Jake Lyons (a.k.a. Sam Hudson, a.k.a. Ian Endore) has written an open letter using his real name (Justin Krueger) to an unidentified straight porn studio asking to be cast in an upcoming production. Lyons made the letter public on Friday when he posted it to his “Twitlonger” account. Here is the letter:
Dear Studio,
My name is Justin Krueger. I am 22 years old and American. I am Caucasian Italian white boy. I’m str8. I used to do gay porno for a couple studios, and got sued by Corbin Fisher, and therefore have not filmed with a company in nearly 2 years. I have never fucked a girl, but I now know I’m str8, and have this fantasy and was hoping you could give me a hand fulfilling it.
I like your porno more than any other porno I’ve ever seen. I am getting tested tomorrow and will send you the results when I get them. I am HIV negative and have no STD’s. I am providing a delta itinerary number, all you have to do is call delta, and request to change the flight to *from Amsterdam *to California, assuming that’s where you are…
The change fee will be somewhere around $150. Is was a points flight, so all it requires is a small change fee…
I am stuck in Amsterdam at the moment… So, this would really be of help to me.
I want to my transition from gay to str8 to be filmed. I want to get fucked in the ass by many guys, who hold my face down into pussy, and fuck me and call me a fogott, while asking me if I like pussy. Then, after I take all their bad boy big dicked loads on and in my ass. I want to fuck my first pussy on camera.
I am dying to be with the blonde boy. I would do anything to be with him. Please.
We could call the DVD “We are going to fuck the fagot out of you!”
If this is not possible, perhaps you could pass my pics to the blonde boy, and maybe him and I can arrange something. I really want to get fucked by him as I have never seen a guy quite my type before. If not, I won’t be applying to different studio, as I considered my porn career over 2 years ago until I saw CreamPie 14.
You can see my pics on my website… SexyCamz.com/Jake, and I have attached more recent pics with my brand new tatoos and improved body.
Maybe the guys can double fuck me, or maybe the blonde guy can double fuck me with a girl with a strap on… ???
All ideas, and none of which is a necessity, just would be nice… I think…
I had gay fan base when I filmed adult porn, and a blog came out making fun of my ” turning Straight” this blog is friends with Corbin Fisher, that sued me… So, it would mean the world to me to get the chance to prove how str8 I am on camera.
If you like me, maybe it can be the start of something big ;)
I am very masculine now. Much more masculine than ive ever been… I have 18 inch biceps, and 8 inch dick.
I watched str8 porn first time in my life in recent weeks and I think my pussy light came on. Lol…
Your fan and hopefully new porn model,
I’m pretty easy going and up for whatever. I do smoke weed :) that’s why I’m in Amsterdam.
What is this ? guys sex https://www.pileshah.com/
I like the article.
I like many guys believe sex to be sex. It doesn’t matter as long as both or all are willing. I started with girls and went to guys where I belonged. Just have a good time is my motto.
I’ll take Jake HIV NEG or HIV POZ. He is one hot dude with a great smile, butt/hole and cock too, anyone who love being fucked that much has to be good. He’s always been beat on by all the bitchy queens and he just wants some fresh air to breathe. So what if he wants a sugar daddy, nothing wrong with that! He got most of you hot in his videos He seems like a nice guy regardless of all the bad comments made about him. Sure would like to met up with him someday/
I was with Justin in Amsterdam whilst he wrote this! He was on another world and trust me (in person) really isn’t the ‘man’ you think he is!!
He’s no bigger than 5ft …..a shitty personality and I wouldn’t be surprised if he was riddled with STD’s
Jake/Justin if you manage to read this!! This is Lee….the guy you ran off to Amsterdam….wishing you all the best in that cell you’re in!!
Jake must be awesome. After all, he knows the future – that he’s disease-free before he even gets tested? (But if he really knew the future, wouldn’t he have known not to get sued and do annoying things like, um, anything besides getting fucked?)
Maybe I’m the only one who’ll admit it – but I’d seriously watch this.
(But then again, I’d seriously watch ANYTHING this kid is in. Don’t know what’s going on with him, but he’s still HOT!!!
I’ll admit it.
