Until a third party witness steps forward, we’re forced to piece everything together from Brent and Michael’s own words, along with bread crumbs of what unfolded in public. Below, a picture of Brent Corrigan with ex-boyfriend Grant Roy on the left and current boyfriend Paul on the right.
3:00 PM: At the GayVN ceremony dress rehearsal, Michael Lucas objects to Brent Corrigan presenting GayVN awards. A few minutes later, on Twitter, Michael claims “I just had Brent Corrigan kicked out of the GayVN Awards tonight… that criminal brat has put too many in this industry at risk already.”
4:00 PM: At the dress rehearsal, Brent Corrigan acknowledges to us that he knows he’s unpopular with part of the industry. “Quite honestly, I don’t think people have really ever liked me very much to begin with because of the way I started underage. It’s not a fact that I’m proud of. I was seventeen. That’s a reason and not an excuse.”
6:58 PM: The sound system breaks down briefly at the GayVNs. Lucas on Twitter: “Mother of pearls! Now the sound system broke…they better get it working before I get up there. I have something to say…”
8:02 PM: The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection is honored by the City of San Francisco. Lucas then storms the stage and accuses GayVN of hypocrisy for honoring a former underage performer despite its stance against child pornography. Later, on Twitter, Michael asks “After protecting kids online award-I stormed the stage to ask how they claim they dont promote child porn when Brent Corrigan’s been awarded”
Later, in his press release detailing the nights events, Lucas recalled “During my call to action Corrigan’s boyfriend rushed to the stage and started yelling insanely at me to get off the microphone. As I was leaving the theatre, several people were warning me to watch my back, as some overheard Corrigan’s boyfriend making threats to my address.
Of course, following the awards, when the cameras disappeared the stories diverge more dramatically.
1:45 AM: Michael and Brent’s boyfriend Paul meet at the afterparty. A few minutes later, a visibly shaken Michael tells us Paul “hit me” and that he’ll be leaving the club.
1:50 AM: A few minutes later Michael details a second interaction:
Corrigan’s boyfriend came up to me and bumped his chest against mine … He then threatened that he was going to kill me and demand that we leave the club together immediately so that he could break my neck. The club’s security swiftly came and separated him; he came back and told me that he will splash acid into my face, “which will be the end of your career.
He forced his body into Paul (my boyfriend of almost one year) and stepped on his toes and shoes. Michael immediately was hostile and a shouting match began. Paul requested the aid of two security officials of the venue. A warning was issued to Michael Lucas. The club was loud, there were many people around but words could not easily be heard over the noise unless you were within inches of the incident like I was. Despite this and what lies have been told, no threats of bodily harm or death were made ever to Michael Lucas. Names were called and threats of social ruin and disdain were made.
2:30 AM: Michael returns to the hotel, phones the cops. The cops arrive at Brent’s hotel room but the no one is there.
6:00 AM: In an unrelated note, Lucas Creative Director mr. Pam texts us. “omg. just had hot sex w the hot cab driver. just got home. lol.” At least someone was having fun!
7:00 AM: Michael calls the cops again. The cops go to Brent’s hotel room and find him and his boyfriend in bed. According to Lucas:
They talked to Corrigan and his boyfriend for about twenty minutes, and then handcuffed the boyfriend and took him into custody. … They asked me if I would be willing to fly to California in the case of a trial, and I said absolutely, as I don’t take threats to my life very cavalier.
As Brent recalls:
Paul and I woke the following morning at 8 AM with several police officers at our bedside. Paul was cuffed and taken out into the hallway so he could be questioned separately from me. … There was no resist or hostility from either parties; the cuffs were used as a precaution.
We’re waiting to see the actual police report. In the meantime, our grandmother used to tell us to “believe half of what you see and none of what you hear” and at this point we’re content to let Michael and Brent work out whatever they need to work out through the legal system and in the privacy of their own blogs.
GayVN 2009: Pics from Inside the Castro
Brent Corrigan: “It’s Wide Open From Here”
Will Obama Usher In a New Definition of ‘Underaged’?
UPDATED GayVN Awards: The Red Carpet Fashion! Glamour! Gay-lebrities!
Musto v. Lucas: Battle of the Michaels
The Stuntman (Brent Corrigan Inc)
Michael Lucas blog
top image credit: Darwin Bell
second image credit: Brandon Norris
How can anyone hold Corrigan accountable for actions he took as a CHILD? It seems to me that he was very clearly exploited by older men looking to capitalize on his youth, and I find it disgusting that those individuals are not bearing the brunt of the criticism.
@ paul (june 2011): it’s like a rape victim. stupid people blame the victim and not the rapist. they say, “well she shouldn’t have dressed herself in a short skirt and look like a whore.” uh, that is simply wrong. no one ever says “well the rapist should’ve been taken off the streets” or “the rapist was wrong”
i agree, if he was a minor when he made these videos, he was clearly exploited by the adults allowing him and pressuring him to do these things. also i’d say that the government failed him as well. if you are abandoned by your parents and have no means to support yourself except to live with an older dude then i’m pretty sure you’re going to get exploited (emotionally or financially dependent, whatever). brent’s story sounds really sad and i wonder why all these people try to make him out to be a ‘brat’. from what i’ve read on wiki he is anything but a brat. i think he had a rough childhood.
