Falcon Studios has confirmed the devastating news that Erik Rhodes has died. He passed at 5:30 AM this morning, and the cause of death is being ruled a heart attack. Rhodes was 30 years old.
There are very few who were more kind, more genuine, more self-deprecating, and more real than Erik Rhodes. Rhodes’ reputation and his much publicized personal drama—which he put on full display on his various blogs over the years—belied the sweet, funny, and down-to-earth man people had come to know, love, and call a friend.
Erik Rhodes never took himself seriously despite being one of the last authentic “gay porn stars.” Rhodes was (and certainly is now) an icon, and he was in every sense of the cliche a “larger than life” performer. His work for Falcon spans the past decade, having appeared in over three dozen titles for the studio, countless magazine and box covers, and winning numerous awards. But probably the only thing greater than Erik Rhodes’ impact on the gay adult industry was his impact as a loyal and loving friend to so many.
This morning, some of Rhodes’ friends and colleagues reacted.
Falcon Studios VP and close friend Adam Robinson: “Erik has been an amazing friend and part of the Falcon family for 8 years, a man of steel on the outside but all teddy bear on the inside.”
Samuel Colt: “In disbelief that one of the most kind, honest and troubled souls I have ever had the joy to know and call a friend is gone. I love you James.”
Brent Corrigan: “My thoughts and considerations go out to the friends and family of Erik Rhodes in their time of grief. He will be missed by many!”
Chi Chi LaRue: “RIP dear sweet Erik Rhodes I’m saddened to the Core! Heaven/Hell will be a lot more Fun! Today I dedicate my Twitter silence to Erik Rhodes! Nothing I’m doing right now is even close to that important! RIP Erik … Sweet Giant!”
Official statement from Falcon Studios:
It is with great sadness that San Francisco-based Falcon Studios and Raging Stallion Studios has confirmed the passing of Porn Superstar, Erik Rhodes. Erik died of a heart attack in his sleep this morning at 5:30 AM EDT. Rhodes had been a Falcon Exclusive for all but one scene in his entire career, and he rose quickly to Mega-Star status after his first DVD Super Soaked was released in 2004.
Chris Ward, Falcon/Raging Stallion Studios President offered the following statement: “We are deeply saddened by Erik’s passing. He was a part of our family and we are devastated. Our thoughts are with his loved ones.”
We offer our condolences to Erik’s family, friends and loved ones. He was a genuine and caring man with extraordinary attractiveness and a massive muscled frame. Erik was an equally beautiful human being who lit up a room, and brought fun and joy to our studio and his fans that was unparalleled. He was a giving person with a special wit, and he put his all into every performance. He wanted to give his fans the best he could every single time he stepped in front of the camera. Rest in peace, Erik and know that we are celebrating your life and your achievements, but we will miss you and all the special moments you have given us forever.
Born in Long Island, New York in 1982, Erik recently celebrated his 30th birthday. Rhodes began his career with Falcon by signing as an Exclusive in September of 2004 at the age of 22, shooting only one scene prior to joining the Falcon team, and he had remained an exclusive ever since. Erik also directed eight Mustang Studios titles during his career. He recently began shooting with Raging Stallion Studios after it merged with Falcon in early 2011. His videography includes over 40 scenes filmed over the last 8 years.
Falcon has created a special Celebrating Erik Rhodes page on the Falcon Blog where fans can leave messages for Erik and his loved ones. ( http://blog.falconstudios.com/?p=4360 )
this last month i lost two peers. one of the a dear friend, even. while i am not surprised at the varied and often harsh opinions of others concerning their lifestyles…. i am deeply saddened that ppl feel the need to post them in places where others are attempting to honor their memories. i don’t expect the entire world to understand pysochological disorders or acknowledge addiction as a life long chronic condition. i would hope however, that those with comments of a graver nature would leave the rest of us room to love and cherish our dear friends. there is plenty of room out there in the world for your judgement. no need to infect what flickering moments of light are left for these young men.
I loved his tumbr blog – so brutal and honest and smart. Unfortunately, he was playing with the devil and the devil always wins.
One of the great superstars of male porn. You surely will be the standard by which others will be compared to. Thanks for your always excellent work, Erik. May you find the peace you were looking for here on earth. Rest in peace. God bless you.