(Though I agree with all the others who think he’s got serious issues to work through if he thinks dreaming up all of this makes him straight(er). And I’ve HAD pussy! )
Looks like Jake took down all but one of his youtube videos.Good for him, that was a smart thing to do!
you guys are all just haters… its cool…
I’m good. you guys are only saying I’m crazy because your not educated enough to say differently than the tittles…
Send The Sword a Youtube video and prove it’s actually you!
Let’s be real: What straight man would pay money to buy that video?
Since this is a gay PORN blog, I think we should remember that this kid put out some hot performances.
He’s also part of the reason I will never PAY for, only pirate, Corbin Fisher videos.
LooooSssssssssseeeeeeeeeRRRRRRRR !
If you are struggling with your sexuality this badly then you need to get out of porn and find a therapist.
In one of his rants on Youtube he claims to have been sexually abused by his parents and comes from a broken home. He’s obviously trying to fill an empty “hole” in his life, albeit his own!
His real name now is actually, Ian Pontus Hephaestus Endore. That’s no lie. He thinks he is Egyptian Royalty descended from a long line of noblemen. And that REALLY is his real name now!
Unfortunately, according to his new SexyCamz twitter feed, he’s on his “way back to America” then he says “On my way back to America ASAP! Cleveland to get stuff, then onto Oregon.” Looks like those Corbin Fisher surveillance vans will be doing a lot of driving.
Tweets by XxxCamz
lol. thats funny!
Maybe he was just being funny. I can’t take it serious.
This read to me as a inverse parody of the whole gay-for-pay, filming ‘straight’ guys doing their first gay experience phenomenon.
He says: …I’m a Caucasian Italian white (sic) boy: If he’s caucasian he’s white. And judging by his surname, if it is real, KRUEGER doesn’t seem italian. Maybe he’s half italian…
If I understood he was asking for money to come back to U.S.A. I’m not american so I want to know how is he allowed to stay in Amsterdan…Did he entry there as a turist? Do americans go to Europe without a visa in their passports ? Do americans go to England without a visa in their passports and then go to the continent? I’m just curious.
This guy is a mess.
Im already back in the US. On my way out to Cali this month!
Hmmm, I wonder if he still talks to trees?
Or is waiting for that undercover Corbin Fisher “Time Warner” surveillance van to leave his house:
Totally whacked out of HIS MIND! Somebody get him some help. He needs it. Seriously, this lollipop twink is in deep mental trouble.
But at least he has a good “O” face. :)
Sorry but I lol’d. This was pretty hilarious. And I don’t believe he needs that much therapy, but what I do think he needs is rehab. Clearly he’s smoking too much weed that he’s having irrational thoughts.
Poor kid, seriously needs to get out of porn and into therapy.
Am I the only one who finds his “scenario” really sexy? Maybe he just is bisexual, likes getting fucked and likes pussy. Yeah, he’s not the most articulate guy. And, yeah, he probably has some issues (unlike the rest of us, reading a porn blog). Maybe he’s just trying to hustle some cash outta his kinks.
Or he’s completely insane. Whatever. All I know is he takes a dick on camera better than most. Respect!
I don’t think his fantasy makes him crazy. Every other thing I have read about him does leave me with the impression that he is disturbed.
Hell I’d probably watch this porn scenario of his provided a slightly manlier dude was in it.
“I’m totally straight but i really one that blonde guy to fucked me” WTF???
Like seriously that letter is just a mess,poor guy.
i can’t see the point of making fun of an obviously deeply troubled young man.
i hope he gets the help he needs.
i hope he gets better.
and if he’s reading this: please get some help and please get off the porn industry or the internet. nothing good for you will come off it.
Is the blond guy in CreamPie 14?
I’m dying to see if he is, indeed, hot enough to turn a lollipop sucking queen into a pussy eating straight man who takes numerous loads up his fogott ass.
Hell ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Instead of laughing perhaps we should refer him to a trained psychiatrist. He clearly has lots and lots of issues regardless of his sexuality.
How about leaving the poor guy alone? He has many many issues, and making fun of him is not helping anyone.
But,I guess this is what this blog does.
BTW-He is really cute.