Minor or not, in 17 you are able to make your own decisions. I’m not on either side, Michael’s or Brent’s, but your rape victim simile is so exaggerated…
Although the prosecutors didn’t believe Corrigan was complicit in the murder of Bryan Kocis, I wonder. Cobra Video claimed to have three forms of ID provided them by Corrigan showing he wasn’t underage; did his attorneys ever furnish them with proof that he was? Either way, Corrigan’s a liar. Sure, he’s cute and acts innocent, but that was also true of Harlow Cuadra, and he’s doing life without parole. Pretty poison, some of these people.
Sounds like Michael’s a bit upset now that he’s overshadowed by someone younger and sexier. Pitty.
brent isn’t underage anymore. he made a mistake and it’s time for everyone to move on. lucas comes off as a an aging (who uses too much botox) man jealous of the younger guy. if he was really concerned about child pornography, he would do better to focus his negative, jealous energy on getting the laws changed to be stricter, better enforced, and making it easier for police to hold the companies responsible that fail to better check these guys ages. i used to get into bars when i was 20, two years ago. it’s the bars fault for not checking better.
brent’s bf is beautiful, you should take a look at his myspace bigpaulmartinez lucas could take some tips on how to work put from bc’s boyfriend
I think Brent could get a better looking boyfriend.
In one of the pictures shown on this post, with his red-and-white-striped shirt and bright green tie, Brent Corrigen looks like he is marching in an Easter parade as a strip of ribbon candy.
That’s exactly how sickeningly sweet he is, too, with his “butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth” explanations of this situation.
Makes me puke!
I couldn’t agree more with Michael Lucas about the necessity of taking an uncompromising stand against child pornography!
It’s fun to watch Lucas destroy himself. I’m not in the industry, but I still have developed a sour view of this guy. He’s such a douchebag. And sorry, behavior like this does not turn me in– it poisons his movies and every scene he appears in. Brent Corrigan shouldn’t be forced to pay forever for the sins of his youth, just as none of us should. Does Lucas think people should be locked up for the rest of their lives after committing petty crimes, too? How Russian.
It’s not about being a fan of either Corrigan or Lucas. This is about inappropriate behavior.
One seems to have a vendetta against the other and will do anything to try to disrupt his life.
Fan or not: it is wrong.
For one pushing 40, Lucas is acting very immature.
For 22, Corrigan is acting like an adult and a professional.
Grant got up and yelled at him to get off the stage (Just like everyone else) from the aisle, but other than that no one rushed the stage.I wouldn’t say im a fan of Brent Corrigan, but I know one thing for sure…. Michael Lucas = Joke
I love, love, LOVE that you felt compelled to include the totally random interstitial of mr. Pam’s text. Honestly, it’s those sorts of little touches that make TheSword one of my favorite blogs.
Lucas is lying.
The streaming video shows no one “rushing the stage” save Lucas himself. Sean’s boyfriend, Marco Paul was either in the wings or sitting in the audience.
I have mentioned this elsewhere, but it bears repeating. This whole thing snowballs with a Lucas tip (a phone call?) to Jason Sechrest. Sechrest should have been responsible and got confirmation from 3rd parties about this “altercation.” Sechrest did not and posted only Lucas’ tip for an apparent scoop. A bit later, there is an update, Now, that would tend to suggest some basic researching had taken place. Not so. What is the nature of the update? It is a Lucas generated press release. Press releases are meant to sell, hype, and promote. Press releases are not known to be FACT DOCUMENTS.
No confirmation from the SFPD. Handcuffing does not equate into arrrest. Detained perhaps for questioning–Sean’s info reported above tends to bear that out. Who claimed Sean was arrested? Michael Lucas. Certainly looks more and more as if Lucas has a credibility problem while Sean has been a consummate gentleman.
No one saw that because it didn’t happen (Paul rushing the stage) Michael Lucas is SURPRISE Lying.
Was he not aware there were 1200 guests and a live Web Stream to contradict his falsehoods!
And why has the fact Michael Lucas was arrested in Chelsea for assaulting his neighbor last spring?
Michael Lucas is a depraved Psycho!
and the true stain on OUR buisness!
Please fill in one blank:
Lucas said in his statement, “During my call to action Corrigan’s boyfriend rushed to the stage and started yelling insanely at me to get off the microphone.”
I was there. I saw nobody rush the stage other than Mr Lucas. Confirm? I think it belongs in the timeline.
Your grandmother is a smart woman. Reminds me of my mother who used to say about bullies “don’t pay them any attention … that’s why they want.” In this case, friends, you’re letting the terrrorists win.
I was there. Did not see anyone rush to the stage.
I was at the afterparty and watched Lucas being yelled at …and then saw security seperate the two.
When i left around 2pm i saw Lucas and 2 others out front standing about.
Shortly after security broke up the two and Lucas was left alone I went to Lucas and asked him… “Can I take a photo with you?” Of course he said, “Later!”
However, later never happened of course.
correction… no one besides Michael Lucas rushed ON stage.