Jayden Grey was bored enough to tweet about a client who hired him as escort, and now I’m bored enough to write about it. And by “write” I mean dump screenshots of his tweets and embed videos of his client below. I hope this client doesn’t mind!
But, before Jayden boarded his flight to Houston for the overnight client, the TSA at LAX cited him for marijuana. Don’t worry though, it was medicinal. And don’t worry because he has a lawyer! Also, young and fit Jayden Grey has a medical marijuana card? Is one of his WeHo clients a medical doctor?
Anyway, never try to take a gay porn star’s pot.
Once Jayden landed in Houston, he uploaded this video via his Twitter account, stating that, even without his pot, he is sexy.
And then he met his client, who was also sexy. Two sexy guys in Houston! With no pot.
Later, after he was given the “OK” by the client, he tweeted a photo of them together. I concur with Jayden that he is kind of fucking sexy, for someone who hires escorts. Holy shit.
Little else is know about the client, save for the fact that he is Lebanese. Let’s call him “Mr. Fun.”
And then they had sex (presumably).
The end.
ADDED: The morning after.
Don’t be stupid, Mike. If we ate like that you wouldn’t jerk off to videos of us. I’m not sure if Jayden is more or less misguided than several of the comments in this ill-informed “conversation.”
Why do you have to spoil fantasis like this!?Some ppl need to imagine all of you as white trash drug addict illiterate assholes eating bologna everyday otherwise how are they suppose to recognize you when you are among *gasp* them decent normal people?!
So sorry ;-) Please pass the bologna. (Should I have left the “please” off?)
you see?you’ll never learn!hehe
I have to admit reading his Twitter of his “date night” in Houston is pretty funny. “Going to eat at a really nice place…..” Well, it wasn’t Cafe Annie or Maxims or Brennan’s in Houston. Cheesecake Factory. So high-school prom-ish. But I guess most porn guys do the fast food thing or WonderBread and bologna every day, so good for you!
I dunno. I’d be the last person to say no to supper at Erling Jensen or Hunt Phelan, but I’d certainly not turn my nose up if a nice guy wanted to take me to Cheesecake Factory either. (Sadly, we don’t have one.) I think his enthusiasm is one of the redeeming features of this festival of possibly-inappropriate sharing.
That last vid was great…chamber-of-commerce weather in H-town right now…There are hott and sexxxy guy all over Houston from all over the world. Take it from a native
I don’t think it takes much to get a medicinal marijuana card these days, healthy or not. Oddly enough, every time I see this guy, one word pops into my head, tedious! Much like a certain deranged cowboy, there sure is a lot of drama going on in his life. Perhaps they could get a reality show on Logo, couldn’t be any worse than A List.
If this isn’t the dictionary definition of Doing The Most, I don’t know what is. . .
ugh… you should do a blog of pornstars who’s voices kill their image… case in point….
Judging by the way Jayden acts in these videos, what he tweets on Twitter, and how he generally runs his life- this line of work really works for him.
Really? He’s dumb enough to leave a prostitute asleep at home while he goes to work?
HaHa. All Hail the proud slut. Why isn’t this bottom boy in every DVD being used and abused properly? Time to market your own stuff, Jayden. Amateur is so much hotter anyway – he should spend a weekend with those Maverick guys who sell like hotcakes.