As the poets have mournfully sung,
Death takes the innocent young,
The rolling-in-money,
The screamingly-funny,
And those who are very well hung.
– W H Auden
I know very little of his life outside what I saw on screen, but he made me smile.
Erik/James had a brother, and a family. Before you post anything less than respectful, consider how they must be feeling right now. We all knew what Erik was but that doesn’t mean we loved him any less. In other words, keep it to yourself.
Guys, a Facebook page has been set up for Erik/James.
Please share your condolences there.
I wanted to believe his blog was all a big act….he sooo needed help. RIP Erik
Erik Rhodes was a hero, a scholar, an artist. His Death was absolutely shocking, as i was convinced he was immortal. And very SAD as his contributions to the betterment of humanity as a whole will be felt for generations to come. He literally saved countless lives and helped thousands if not millions of people, Everyone Everywhere should mourn him.
sarcasm aside, i am of the belief that there is no twin and Erik is alive, covered in tattoos, reading all of this, as that would be a very Erik thing to do. Hi James! :)
Rest in Peace Erik Rhodes!
May he rest in peace.
Some Of the comments on here are just shameful!!! I say until you have walked a mile in someones shoes you should just shut the fuck up! R.I.P. You’re missed.
I’m not surprised, but at the same time I am in disbelief, because I wasn’t expecting it to happen so fast. Even though Zach recently posted a link to his website with him talking about all the current steroids he was on, I figured it would have taken awhile to catch up to him. I’ve said some shitty things on this blog about him and now I feel really bad about it. He had alot of demons, and now I hope he can finally rest in peace.
Apart from all the brickbats and bouquets being thrown at Eric’s memory, how can anyone – less than a day after his death – be reporting in a tone that implies as fact that his death is ‘being ruled a heart attack’ ???
Just because a family member, friend or lover has access to Eric’s twitter feed doesn’t necessarily make it so.
With an admitted history of steroid and drug abuse it may just be, but I would think an outwardly healthy looking man barely 30 years old would require an automatic autopsy to confirm cause of death before anyone could say ‘his death is being ruled a heart attack’…
So perhaps we could tone down on the ‘he bought this on himself and deserved it’ until a competent medical authority rules that he did in fact bring it on himself and nothing more nefarious or outright random was the cause…
I’m devastated more than I thought I could be for a porn star.
I guess Erik Rhodes is the first gay porn star to die who shared a lot of himself through the New Media that I actually liked and cared about.
I could relate to him. He was hilarious and he made us care about him. This is sad.
I’ve known James before Erik Rhodes back in Long Island when he was 20 years old “dancing” at a private club for men, he was already hugely muscled, with a fat uncut cock and an ass that was always ready for any and all action. He liked to act dumb (his email for a time was Bigdumbjames) but he was actually quite bright and had an excellent memory. I got along well with him as we were roughly the same age, he would ask me “why would a young guy like you come here?” I would answer, “To meet guys like you who work here.” and he would laugh. I was always too shy to go up to the straight guido guys that were my fantasy out in the “real world” but here was one right in front of me who loved ass play and bottoming, how could I NOT want to be there.
So sad to see what happened after many years. I moved away to NYC and he pursued his life in porn. We kept in touch sparingly and I would see him at events here and there and was always interested and enjoyed his crazy stories of life in porn but fairly recently I asked about his steroid and GHB usage and he lashed out at me using his blog feed. I wasn’t particularly bothered as I knew he was not doing well but I always wished the best for him. He said that he would die before 30 and that he wondered how painful it would be. There is so much more to my memories of James but one was he always beat his own expectations so I’m not surprised he made it past 30 and also he passed in his sleep (most likely painlessly) which may mean that I got my wish for “the best” in an ultimately sad situation.
R.I.P. James, you big lug!
I am crying as I jerk off.
Thank you for helping me cum. You are one of my favorite pornstars.
RIP Erik.
and I thought my comment might’ve been disrespectful but wow. just wow. the least some of you guys can do, whether you like him or not, you’re surprised or not, whether you actually give a flying fuck or not, is to respect his family and friends while they grieve. you can say what you want later or find your own little private forum, but for now, do that at least
On his old blog he said that when he died, he would like to go to sleep one day and never wake up. I am glad that in the end, even if the end was way too soon, he got that desire.
