The alleged joker/psychopath who racked up over 8,000 followers on Twitter by pretending to be popular Sean Cody model Brandon has come back after a bit of a tweet hiatus, and he would now like you to PayPal him some cash so he can move to L.A.
The real Brandon is likely forbidden from having a Twitter presence, as all Sean Cody models seem to be after signing contracts. Fake Brandon, under the Twitter handle @brandoncodyjeff (Jeff is the model’s real name), is likely the same fan with too much time on his hands who started the older fan account @BrandonSeanCody, and the two accounts retweet each other frequently. Anyway, QueerMeNow was fooled by the faker back in January and since apologized and issued a correction. BrandonCodyJeff went on to post, like, one or two selfies a month of Actual Brandon that were likely swiped from a personal Facebook page or Tumblr, going silent through most of June. And now QueerMeNow points us to the more recent tweets, in which this mystery person is soliciting fans for donations.
The sad thing is: It just might work!
That is if it weren’t for the vigilante Twitter work of one queen named Anthony Medina. She is on to this grifter.
He asked for some verification, and he got this.
To which the grifter playing Brandon replied…
And now he’s fighting with Ryan Rose, about something.
Anyway! Good times. The Sword has reached out to ask this person to post a pic of himself holding up a current newspaper. We’ll see how that works out.
@brandoncodyjeff The other blogs are still pretty skeptical. Could you possibly just tweet a pic of yourself holding up today's newspaper?
— TheSword (@theswordcom) July 24, 2014
UPDATE: Hunter Page tells Str8UpGayPorn he’s met Brandon/Jeff in real life in Nashville, and the real Brandon/Jeff claimed to have a Twitter account that Sean Cody didn’t know about. So, is this guy fighting off claims that he’s a fake actually the real Brandon wanting Sean Cody to continue believing the account is fake? More later on this tedious controversy, on As the Porn World Turns…
Now, here’s Actual Brandon’s last scene with Sean Cody, in which he fucked Duke back in June.
Im sure this isn’t really “Brandon” but if it is guys relax….. He supposedly said he’ hates dick ” well guess what! we are the ones who’s still laughing because forevermore .. on the internet on someones phone , in magazines ( Do people still buy those ?) there is going to be images of you ( and this goes for all models out there who do Porn ) deep kissing men as well as a whole list of other sexual activities including the most intimate act a man can perform … so who’s the fool now guys …
mean while in the real world – Nations are fighting , shooting down innocent people in airliners .. kids dying of hunger . So Brandons so called Meltowns or sexuality isn’t really that a big deal…
Brandon looks very haggard for his age. His skin is like a 40 year old. I’ve never thought he was more than just average. I won’t even mention his very tiny pee pee. Bring back Daniel, Charley (the young moaner, not the freckle puss) and Jamie.
Yep. Bring back Jamie, Charlie, Daniel and also Jess, Jake, Pete, Trey, Pierce, Calvin, Grayson, Chad, Joshua ……. and the list goes on. So many great performers.
Paula Deen was once burnt butter. That is all.
Brandon is like the star of Sean Cody, just like Connor of Corbin Fisher. Why doesn’t Brandon sue this guy for pretending to be him?
Because it is stupid to sue yourself?
The real Brandon has an instagram account under his real name that makes no mention or allusions towards his porn work, probably a facebook too. Odds are this a fake account reposting pictures from the real Brandon’s other social media accounts to pass itself off as legitimate.
Brandon should open his own Twitter account with Sean Cody’s blessing, he is after all the most popular model on their roster currently. It would benefit both Sean Cody and Brandon, and put an end to this imposter using both Sean Cody and Brandon to further their agenda. This time it is for money. Next time, who knows?
I agree.
Am I banned? :-( Anyway, Thanks TheSword for letting my comments to show here even for a little time. Please make this blog like what was it used to be, a favorable for Real Gay Men. Thanks
An ESL Course is highly recommended. It will help us better understand many of your hateful comments.
as a former american colony english is one of our official languages. I did study but my heart wasnt on it. I’m proud of my own language Tagalog ;-) But sad to say porn is illegal here. Gay men or cross dressers are everywhere but no gay porn so no gay blog like this. @andrew GET IT?
