Once again pimping about nine different brands at once, Andrew Christian, in partnership with this gay mag called Winq, Gaytube, and the Chinese Grindr which is called Blued, has put out a Valentine’s video, which is “a date” with Topher DiMaggio.
I have no goddamn idea why or how the Chinese Grindr got attached to this, and I don’t see Topher scoping for Chinese dates on the app during the actual video, but they do show him perusing Winq on an iPad Topher reads, you guys! And they manage to work in a plug for Los Angeles restaurant Pump, the “sexy” restaurant owned by Real Housewife of Beverly Hills, Lisa Vanderpump.
But yes, just watch and dream of how it could be you there hanging out with Topher, getting a Valentine from him, following him naked through the house, watching him shake his ass just for you and bake you cookies, let you shave a heart into his pubes, then have a pillow fight, and then sexily eat chocolates on the sofa (see below: not sexy). Then he’ll giving you a teddy bear and flowers and take you to dinner at Pump and OMG WILL THIS EVER END?!
Anyway, it does look like Topher might need to re-learn how to eat.
[h/t: Banana Blog]
topher was much better looking during his randy blue days, but he’s still hot and good looking but beinga top is so ridiculous. Anyway most of these andrew christian vids are soooo boring : no eroticism at all, way too fast one can hardly focus on the underwear or bodies or asses, sad as some of the latino models are quit ehot
Have you heard him talk? He comes off as a complete moron. Not attractive at all..
I think that Topher is one of the most beautiful men in the world. I have actually met him twice, once a few years ago at IMl and last year at the Grabbys and despite the fact that I am 74 and not all that good looking he was very polite and cordial. Anything with Topher in it does it for me.
Like this guy, he looks hot and sexy. Can you be my Valentino.
I am a major Topher fan. I just can’t hate this video. As one of those who is sadly alone this “National Singlehood Awareness Day (A.K.A. Valentine’s)”, I will gladly watch this and imagine one of the hottest boys working today is my love…if even only for one day. *sigh*
You can try on underwear in store? I am presuming they were all paid for?
You, children, should see his new boyfriend. The guy is dreamy. He even took a pic with Taylor Lautner at a nearby gay bar..
Love me some Topher. He is one hot Italian Boy.
Topher DiMaggio. Really? There are so many other porn part-time underwear models that I would rather “follow around the house.”
Topher came across as sweet; I find him sweet and sexy!
……However that being said, I wonder how many takes were required for the above Valentine candy scene? Topher looks like he needs to avoid chocolates and whipped cream for a while.