I’m very saddened to hear about this. He was a great performer, and one of the very last genuine gay porn icons out there. Yes he had his dark moments, many more dark ones than great ones, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t a wonderful human being. I remember reading one of his blogs where he explained that one of the things that he found difficult was how to be James and not Erik Rhodes. Most people who knew him very well have been on blogs posting nothing but kind things about him. I like to believe that everything negative he’s said and did was part of his Erik Rhodes persona. And that James was just lost in all of that turmoil. I don’t know.
And it’s wrong to blame the friends for supposedly not helping him. Being around a guy like Erik must have been like walking on eggshells. Saying and doing the wrong thing around him could have set him off and cause a friendship lost. Not every addict reacts the same way. Some can be helped, while others can’t.
I hope he finds the peace he so badly needed wherever he is right now. And yes I agree he probably is chuckling at all the negative comments on here.
Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves. A Human being has died. No matter what your opinion of him is or was have some respect.
I met Erik in Chicago 2 years ago and he was very nice and very engaging. I also didnt act like a porn hungry porn fan (because Im not). He bumped in to me at the bar at Hydrate and he actually said “excuse me” which is rare in my book because of how rude other porn stars are. He was a super nice guy.
Well this has come as a huge shock, RIP Erik and I hope you have found the peace that eluded you in life.
To read all The negative comments about someone who just lost his battle is sad, have respect for him and his friends, if you don’t have anything nice to say about someone, then don’t say anything at all”
Such a shame. No life is worth wasted, and I cant stand to read these comments as Im sure Ill hear plenty of trolling comments. RIP.
As most people agree, it’s not *shocking* and Erik/James always put it all out there on his blog. He really was the typical ‘you think they have it all’ type, but he made it quite clear how unhappy he was. But still, even though I only kept up with him occassionally, I always was kind of pleased when I’d read his blog and he seemed to be in a good place. It gave me hope that he was going to get through this to the other side and find a longer term happiness. So it is terribly sad to me that this happened to him at such a young age. I wish he’d gotten the help he needed and that whatever help he’d gotten in the past had stuck. This is a terrible shame and my sympathies to all of his family, his friends and his fans.
This is a very sad moment but he was the Amy Winehouse of porn so not as shocking to me. It’s a shame he never found his happy place. Maybe he has now. RIP Erik / James.
ya but…amy whinehouse had talent…porn ‘stars’ dont….
Goddammit, now I can’t masturbate to his scenes :(
Wow..even his clients are posting that they fucked him bareback…nice way to pay u’re condolence..!
I just want to say it’s a very very sad day when we lose a family member or a great friend at such a young age. I’ve read some of the comments pertaining to Erik’s death & it saddens me to know some people will sit & judge someone about something they know nothing about. I’m not here to bash anyone or to judge anyone as to why this happened. The thing we all should be doing is respecting the death of another human being.
My thoughts & prayers go out to Erik’s family & friends. God Bless You All.
R.I.P. Erik.
Matt W.
Two good things today
erik rhodes found peace and chi chi larue is quiet for one day
lololol +1
Aw Erik, one of the few guys in the industry that didn’t bullshit or pull any punches about what it was like to shoot porn. He brought out the best in a lot of performers even the dull as dishwater ones (Leo Giamani). I have a feeling he would find some of these cunty and ugly comments amusing since he did have a pretty dark sense of humor. One of the last real “stars” of a ever declining industry.
Sorry he couldn’t find the peace and happiness that he looked for but also ran from.
I agree with your comment. You tend to always have the proper turn of phrase. A gorgeous, really nice man is dead, and I see the hateful gay community that has been here for decades rearing its ugly head. I’m stunned. We all have our demons. I’ll miss him terribly
lol you’re such a drama queen
I may be, but I don’t really think this is a laughing matter
Then go away.
Very sad indeed. I remember speaking to him at The Grabbys the year he won for “Best Actor”. He was genuinely mystified as to why he won, and did not realize the high esteem that his fans and fellow performers held of him. I was always concerned about the places he went in is blog, but he certainly did lay it out there. What I do wish is that he saw in himself what we saw in him. He could have had anything he wanted, but I don’t think he thought himself worthy. Tortured? Yes. Honest? Absolutely. Gorgeous? Goes without saying. RIP James. Condolences to his family.
Erik’s premature death is sad, but it was also pretty inevitable. He clearly hated himself and was constantly crying out for help, but people pretended he was just being edgy. His “friends” in the biz were nothing more than enablers.
