Pigs? In black face? Oh dear. Or, are they victims of an oil spill? And they’re peeing on each other?! Yes. YES. These are fantastic:
The third guy with Adam Killian and Landon Conrad is Ryan Collins, and these are all from photographer Justin Monroe. More here.
…this is so racist
Get your inner tubes ready, if God sees this wacky shit she’s gonna send another flood.
Justin Monroe rocks!
To quote S. Epatha Merkeson, “That’s naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasty.”
“Two legs good. Four legs bad!”
So which one is Snowball, which one Napoleon, and which is Old Major?
This is more disturbing than the pictures from Ranch Hands.
Well it could be worse…they could be rolling around in excrement like real pigs do.
It’s great to see Landon doing some work much less vanilla, but Justin Monroe is one of the most shitastic “photographers” out there. He makes Adam Bouska look like Andy Warhol. He tries so hard to be like David Lachapelle too. Not to mention that he is almost bankrupt, he had to go create a rentboy profile just to pay the bills.
David LaChappelle wouldn’t blow his nose on that backdrop.
I think it is appropriate that Landon Conrad is wearing a diamond necklace. My only question is where is her matching tiera??
I could imagine many colors other than black. What’s up with the white obsession with black face? And don’t get me started on the rest of it.
Black is the leather/fetish community color and sexpigs are part of that.
Was this photo shoot done at an Olan Mills?
LULZ. classic.
I didn’t think they could make Adam Killian any LESS attractive, but they have.
blackface gay pigs in the sky with diamonds.
Adam Killian’s ass always looks delicious! Are these just pics or is there a video of them going at it?
Adam Killian’s face looks a lot better like this ! Hot :)
why are they in the clouds? is that like a pigs in space reference?