage” from copyright infringement. Still photos don’t generate income for Corbin Fisher — give me a break.
If Jake had responsibly and legally gotten his own profile photos, especially after Corbin Fisher asked him nicely, none of this would be happening to him. As it stands, Jake’s future employers and creditors will be able to see what he did — belligerently steal photos when it wouldn’t have cost him anything, then flake out of court and attempt to flee justice by moving around, then talking shit to this day whilst having a $54,160 hole working against his credit.
Good luck setting up that “LLC,” Jake. We’ll see how many people want to work with you when your opinion is the only one that matters …
When Corbin hired me, they were aware that they were hiring an escort. I dont think that a gay porn star has a “wholesome, Moral image. LMAO!!!
I did not create that profile. My agent did it. If he would have asked me, i would have said no!
I did not flake out of coart. I never went to Coart. A coart date was not set. The judgement was because proper paperwork (answers) were not submitted. And because these “answers” were not submitted, the coarts assumed i gave up, and they assumed i was guilty.
To actually fight this lawsuit in coart, it would have costed a lot of time (years), and money. (thousands) A $20,000 reatiner was my lowest quote out of the choice lawyers I felt I could trust, and i fely that would win.
Understand, I was scared shitless to owe one million dollars, under a misunderstanding, and at the same time could not afford representation.
I am attempting to get into college. $54,160 is close to the price of my AA degree, and a judgement would hinder me in 2018 from taking out a bussiness loan.
Also, I already have an LLC.
they do not have an affiliate program.
WOW! I move to Fort Lauderdale before they sued me. Before i even knew about the lawsuit. I lived here in September 2009. Corbin fisher also did not ask me to remove the ad. Corbin Fisher contacted the Men4RentNow, and requested that the site take the ad down, then contacted me, and asked me not to do it again. I dont, nor did i ever officially live in San Diego. I have lived in Fort Lauderdale for at least a year. With how little you know, its no wonder im so smart.
Guys, this guy does not know what he is talking about.
Jeez, he used some “good” professionally shot photos to advertise his money maker on a rentboy site like every other hustler does. Corbin Fisher sound like assholes. Here’s hoping he gets some rich sugar shiek from Dubai who buys him for the weekend and pays it off.