But honestly, I don’t give a fuck about him anymore. He’s straight. SeanCody is probably straight too. All of them are straight. Nobody cares about the gay community anymore. Giving jobs to us. Praising our beauty or sexiness. Recognizing the homophobia embedded in the gay4pay model. I hope he just leaves.
Brandon, straight? C’mon, Bi maybe, but no one who enjoys gay sex like Sean Cody models can say they’re straight. How long can this delusion go for?!
Getting fucked by guys for money doesn’t make him even bi.
This idea that being attracted to straight men is somehow indicative of homophobia is ridiculous. We are attracted to “maleness” like straight men are attracted to “femaleness”. There are some who make a fetish out of the idea of straightness but for the vast majority of the mainstream gay male population it is simply the masculinity of the person whether from physical characteristics or personality or mannerisms that make him attractive. And whether we like it or not straight men on average are more likely to meet all 3 of the criteria I mentioned above. That is simply a physical fact. In our own community there is a struggle between the “fems” and the “butch”. (There are even gay events with notices like “no fems allowed”.) For many like me the issue is best summed up by a phrase that a good friend of mine often used when referring to overly effeminate men – “if I wanted to go to bed with a woman, I would go to bed with a woman”. Porn like all entertainment is fantasy and if straight men display characteristics that come closer to that fantasy and want to get paid to entertain us with it, then so be it. The issue isn’t that the individual is gay or straight but rather does he fit the ideal of masculinity in our animal brains. It has nothing to do with homophobia. However, the specific fetish with straightness itself regardless of masculinity could be viewed as homophobic.
I agree with most of your comment except I find it morally offensive for a straight guy to be G4P. Simply put, I find that against my conscience and immoral. We should care about people expressing their honest sexuality-porn or no porn.
Porn is acting. Its fantasy. Do you think the gay actors are always attracted to their scene partner or enjoy all of the things that the scene requires them to do? They are all acting and if they are good at it they produce a beautiful hot gay sex scene.
No it’s not. It’s having real sex on camera-big difference. It’s not a movie. I assume most porn performers are given some choice as to their scene partner as to incite chemistry/passion, no?
Nikko: The 30-40 minute “real” sex you are watching may take 6 or more hours to record. Its done in segments. It’s acting and often the models have no choice in who their scene partner will be.
You’re so navie. It’s a performance regardless. People click the porn vids to watch hot guys fuck. They are paid to fuck and perform, not be attracted to each other.
Fascinated by gay men who try to turn the existence of straight porn models in gay porn into some kind of civil rights issue. They’re performers, they perform. So long as they put on a good performance, then what they do or don’t like to do sexually off the porn set is irrelevant.
Fascinating?! Aargh! I find that highly offensive. G4P is just that- an illusion I did not-and still don’t want – to believe. How can a straight guy really do gay porn and you not be offended? Their private sexuality DOES matter- if they don’t like guys, I’m not interested. Turn OFF.
Don’t watch what you don’t like. MYOB when it comes to what others may like.
I was wondering when the pearl clutcher anti-G4P queens were going to make their appearance… You know who you are.
I AGREE with @bigrawtop. Nice very Nice :$
Does your chosen handle “bigrawtop” indicate that you don’t bottom? You seem to like guys who are 100% gay. Can a gay guy who doesn’t bottom really be 100% gay? Say it ain’t so Big Raw Top.
If could also be that he has both a twitter and instagram account. They are both his!
That tiny dick needs to retire. His cock is so small .
SEAN CODY should blame for this bogus account if it’s true. Actually Im following this account as well and this has been for I think 4 months now, but SEAN CODY didnt have time to warn its fans about this fake account. Clearly, Sean Cody only cares for gay men’s money and nothing else.
In my opinion someone is out to smear Brandon as a homophobic douchebag, even though what he supposedly said wasn’t that scandalous to begin with.. Brandon is straight and is doing a job he is paid for and doing it well enough that he has convinced many fans that what they are seeing is real.. That is what porn is about, a fantasy not “real life”. If Brandon is that well of an actor that some are questioning his sexuality, then he should have made his mark in Hollywood instead of the porn business. That nasty bitch Zach is stirring up shit for Brandon and dragged Hunter Page into this as well. As for Ryan Rose calling out Brandon, I don’t think for a second that Brandon is scared of him and would kick his ass. This is shaping up to be the biggest porn feud in a long time with so many players and Sean Cody has yet to even respond. So we have that to look forward to!! I think the texts are as fake as the Twitter account.
