Remember how I thought Dalton Pierce was pretty hot, and 75% of Sword readers agreed? Yeah, forget it.
It’s kind of like when a guy you’re dating farts in bed for the first time and let’s you see you what he looks like hungover with his glasses on. Except in this case, Dalton still looks good naked, it’s just that I’m forced to watch him get fucked (bareback) by a couple of totally gross dudes while he’s wearing some weird orange harness, leaning awkwardly on a concrete planter wall in front of a hideous water feature in a new scene from Dallas Reeves.
And what the fuck is up with that glove??????????
And then Dalton pisses on himself. And he asks everybody else in this five-man orgy to piss on him. And then he asks everyone to cum on him, and there he is with these gross dudes’ flopping ballsacks and limp dicks next to his head. And I guess the closeup of all the cum on his face, with that orange harness still on, I just… my boner is gone. All of this just killed my boner, and my crush.
Not even Johnny Forza wearing leather is enough to save this one.
[ Orgy With Boots and Lots of Bareback]
Seriously. Yes SERIOUSLY… AIDS/HIV is not gone. Not over. Not cheap. Not sexy adding drugs to your kale diet. Not done. It’s not the 80’s anymore- it’s 20+ years later and AIDS sadly is uncured and still deadly. Imagine adding that to everything else that happens… cancer, old age, glaucoma.. it’s fine to find the fun side to a challenge but it’s grossly presumptious to think we’re outta the woods on this one. Think.
Seriously people? Bareback fucking does not equal HIV or AIDS. Educate yourselves!
I much rather watch beautiful, erotic, passionate scenes from studios like cockyboys or romantic “boyfriend” scenes from other studios than this type of stuff that turns me off…. But to each his own
fucken hot shit, so you don’t like complain man. Just cause he’s an actor and chooses to do more things that he himself but like in his personal life isn’t bad and we has fans choose to say hey thats hot or if don’t like it then don’t say anything it at all and go on with your life like a man.
I think the scene is rather hot.
“Totally gross dudes?” Are you fucking serious?! No way. All the guys in this scene are hot… and so is the piss.
Wow. I guess the budget was so tight they could only afford one glove.
None of them get HIV cause they are all straight. Heterosexuality the safest way to film gay porn!
…and they all died of complications from HIV/AIDS. The end.
Watching porn must be a real fun time if all you think about is the hiv status of the stars and then them dying. what gives you and anyone else the right to make guesses as the the hiv status of the actors. it’s a video produced for entertainment not gossiping on someone’s hiv status.
Entertainment has real life consequences. When you’re barebacking, it’s not a matter of if you’re going to get AIDS but when. Why not minimize the spread of an incurable deadly disease? If these guys didn’t take Truvada before the scene, they’ll like be taking it after. Take responsibility for your actions.
I think all the guys are hot with the exception of the flabby chunky one with what looks like a beer gut, 2nd from the right in the last pic. And I’m into some kink, and I love it when attractive healthy-looking guys are into it as well. These days it seems like you have to look like something is wrong with you to get into kinkier things.
The guy you don’t find attractive, and neither do I, is the owner of the site, Dallas Reeves. I would watch his videos if he wasn’t in them. I don’t like him much in person either. Just something about him that gets my hackles up.
Also, He and his partner adopted a baby, and something about that, active porn star, adopting a kid bothers me a great deal.
I like him now!!
Except for the bb
Dalton Pierce looks like he’s only into vanilla sex- but he’s actually pretty nasty.
He’s also a member of the #bbh (bareback brotherhood)