Update: Mike Dozer Now Also Charged With Possession of Child Porn

Embattled porn star Mike Dozer, who’s currently out on bail in his Delaware home [see update below] awaiting trial for statutory rape and endangerment of a minor (a 14-year-old he allegedly hooked up with on Grindr in Pennsylvania last summer), now faces federal charges both for transporting that minor over state lines and for possession of child pornography.

The child porn charge could possibly stem from Dozer’s being in possession, on his cell phone, of nude pics of the kid he was hooking up with, whose age, his lawyer contends, Dozer was not aware of at the time. The two traded photos and ultimately met up using the app Jack’d.

As Str8upGayPorn reports, Dozer has also been charged under the Mann Act, for transporting a minor across state lines for illegal sex acts. Tweets to this effect were deleted between yesterday and today.

The rape charges against Dozer didn’t come along until December, and it seems the alleged sex acts in question happened last July or August, so it’s unclear what happened in the interim. Dozer, who is HIV positive, has been charged with reckless endangerment in the state of Pennsylvania, possibly for exposing the kid to HIV (or just for trying to hook up with him), charges which his lawyer has deemed homophobic. Dozer has claimed previously that he ended the encounter when he found out the kid’s actual age.

Dozer took to Twitter yesterday (or one of his reps did) for the first time since November 27 to thank fans and others for their support. He did so in the first person, but then announced his trial dates in the third person. He’ll be facing the rape charges in PA on May 7, and will appear in federal court on June 2. He has already been arraigned and pled not guilty to all charges. His attorney is expecting that the state court date will be continued pending the outcome of the federal case.

Plus, he tweeted out a new nude pic of himself. Appropriate?

UPDATE: Dozer took to Twitter again to correct earlier accounts, and to note that he was not released on bail from state prison, as previously believed, but was actually put directly in federal prison, where he remains. Tweeting. But the nude pic he tweeted on Sunday has been deleted.




25 thoughts on “Update: Mike Dozer Now Also Charged With Possession of Child Porn”

  1. Now they are just throwing whatever they can at this guy to insure he goes down, I’m not saying he isn’t guilty but I’m not so inclined to believe a teenager who
    goes on adult hook-up sites looking for sex and whatever emotional attachment. It’s no that far fetched for me to believe this kid lied about his age and the fact he knew
    Dozer was HIV positive in order to start something with him; he’s a attractive guy so if some teenager was able to convince him to hook up, I’m sure they would fargo the severity of situation.

  2. Of all the people of age he has access too in this sex industry..he still trolls on Grindr,,,LOL
    Can you say..SEX ADDICT!!

    1. Actually a good number of pornstars still troll the gay hookup apps. I’ve seen Aitor Crash, Landon Conrad, Scott Hunter, and Parker Perry on Scruff. My friend showed me Topher was on Grindr as well. And an Aussie cam model from Sydney told me he sees Rogan Richards on Grindr when he’s in town.

      1. Colby Keller wrote in his blog years ago that after had filmed porn he was still horny in his hotel room and than he used his hookup app’s count to get sex with THREE other guys ( One at a time ).

  3. lol y’all shouldn’t get all horned up over that photo because it is SEVERELY photosohpped. Mark Henderson does a ton of photoshopping on his pics. They manage to make overly feminine and twinkish Skylar West look like he’s a male physique model (which he is FAR from it).

    Compare that pic with what Dozer looks like the last scene of his that’s been released and you’ll notice some large differences. Regardless of this whole mess and what a mess he was before this, I still find the unphotoshopped Mike Dozer to be attractive, which boggles my mind why he got himself into this type of situation in the first place. He’s attractive enough that he shouldn’t need to get himself involved into something like this.

  4. that shot is way hot… even his calves are built. He developed his whole body nicely. And the hairiness is great.

    I hope he’s not guilty. And it was a framing/mistake.

  5. I concur on the photo–it is a good shot. As for his legal issues, I’m not saying a word, since I am not involved in any of it…..and when you spout off about things you do not have an insight into, then you just come across like a gasbag. For his personal safety in jail, I hope he’s acquitted, because if he’s in because of a possible sex act with a minor, then he will not last long.

  6. He is entitled to a fair trial and no amount of amateur lawyering by anonymous people on the Internet changes that. No one who is commenting has access to evidence, witnesses, etc. to make judgments. That’s up to a jury of his peers.

    1. He was an embarrassment to the gay community before the child porn charges. My low opinion of him hasn’t changed one bit with these new charges. They only reinforce what we already knew.

    1. Yup. Even before he was arrested he wasn’t the most positive aspect in gay porn, much less the general gay community.

      1. Surely it’s about what actually did or didn’t happen, rather than whether or not the gay community values him. So many do not see the irrationality of bringing their politics into this.

      2. SXG “he wasn’t the most positive aspect in porn” actually tell me who is a positive aspect in porn?..
        You gives come up with the weirdest shyt to post..LoL

        1. You don’t know that. That came from an anonymous cop “source”, and it was only mentioned in one local news site. I seriously doubt Dozer would say he knew and didn’t care. That makes absolutely no sense.

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