Not surprising. Just very sad that he didn’t pull out of the misery that he was clearly feeling for a long time.
Zach, I know that you try to have a hard exterior or whatever. But considering the fact that you have covered this man’s decent (whether you wanted to or not,) and since I’m sure you have reign over the comments, is it not possible to just leave out all the hate in the comments section. The man just died. It is the least you could do.
We all watched as he struggled with life through the many postings on his blog, knowing that it was probably going to end badly. Nevertheless when it does happen, it is a shock and extremely sad.
My condolences to his family and friends.
I hope he has found the peace he seemed so deperately want in life.
I just have to say I’ve hired him and yes I fucked him bareback. He knew all along what he was doing and this was to come. Yes it’s sad but you have to realize its reality for people who act and do this. It’s not the first time someone has died in te porn industry and won’t be the last!
Wow…. This is disturbing.
I remember going to Act Up demos expressing outrage at the government for not caring about the gay community. Now, 20 plus years later I come across attitudes like yours and it makes me so sad. I find your behavior and callousness haunting.
and one day you’ll die and I’ll show up to you funeral in a red dress.
show some fucking respect.
And this is important to know for everyone. Why exactly? Get lost, you piece of sh….
Facts are facts. I’m just saying it was bound to happen. I booked him several times and each time he most generally came and he was using. So I’ll say it again. I know many in the porn industry and hire many and he was by far the most I was concerned about do to his using of drugs. It’s sad yes but he wasn’t stable. This will all roll over and back to reality we go. I think people just dont want to say the truth!
In his last interview with The Sword he said he had to use prescription drugs to get through the sex with the johns when escorting. So you’re one of the reasons he thought he had to take an extra amount of pills or whatever for. And btw, the man is dead a few hours and the first thing you feel you have to tell is that you fucked him bareback repeatedly although or because you knew he was stoned. You’re such a nice and sweet character. And of course it is great that you knew this, his dying at the age of 30,had to happen when you fucked him!
who they fuck are any of u to say that just bcuz ‘sam’ hired erik rhodes as an escort that makes ‘sam’ partly responsible for his death??? WOOW!! u guys are really idiots. i dont have ‘sams’ back or anything but lets be real. the guy CHOSE to be an escort. no one forced him into slavery. this is unfortunately how the guy made money. so if he needed to be high to get through it then that is all on his shoulders and not anyone who hired him
The truth is that you were a big part of his problem.
This answer is directed at yoyo69, but somehow I cannot answer there directly. So, honey, where were you the one day they taught reading comprehension at your school, at home, sick? Of course Erik chose to do escorting. I didn’t deny his responsibility nor did I start a rant about the pros and cons of escorting. What I said and meant was quite obvious: I resented Sam’s callousness, I found his bragging – Ooh I fucked him bareback because I knew how this would end (and I am oversimplifying here what Sam said for matters of clarification in case you’re too dumb to understand that)- simply revolting. I will not enter into a discussion here whether a drug addiction coupled with a depression – something Erik himself admitted to- is a serious illness or not. To my mind it is, you obviously think differently and like to play the blame game. But, idiot, try next time to comprehend what you read before you answer. I know this may prove to be too difficult for you, but please, please, try it nonetheless.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH @michb omg i am CRACKING up rading ur bitter, twinked out, queeny bitch rant. u need to loosen the skinny jeans and move the hair outta ur eye. ur attitude screams “im a disgusting nasty girly bitch with a small dick and no one will top me anymore cuz i dont know how to clean out my asshole beforehand” . hahaha u’ll get it one day though “honey”, and maybe, just maybe, someone can stick it in you and not pull out with a bunch of shit on their dick
now get back to work the fries are burning
He admitted to bully gay kids in high school. Too bad he didn’t die 15 years earlier.
Go straight to hell.
Just like the hell he put others through with his bullying?
those kids he bullied got the last laugh they got to lead normal lives in the end and he slowly killed himself and is now a punch line
Dude… sad.
Also, most of you on the comments are no better than vultures. At least they wait until the body gets cold to pick on the dead.
Sorry to hear this but no huge shock.
Too bad he fucked up his body towards the end with the botched circumcision and those ugly-ass tattoos.
What a waste.