Would you feel the same way if he wasn’t cute? People ARE having fun at his expense and their intentions are likely not very altruistic. But maybe these comments will be more of a help (tough love) that people giving him a break because he’s cute. A kick in the butt is what he needs
You are right,Tony.If he was obese or ugly I would not be giving him any slack, but, neither would we be reading about him on a gay porn gossip blog.Because, for the most part, fat, ugly, and small penised dudes would not be able to do gay porn in the first place.
All the best-
Rob =)
Rob, I totally agree with you!
I don’t know this handsome young man personally, but for some reason this brought tears to my eyes.
He needs mental health treatment.Now.
18″ biceps is even more hilarious than the 8″ dick claim.
And neither of them have anything to do with how “masculine” a person supposedly is.
There’s lots of stupid going on here, but he flew to Amsterdam to smoke weed?
No, the full truth here is that he flew to the UK to make porn with BlakeMason.com he then flew to Amsterdam with myself where the full set of lies unravelled….
He’s totally insane!!
Oh dear mother mary and joseph….
Is that the pitch for some straight conversion therapy scheme? I bet some closeted greedy mind fuckers would love to get on that bandwagon and make a ton of money of gullable desperate fools who want to become straight by getting so much dick at once that they crave pussy for a change. It’s like that old aversios therapy myth of a dad forcing his kid to smoke dozens of cigarettes at once in front of him (and as a result puke his guts out) only to never try smoking ever again.
…”whomp bomp a Louie, we got us a ….”
I feel slightly better knowing that he is ‘stuck in Amsterdam’. I hope the marijuana is mellowing him out, but he definitely also needs to be treated with other meds as well. (those multiple names could be multiple ‘personalities’)
His posting is ‘too easy’ and I’m sure this thread and our comments will have the desired response of having him reply. Hasn’t he already requested on other threads that he be left alone ?? I’m sure this is ‘fair game’, but it would seem better for us all to honor that wish. It’s like watching a trainwreck at this point.
If there’s further follow-up on this guy, I hope it’s to say he’s under the necessary care and doing better. I know …. buzzkill.
See ?? Mission Accomplished, Zach …. Lyons responded all over this thread. Knew he would.
You gotta love how he says “I know I’m straight” and then spends the whole letter talking about how many guys he wants to fuck him in the ass and “I want the blond boy so much”
Isn’t that what all “straight” guys say? lol
is this real? I mean, did he really write this? because if he did…holy shit he’s delusional
“I’m very masculine now”…Hollywood couldn’t of written this any better!!..LoL
“I’m Straight”…these SEX workers are really fucked in the head among other places :-)
Has he ever fucked anything?
Ironically, the only studio which could fullfil his fantasy is Corbin Fisher. Only there you can see “straight” guys proving their straightness by taking 9 cocks at once or fucked to cum 4 times in a row.
He wants to ‘ prove ‘ for us he is straight but is desperate to be fucked by ‘ a blond guy ‘ on or off camera and suggests a plot where he would be fucked by ‘ many guys ‘…And finally add this pearl: ” Maybe the guys can double fuck me, or maybe the blond guy can double fuck me with a girl with a streap on ?
This guy is a fucking mess…Enough, Mary! I believe you . Go smoke some more weed.
Sounds like he wants sooooooo much pussy after he gets gangbanged apparently.
I hate where he says “str8” and “porno”.
I thought his real name was Peter.
My pussy light?!
If this studio doesn’t do it, someone should. He clearly wants to be fucked in the ass and turned away from his “foggot” ways. It could work!
“8 inch dick”? Ha! If this wasn’t so sad, it might be funny.
“I want to my transition from gay to str8 to be filmed. I want to get fucked in the ass by many guys, who hold my face down into pussy, and fuck me and call me a fogott, while asking me if I like pussy. Then, after I take all their bad boy big dicked loads on and in my ass. I want to fuck my first pussy on camera.”
Does he have mental problems??
I actually LOL’d at “call me fogott” and that pic in the middle
Boy done lost his mind.
As the guard says in Green Mile “That boy’s cheese has slid off his cracker”
He’s a few sandwhiches short of a picnic!
Like if Jay-Z had a brother, his name would be Cray!