First of all Im tired of you defending straight douche bag porn models.
Second, I used to be like you when I had my SC account a few months ago. I REGRETTED IT
Third, I agree with you Zach is a nasty bitch specially when you disagree with him in his fave models and opinions, then the asian owner of QMN, @sxg, @JJ, @andrew, @Filip of Sweden and you the seventh nasty bitch here.
Your usually intolerant words and vulgar characterizations of others tell us what kind of a person you are.
Well Im glad I wasnt like you.
@Jordi Lim: Most of the postings on TheSword are kept in a decent tone – let´s keep it that way. Let us discuss the issues and not throwing dirt on each other.
At the same time I had to laugh. I have never been called a “nasty bitch” on any Gay Porn blog earlier. I didn´t really get what we seven persons have done wrong? Is it that we have defended models who are (or probably are) G4P?
@Filip,Sweden My apology to you. Sorry!
Trust me when I say all others bow down to you when the title of Nasty Bitch is handed out around here. All that Brandon (supposedly) said is that he doesn’t like dick, and it takes a lot for him to make it look like he does on camera. That is honesty, brutal to some but still honesty.. He never called down gay people or SC/Brandon fans. Plus we don’t know what it was that triggered this supposed blow up to begin with. It’s people like you who have these unreal expectations about gay porn that are the real problem, you think everything you see is real and that the models are all in love with each other and go home afterwards with each other to live in the land of rainbows and unicorns once the shoot is over. G4P haters like you can’t tell the difference between fantasy and reality.. It’s quite pathetic to tell you the truth.. There you go; brutal honesty just like “Brandon”…Now go clutch those pearls!
Yes you’re really Pathetic. The problem with you straight addicts is when you couldnt shut your mouth when we gave our comments and sadly not in favor to your models that’s when you enter the discussions. So next time whatever opinions I/we gave WILL YOU LEAVE MY/our COMMENTS ALONE. PLEASE.
Read the comment by Jordi Lim and tell me, whatever your position on the issue, that you understand his broken English.
I found the real Brandon on Instagram and most of the pictures than appear on there appear on this Twitter page but not all of them.
He seems like a really nice guy but totally straight :(
No link to it. Why not? We need evidence. The real Brandon did some modeling. Why all the cover up? The purpose of the fake names is too only delay the discovery, eventually it gets out. If they want security, they shouldn’t do porn in the age of the Internet.
jefflangenderfer on Instagram.
Ireland, you suck! What gives you the right to post his real name on a public website. If he wanted his real name out there, he would have used it when he worked for Sean cody. Now every freak in the world can look the guy up. Why don’t you post your real name on this website?! Come on let us all know who you are. You like to invade peoples privacy, so now its your turn. Give us your real name!
J.W. You need to remove Irelands post. Not appropriate!
I agree 150%!! Why isn´t the posting that reveals the IG-account already removed???
I also very much agree with @Derek on what he wrote about @Ireland.
Since when did The Sword reveal porn models true names? Even the other porn blogs have standards that they won’t reveal real names out of respect and privacy.. If it was a case of it being in the public domain like say an court appearance or arrest record then that’s o.k. But not like this. Shame on that fucking dumb bitch Ireland for posting Brandon’s real name. What a scumbag move!
Now tell us Ireland’s real name.
@Ireland- you’ve done nothing wrong str8upgayporn did it many times. It’s ok.
Though it very much happens that seemingly normalish semi-famous people are douches in real life, yeah, this ain’t Brandon. With the money he makes on just two films for SC he could save the money to move wherever he wanted… the guy doesn’t need any help. I also highly doubt a guy whose backstory is being on his own at 16 and still graduating high school would be looking for money donations for something as ordinary as moving. And of all the models on the site, I can see a few of them acting like this- he ain’t one of them.
Yet models seem to think they’re entitled to free gifts from Amazon, which some lonely, desperate porn viewers oblige. You’d thinkyou could tus buy your own iPad or tacky drawers. Same logic.
“The real Brandon is likely forbidden from having a Twitter presence, as all Sean Cody models seem to be after signing contracts.”
This is a popular misconception.
