LOL! A third nominee edit in as many days. On the far left, a screen shot from three days ago when there were 54 models nominated for Best Porn Star, with Brad McGuire rounding out the list. To its right, a screen shot from today, where there are now 56 models nominated thanks to Cybersocket adding Mike Dreyden and Dayton O’Connor (who should have been nominated to begin with) to the list. I thought nominations were based on fan votes? Were some of them not counted until this morning, almost a week after the nominee list was released? Want something or someone added to or removed from the list of Cybersocket nominees? Just email them–they’ll probably change it for you! [Cybersocket Awards]

The bitch holly is keeping her mouth closed.. I got other shit to bitch about thanks Liza LOL have a good day.. :)
For these awards and every other gay porn award, WHY are so many guys and movies and studios nominated?
It’s a complete JOKE when more than 5 are nominated in any category. Any list with 56 fucking nominees is a laugh riot and an EPIC FAIL.
Who the fuck runs these awards?
Hmm.. makes you wonder how accurate the winners will be.
Why do they keep changing the list? That’s f’d up.
Uh oh. What is that bitch Holly going to have to say about this???
Those lists are too long. I thought it was “Derek Atlas” not “Derrick Atlas”