So tired of the asshole douchebags on here! Maybe if they had to sign in with their twitter acct.we could get rid of them! RIP ERIC you will be missed. (wapiti3)
That circumcision was for nothing
And getting that twitter account a few months ago was for nothing as well
Not true. I enjoyed it. By the way, yours was a dim comment.
I am a fan of gay porn and a big fan of Erik. He is for sure an icon of this era and will be forever remember.
He was like a living tom of finland.
Very sad news and very sad that nobody could stoped a guy who wanted to be so big and famous that he was ready to die young.
Rest In Peace James.
They only people who are effected by all this evil, viscous bile spewing some folks are doing here are the people who actually cared about Erik Rhodes during his life.
He’s died. Nothing you say can hurt him or bring him back so why all the snark?
If you can’t show respect for the dead and for a man whom most of you didn’t even know personally and most assuredly were never been done wrong by, then at least show respect for the people who loved him and who are mourning him today and either say something nice or nothing at all.
Seriously. It’s like some folks were raised by wild jackals.
People who are clinically depressed and who struggle with addictions aren’t that way just to piss you off. It actually has NOTHING to do with you life. It’s just what people go through. Some humans have a path that is more troubled.
Do you show up at the funerals of folks who die from lung cancer with signs that say “Sucks to be you, that’s what you get for smoking!” ?
The circumstances of his death don’t make the loss of his life any less horrible for his family, his twin brother, his friends in and out of the industry.
Why must folks here log on just to pour salt in the wounds of the people who loved this man? A man, not just a performer or a photo on the Internet. An actual human being who had a short life and that’s sad. It just is.
Please explain how it makes YOUR life better to piss all over his?
If it’s not something you would have said TO HIS FACE while he was living (fucking cowards), then STFU already because he can’t hear you now.
So many people here write horrible things about porn performers and their lack of morals, blah, blah, when some of you don’t have the basic decency and/or manners of a rabid raccoon. SHAME ON YOU!
I never met him. I didn’t know him. But I read his blogs and I saw a very complex young man with a lot of pain but also a lot of humor, warmth and intelligence.
Every life is precious. Period.
Bless his heart and rest his soul.
My condolences to all who knew him.
Thank you, Persa. Very well said! It is a difficult time for all of us at the Studio and his loved ones are suffering. Please be respectful everyone!
Thanks. Well said.
Well said.
Erik was a true porn star, few come close to his caliber. I really feel sad for him, not because he died (he will hopefully be in peace), but the way he went, broken and tormented. :( Rest in peace Star
He had loyal and loving friends???? Not according to his own blog he didn’t. I’m shocked but not shocked at the same time, I feel sad for him. I thought this would happen to him sometime but not now. He was so handsome and seemed like a good person, but his life went downhill really fast.
This is very sad. I just sent him a message of support a few days ago. I’ve had severe depression my whole life and I don’t know if he was depressed but I felt really bad for him. This isn’t a time to be critical of him. He was a human being just the rest of us and he and his family and friends deserve our respect and condolences.
To make rude comments about Samuel Colt is ridiculous as well. I don’t know him but I have tweeted with his bf Chris Porter before and they both seem like super nice guys.
My prayers go out to James and his family.
Truly sad.
R.I.P. James/Erik.
and shut up about being shocked! really? read blogs much
lmao poor diesel isn’t he the victim in all of this?
although he did get the last word in, even if it was one of condolence to save face
So sad :-(. I know he had his problems but for me in the end of it, he was a great performer and as Zach pointed out he was probably one of the last remaining TRUE Gay porn stars/icons,don’t think is time to make hateful comments AT ALL. RIP ERIK/JAMES.
I’m really going to miss him. He was so brutally honest you had to love him. RIP Erik.
Allow me to be one of the many who think (but most won’t say)…so. the. fuck. what.
Erik/James knew exactly what he was doing. He knew the things he did were dangerous. He knew it every single minute. He had been on Derek and Romaine several times talking about how he was gangbanged bareback by a group of black men that hired him, fisted a guy till he bled, mixed drug cocktails, bareback escorted. He gets no sympathy and absolutely no respect. As far as I’m concerned a waste of space has left the Earth…more resources for someone more deserving.
I would honestly laugh in the face of any “friend” of his that sheds a tear. They stood by want watched their “friend” destroy themselves. Don’t cry now. You had a chance to save a person and you did nothing but feed the beast.
