Remember when this happened before?
Randy Blue has just made a new video with one of their undisputed stars, Diego Sans, and in-house director Jeremy Lucido presents the hot porn stud as a Beyoncé loving, would-be drag queen, were it not for the fact that he wants everyone’s dicks to stay hard.
But! Nothing’s going to keep Diego from doing a little Queen Bey for the cameras, and here we have him doing his finest “Pretty Hurts,” with some titles on the screen at the opening saying, “Porn Hurts.” Are they saying that Diego’s ass was sore? Are they making a commentary about the nature of all labor and sex work in specific? Are they just delving into the difficult territory of gay male body image and the pressure on porn performers in particular to keep their bodies in perfect shape?
You be the judge. It is obviously very important.
Watch Diego on Randy Blue.
why to go Randy Blue. Diego Sans is so pretty that I pissed myself watching this video. It’s so funny and yet Diego can do me 365 days a year.
absolutely STUNNING, the boy has a huge hug quality, not afraid of his ‘female’ side and full of gay acceptance, i drool over him, and in my opinion he’s amazingly cute….and what an ass
Love it. A hunk with a sense of humor? Sign me up!
I watched it. Beyonce is not an artist as far as I’m concerned and I don’t get the quasi-drag thing but I think (and have always thought) Diego is adorable. I like fairly butch guys who are comfortable with themselves and don’t freak over letting their hair down occasionally. He seems intelligent and comfortable in his own skin.
Diego, when you’re ready to get married, call me! ;)
I love Diego as porn performer and while I think the lip snch diva act is challenging for me to appreciate he should do whatever he likes to do.
have watched him dance at several local clubs on quite a few occasions. The boy has a body, and he know how to work it. He’s absolutely gorgeous in person, he’s always enjoying himself, and he’s a really nice person. He’s also someone who strikes me as being really comfortable with himself. i just don’t get the comments. There is such ridicule lately for straight guys who do gay porn. Yet, when we get an openly gay porn performer, the comments come in that he doesn’t act butch/straight enough. Spend 5minutes with Diego and I guarantee you’ll change your opinion of him.
“i just don’t get the comments.”
Pity them. If you’re actually willing to spend precious time bashing someone on the net, then chances are your life is garbage. :)
You consider him watching him gogo dance in clubs “spending time” with him? Girl, please.
Can you go to QMN where the majority of readers are addicted to g4p like you and their studios? You can meet sam/sxg, andrew, EdWoody and many more. Stop bashing Diego.
A douche is a douche, gay or straight. “Diego” is a tool and a half.
Right? I was just thinking about that. So many commenters here bash the gay4pay porn stars, but as soon as there’s an article featuring actual gay/bi porn stars, 80% of the comments are bashing him. It’s unreal!
Yes you’re right, we don’t like the gay4pay who fuck like they’re on Valium. So the only acceptable alternative is a drag queen???? We’re bashing because we don’t think it’s THAT much of a impossible request to find a masculine gay. They’re out there!
Hes so ugly to me. This makes it so much worse.
If ya can’t be yourself what’s the point in being anything at all? Fuck the haters. You go Diego gurl.
What did you say Diego is ugly for you? WTF, have you seen yourself on the mirror?
Personally, I’m not into Diego. But, Gurlfriend is pretty.
He only has a few tats, which isn’t so bad. If he were covered in tats, I wouldn’t have bothered.
Not really into him regardless. He’s not got that latin look that get turned on by. As for the video I don’t see why theyt are doing it as it does not seem to fit with the image Randy Blue usually puts out and that is masculine frat type guys. And I think the makeup brushes brushing his face was a bit much.
Sex worker thinkin she’s something special.
What would your opinion be if he wasn’t a porn actor, but just some random guy on YouTube?
Douchebag thinkin she something special.
Such a turn off. Not attracted to flame-y guys what-so-ever.
Gosh I love Diego Sans, but not with this. I couldnt imagine him, a hunk doing Beyonce thing or even Riahana their songs just a trash. Compare them to Madonna they are amaturist.
Oh hell no, I just watched the first nine seconds; too scared of what might come, I really don’t want this song to be ruined. Porn hurts? lolololololol