We first saw Allen King in Men.com’s POW series where he got to fuck and get fucked by Paddy O’Brian. Now he’s back with a pair of new scenes where he also gets to top and bottom.
And yeah, he can fuck.
First there’s this flip-fuck with Axel Brooks called Role Play that’s really pretty crazily hot.
Then we have this newest scene with Leo Domenico, one of their office-themed scenes a la Men At Play, complete with hosiery. It’s called The Business of Sex Part 2, and here we see Allen doing his bottoming best.
whatever name he has, who cares? He’s sort of cute, prefer him to borrom too and his hot in lucio saints new porn site (full of promise), i prefer robbie rojo over him but they make a good couple:)
love my latino boys whatever name they carry
I used to like men.com but since kissing has disappeared completely (it Always has been bad) disappeared couldn’t care less
The latino population wouldnt support that Allen King for choosing an english name.. Straight porn are always on bareback why not us. I hope he transfer to a better studio and not that Men.com that Johhny Rapid owns.
I love the sexual energy this guy has. The first scene I saw him in was the Lucio Saints scene with Tommy Smith and it was so fucking hot.
Keep the rubbers ON. It’s hot. The notion of seroconverting for a few hundered bucks and a few hours of porn work is not worth it. Those guys got me boned and ready to bust a load in nothing flat WITH rubbers.. Condoms don’t create non-sex. They just avoid nonsensical health risks.
This is porn. No one cares.
I wanna see bareback porn, and I wanna see Allen King do bareback.
ur sick and insane, european pornstars in general are better educated in the safe seks bizz and do protect themselves with a little plastic u can hardly even see.
and yes he IS cute when he plays the little slut bottom bitch but ROBBIE ROJO -also a spanish newcomer- is much hotter and sexie rin my pornbook
Is that why the majority of European porn in general is bareback? and why struggling condom studios in the U.S. outsource bareback productions from Europe? LOL
Protect yourself in the real world. Know the difference. In porn, I don’t care nor do I want to see that.
andrew, you should probably care about real gay issues like violence/hate crime against gays, civil rights, etc. instead of fighting against bareback gay porn.
“This is porn. No one cares”. How do you watch porn models, get aroused by porn models, beat off to porn models and then say you don’t care about their health? That’s a cold and heartless comment. I speak out in favor of condom use because BB sex is a danger to the health of people, gay and straight.
You don’t care. Don’t speak for the rest of us. I care.
Saw the scene with Axel Brooks and I loved seeing Axel get fucked by a smaller guy. It sucks though because that last pic of Axel topping Allen is kind of misleading. He only “fucks” him for like a minute, and I don’t even think Axel even penetrated Allen you don’t see any dick action at all.
Allen is definitely a hottie who is capable of being a good versatile performer, I hope we see more of him!
real gay or fake gay?
He’s really cute. He should let his ass hair grow, it’ll look better than razor bumps.
So is he from Spain? I’ve seen him on Spanish porn sites
Yes, He is from Bilbao, Spain
Allen is King. Man he’s sexy. Guys like him keep me at Men and also their use of condoms which shows that safer sex can be hot sex.
That boy is so completely photogenic … and that sweet/devlish face. He’s already a star.
America’s Next Top Boy. He’s adorable.
Somebody please tell me what is it with these “religious” tattoos that gay pornstars have; I’m talking about that arabic tattoo this guy has which says, exactly, “Maria Jesus”, no more no less; what does that even mean??
Yeah condom sex is fake sex. Like swimming in a tuxedo.
You’re an asshole.
Good to see that Men.com sticks away from bareback!
And Viva Leo Domenico, as long as he stays away from barebacking.
Amen to both. Allen is one of my current favourites, and one of the few who has yet to disappoint me by glorifying unsafe sex. Long may he continue.