Wow. As a recovering addict, I’ll say my friends were wary of my hysterical proclamations. Addicts lie, they’re always on the brink of destruction, and friends never are sure when to intervene. Erik has been on the verge for years. Many people care about him, but could do little. He’s dead now, you’re heartless, let those who care about him mourn respectfully
Allow me to be one of many to tell you STFU
Hear, hear!
YOU are the biggest piece of shit to ever walk the Earth.
Srsly? The biggest piece of shit ever? Bigger than say Hitler? Or, ummm, Shirō Ishii, Pol Pot, Heinrich Himmler, Stalin? LOL. M’kay. Sorry to speak ill of a self-destructive pornstar.
…A self destructive porn star who has already lost his life. Such classlessness. When you die with this kind of attitude, I doubt that people would even be sad. :)
Fuck u mike, name dropping on a gay porn gossip rag means ur as stupid as people see u
Why speak at all? What did it gain you to make judgmental remarks about a dead person? You should have remained silent & avoided looking like an asshole. There’s a saying for you “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”
As a recovering addict you should go use so u’ll be so wasted u can’t bother people with ur obnoxious preaching
You are a very sick person. I hope you can get some help
Ok… a hypothetical… someone you know (Bud) has heart issues, including heart disease, and takes several legally prescribed medications to combat the disease… over the course of time Bud decides he doesn’t need to take his meds regularly even though his doctor, family & friends say he must do so to live. Bud believes he only needs to take half the dosage of medication, which allows him to save money on his monthly prescription bill.
Bud continually gets worse but refuses to see it…. he gets hooked on a plethora of alternative drugs sold OTC and believes these alternatives are going to heal him. At his next regularly scheduled physician’s appointment Bud, along with a family member & a friend, have frank discussions with his physician. Bud’s doctor warns him that his heart disease has worsened and he will not live much longer if he does not return to his prescribed treatment protocols. His physician orders a wide array of diagnostic tests to determine how much more damage has been caused to the heart and the progression of the disease.
Bud’s family member and friend implore him to return to the appropriate dosage and frequency of medications, stop the alternatives due to interactions, and immediately get the diagnostic testing completed. They even take Bud to a medical center for the diagnostic work-up. They soon find out that although they can proverbially “take the horse to water” Bud refuses to give consent for the tests. Since Bud is of “right mind” no one can force him to do so.
Out of his own doing he decides to continue the course of rationing his prescribed medications and continuing full steam ahead with the alternatives. Unfortunately, Bud passes two weeks later. Family and friends are devastated because they did everything they could to help him. They loved him. They experience a mixture of shock, saddness, and disbelief that such a senseless passing has occurred.
Bud’s passing could have been prevented by adherence to physician prescribed orders and appropriate behavioral actions. His friends and family not only feel grief but intense guilt that they “stood by” and let this happen. And yet, they did what they could based on what Bud would allow, even though they rack their brains wondering if they could have done something more.
Bud made decisions and took the actions that he wanted to take, however ill conceived they may have been. He made the decision to forego appropriate treatment, disregard the orders of his physician & the pleas of his family & friends. Bud knew best and refused to listen to better.
Weeks and months passed with family and friends still dealing with the grief and guilt. In time they realize that they cannot fully grieve until they let go of the guilt they carry. Eventually, they realize that Bud was accountable and that nothing more could have been done without him taking the steps to do so.
I know very little about Erik other than what I’ve read periodically on his blog. He was a troubled soul crying out for love and acceptance when what he really needed was to accept himself and embrace internal love and compassion. I, for one, hope that he has now found inner peace and love.
Let’s all practice a great deal more compassion and merciful thinking, including our words & actions when an individual passes. We are NOT objects devoid of feelings. We are human and need to act accordingly.
P.S. – I apologize for the length of my comments. I am weary of the hateful thinking and comments I read on thesword.com & other sites. It’s unnecessary and we need to know and act better. It starts with me.
“I would honestly laugh in the face of any “friend” of his that sheds a tear. They stood by want watched their “friend” destroy themselves. ”
Have you ever tried to stop someone whose self-destructing? No. Don’t bother to answer that – it’s clear from your comment that you haven’t. In spite of how much you may care for someone, people are autonomous human beings. There are no easy cure-all solutions to these situations. Is choosing to stay in relationship and be there for another person in spite of the choices they make – whether you approve/disapprove/counsel otherwise a horrible thing? In relation to what – forcing one to multiple alienating confrontations with a person until you have the moral high ground of not being in their life anymore. Which I suppose, leaves you your self righteous moral high ground.