The only contract any SC performer ever signs is (1) an agreement concerning the specific shoot he is being hired to do and (2) an optional 90-day noncompete agreement for which he receives a few hundred dollars. Neither contract contains any promise of future hiring. Unlike studios such as Falcon and MEN, SC doesn’t offer and “package” movie deals.
However, SC does assert a dubious trademark on the stage name he assigns his performers. E.g, “Mac™ is a trademark of Cody Media Inc.” However, “Mac” does have social media accounts under his real name in Facebook, Twitter and ModelMayhem. Cody Media’s dubious claim to a trademark on the name “Mac” might restrict Mac’s use of that name, it prevent him from, say, acknowledging that he is the SC performer known as “Mac”. And “Mac” 1st Amendment rights would surely override any contract provision against social media accounts.
Hey – Would love it if you’d just pick a name to comment under and stick to it. Thx.
Sorry about that. Your system was not displaying the comments I was posting and I kept getting “internal server error” messages. I didn’t think any my submissions got through. That is why I entered the “test” comment. And then about an hour later I suddenly started getting a slew of email confirmations posts that I thought never got into the your system.
The real Brandon of SC is a beautiful human being, inside and out.
What a delusional queen you are. He’s never gonna fuck you, so get over it mama!
I’m not interested in having Brandon fuck me. I just enjoy watching this beautiful muscular guy in gay sex scenes.
Why do you refer to guys with whom you disagree using female terms like “queen” and “mama”? Does that indicate a dislike for females?
Yeah I agree. sigh*
@FieldMedic. You hit it right. :-)
Actually @andrew is g4p fanatic, you can read his comment in every blogsites ( TheSword, QMN, Men Of Porn, WayBig, etc.) showing his love for them
I’m not a gay4pay fanatic and I am certainly not a gay4pay hater, like you. I enjoy watching beautiful muscular guys, regardless of their real sexual orientation, get it on in hot guy/guy sex. Since it is impossible to look into a guy’s brain to see what his actual sexual attractions and desires are, I don’t spend too much time thinking about it. I just enjoy their on screen performances.
“The real Brandon is likely forbidden from having a Twitter presence, as all Sean Cody models seem to be after signing contracts.”
No. This is a popular fiction about SeanCody actors.
Each SeanCody actor is hired strictly for a particular shoot with no promise of any future hirings. If the actor signs the optional 90-day non-compete agreement, all he receives is a few hundred dollars but he gets no promise that he will be hired again during or after that 90-day period. There are no Sean Cody actors “under contract.”
“The real Brandon is likely forbidden from having a Twitter presence, as all Sean Cody models seem to be after signing contracts.”
No. This is a popular fiction about SeanCody actors.
Each SeanCody actor is hired strictly for a particular shoot with no promise of any future hirings. If the actor signs the optional 90-day non-compete agreement, all he receives is a few hundred dollars but he gets no promise that he will be hired again during or after that 90-day period. There are no Sean Cody actors “under contract.”
“The real Brandon is likely forbidden from having a Twitter presence, as all Sean Cody models seem to be after signing contracts.”
No. This is a popular fiction about SeanCody actors.
Each SeanCody actor is hired strictly for a particular shoot with no promise of any future hirings. If the actor signs the optional 90-day non-compete agreement, all he receives is a few hundred dollars but he gets no promise that he will be hired again during or after that 90-day period. There are no Sean Cody actors “under contract.”
They could still sign something that says “I will never start a Twitter account or lay claim to my porn name as given by Sean Cody…”
Anyone can agree to anything, but that doesn’t make the agreement enforceable, either legally or practically. Several SC performers have Twitter accounts and other social-media accounts under their real names–Sean Cody’s “Stu”, “Mac”, & “Noel”, to name a few. Sean Cody’s “Jarek” opened a Facebook account under the name “Jarek SeanCody” in April, months before his last SC movie was released (Sep. 2013), and he continued to use Facebook name “Jarek SeanCody” until sometime in late November 2013 (when he changed the name to “Jarec Wentworth” when he signed up to do his first solo and duo for Randy Blue)–in spite of Sean Cody’s dubious legal claim to a trademark on the name “Jarek”: “Jarek™ is a trademark of Cody Media Inc.”
Furthermore, some SC performers use social media to promote business interests that are completely separate from their occasional work for SC. Any contract provision that purports to restrict such use of social media accounts would be struck down under California law as contrary to public policy.
he just mad because he hands down has the smallest cock in porn.