If that’s what you value.
Unless you were one of Erik/James’ friends you don’t know what the options were because you weren’t in that relationship. And the only ones who are experts on each of those relationships are each of them as individuals, because it will have been slightly different for each.
Offering a contemplation/meditation on what this might mean for how you see your own relationships may have (very) limited worth at a time like this, but posting vitriolic pointed recriminations based on a paucity of connected personal experience with this human being has none other than to reveal the quality of what you’ve chosen to share in a telling crisis moment for others:
It’s mean-spirited and cruel.
My thoughts and prayers to all who knew Erik personally and who mourn his loss.
Sad? Yes. Shocking? Nope.
erik’s last blog post tells the tale of this lost guy. very sad to hear the news though
diesel washington i hope your happy, you will never been anything as good as erik
who the hell is samuel colt? is that his manager?
Diesel Washington? LOL Seriously? You’re actually going to waste time bringing up Diesel? “I hope you’re happy” LOL You twit! Erik did this to himself. Diesel Washington had not one fucking thing to do with this.
You need perspective. This is all n Erik’s shoulders.
Samuel Colt is a gay porn star who has become good friends with Erik Rhodes. Him and his boyfriend Chris Porter were in the process of relocating to NYC where Erik lives.
Peace eluded him in his sad and deeply troubled life.
Perhaps in death he may have finally found it……
RIP Erik/James
i wonder what Diesel Washington is gonna say about this. it’s gonna be interesting to see.
RIP Erik/James.
A man is dead and you’re curious what Diesel Washington will say? I think I’ve heard it all. The gay community is fucked
There are people like this in the LGBT and the Hetero community. Just focus on the positives, babe. :)
I wonder if he was wearing any designer clothes when he died
Diesel Washington has always hated Erik and was jealous of his success.
i’m not gonna apologize for telling the truth! i bet Diesel wanted to make Erik his bitch just to humiliate him and show who’s got the power.
Sure Erik has had fists and arms up his ass, but he didn’t seem like the kind of guy to be someone’s bitch.
I’m still in shock and disbelief. I mean with the what he talked about, you had a feeling that it wouldn’t be long before something like this happened, but it’s easy to think it wouldn’t. don’t get me wrong, it’s still sad to see someone gone so young an age. only 30 years old. damn. there’s not much else I can say but My condolences to the family.
I really don’t even know what to say to this one. Wow.
I’m going to leave this one alone and just hope he found the peace he was searching for.
That last entry on his blog is foreshadowing, only instead of his liver, it was his heart that gave out. Anyone who insults him now is a real cunt. We all do things in life we shouldn’t and we all have demons. I liked his honestly and I hoped he would find help. RIP.
This only goes to prove that no matter how young, strong and beautiful one may seem to be on the outside, no one really knows how tired, weak and lacking in self-esteem one is below the surface. One can look at the facade of this handsome, fit and hot guy without realizing how little worth he placed on those things everyone else worships. When someone beautiful passes before his/her time we all grieve the loss of the wasted beauty. But how many grieve for the loss of someone who felt life itself was worthless. For those of us who will never be among the Gods of Porn, I thank God that at least I have a sense of who I am and what value my life has. Maybe that’s what Erick’s unnecessary death was meant to remind us. If so, perhaps his untimely death had purpose.
You mean you can’t inject, swallow and sniff every drug and steroid known to man for your entire adult life without eventually dying early? Who knew?
What’s sad is that James had some serious mental health issues which he never got help for. Essentially this was a really slow suicide.
I knew there would be some people who would make callous & heartless comments, but do you really have to post them? I know it says more about them and their judgmental attitudes & cruelty but I wish you would have left them out Zach.
Oh please,
a) Erik/James loved to make shocking, sarcastic and frequently heartless/callous comments.
b) He knew exactly what he was doing. He knew he was slowly killing himself and didn’t care. And…
c) If you were a friend of his, you have only you and his other friends to blame for not doing anything to try to get the man help.
I hope you have friends to help you…you are sick.
There’s a man that is dead. Someone with hopes and dreams and flaws. Jesus Christ have a heart
Actually based on things he said in his blog he had numerous mental health issues that he did get help for–it just didn’t work. Being seriously ill is bad enough in general, but the mentally ill have to deal with lack of good treatments, severe side effects from the treatments offered, horrible social stigma, and in recent the perception that if you aren’t getting better it’s because your stubborn or too stupid to talk to a doctor. Drug companies and their TV ads try to give the impression that conditions like depression and bipolar can be fixed instantly with a few pills with zippy names, and they can’t. James went down the brutal spiral of self-medication and he landed hard.
I’m sure there will be plenty of snarky/mean comments on here, Erik was someone who seemed to thrive on dark moments even glorifying his recent steroid usage. It’s a shame he never seemed to find real happiness in his body and who he was, but at the end of the day someone lost a son and his twin lost a brother. Sad : (
I enjoy visiting porn blogs and living vicariously through the salacious lives of performers. I’ll be the first to judge their shortcomings. How sad, huh? This is a wake up call for me, and it should be for many. These guys are human beings, doing a job, to get paid; and you reap the benefits by enjoying their work and getting off. I met James and he was so gracious. Save your critiques of drug and steroid abuse for some other time. He is a legend, and I will miss him. In his honor, I’ll pay my money, enjoy porn, not contribute to negative comments about performers, and enjoy my life. Thank you Erik; you will be missed
I always hoped that his drug use and the drama he surrounds himself with was just an act. He was a great porn star performer.
Not surprise, If true: wonder what his dear, dear friend Diesel Washington will wear to the funeral?
That was really cunty for no good reason , smh
You will die too. With that kind of attitude, no one would have to wear anything to your funeral since no one will probably go. :)
i’m going to die too!? WOW! I didn’t know that ! LMAO!
More than likely, his damn finest and he will pay his respects to his family. As grown-ups do. After all, they both knew they were being childish and their rants amounted to nothing more than fun drama.
A shocking reminder of anybody can be gone in an instant. A bizarre end to a bizarre life but hopefully he found the inner peace he was striving for – sometimes clumsily – whereever he is.
Samuel Colt is in “disbelief”?? Really? He must not have actually known Erik Rhodes, who has been predicting his own death for years now, as recently as a couple of days ago.
My response to the news? “Oh. So it happened today. Hmm.”
Not to pile on Samuel Colt because I have seen other people do it with other dead pornstars but is there an informal rule that when a porn star dies, one is suddenly allowed to use their real name?
James used his real name several times in public, it wasn’t a secret. His family and friends knew, etc.
Erik himself unveiled his real first name on his blog (http://erikrhodes.tumblr.com/) a while ago…
OK Then fair enough :)
Yes you fucking asswipe. Disbelief. I was talking to him literally hours earlier. Any time that you have a friend around one day and not there the next, it is fucking DISBELIEF. You want to see lack of disbelief? Jump off a bridge.
I’m so sorry for your loss
Friend? u know u probably enabled his problems by not coming down on him seriously or just being their to share his spotlight. 30 year old men don’t have heart attacks when they look to be in shape. His intravenous lifestyle killed him and he told everyone it would kill him trying to look for someone to stop him and u didn’t cause ur too busy living it up in greece, your not his friend, u were just a satellite. How can people not point out the humorous irony that someone who told everyone that he was gonna die soon, died very soon.
Leave Samuel Colt alone, he just lost a friend. Nobody wants to experience such a tragedy.
I have to agree with 80% of what you said…but Mr. Colt’s loss is his personal journey of understanding and self-reflection
It’s not tasteless if it’s true the man had problems no one bothered to address while he was alive he didn’t die of a heart attack he was enabled to death. It’s tasteless to wait after the man dies to say anything nice about him, and it’s easier to say nice things to a corpse rather than doing the hard things to help the person when they’re alive. Thanks sonic persa is a faggot.
Pardon me. You know for a fact that people around him didn’t try? And if they mightiliy did, how much could they do if the patient did not want to cooperate?
You must not have actually known Erik either, Scott. Even though we all knew this day was coming – it is still hard to believe and doesn’t make it any easier for those who loved him. Your insincerity shows us what is in your heart.
Your response to the news is revolting. You just couldn’t resist making a tasteless remark?
This is sad. Just sad.