Since last week’s premiere of MTV’s The Real World, videos of Dustin Zito/”Spencer” having hardcore oral–and anal!–gay sex have been quietly removed from both and And in the past 48 hours, multiple gay porn bloggers have been asked to remove promotional images of Dustin Zito/”Spencer” engaged in gay sex. Here then are promotional images of Dustin Zito/”Spencer” engaged in gay sex, which I will not be removing. Sorry, MTV.
The official narrative from MTV is that after high school, Zito “accepted an opportunity in Los Angeles to be a cast member on a web site that featured an uncensored look at a house of attractive guys living together.” Uhhh, no. If you can’t tell the truth (the attractive guys weren’t just “living” together, they were having sex together), you don’t get to call your show “The Real World.”
[UPDATE: Watch newly discovered videos of “Spencer” in the Fratpad HERE.]
[UPDATE 2: The Top Ten Gay Porn Animated Images Of Dustin Zito Having Gay Sex]
Today, I’ve heard from three different bloggers who say they’ve been asked to remove all Spencer content–at least the guy-on-guy content. (Spencer’s solo jerk-off clips, apparently, aren’t a problem.) In e-mails obtained by TheSword, I can confirm that Fratmen sent out a new affiliate program (“Fratcash”) contract to bloggers, stipulating that they only use certain content to promote the Fratmen sites:
USE ONLY APPROVED CONTENT. FRATCASH will provide still image and video clip promotional content to you by email or through to use on your AFFILIATE SITE to create LINKS. Use of promotional content taken from within restricted membership areas or from other unauthorized sources is strictly prohibited.
While that’s not an outlandish request, it has to be more than just a coincidence that such a request would come at the same time as Zito’s debut on The Real World. The Fratmen affiliate program, as one blogger told me, “has not made any contact whatsoever with us bloggers in over two years.” Meanwhile, Fratmen has sent specific requests to highly-trafficked gay porn blogs and forums, including JustUsBoys and WayBig, to remove Spencer’s gay sex images, and Spencer’s live gay sex shows aren’t available on sister site Fratpad.
So, Fratmen is deliberately removing the scenes and attempting to scrub the internet of the content that’s responsible for the most publicity and national exposure they’ve ever had? Right. More likely–and yes, I’m speculating–MTV made a deal ($$$?) with Fratmen to censor all of the gay sex that Spencer had. Such an arrangement would not only be anti-gay, anti-sex, and anti-reality, it would be an arrangement that would fail.
Here’s Dustin Zito/Spencer and Chase swapping blowjobs.
[Image removed due to cease and desist order from Fratmen]
That Zito was paid to have gay sex is of no interest to me. Reality shows and MTV are of no interest to me, either. An attempt at censorship is what’s of interest, if that’s in fact what MTV is trying to do. Or, maybe it’s the other way around and Fratmen doesn’t want to have anyone on their site associated with MTV? But then why leave up Spencer’s solos?
Here’s Dustin Zito/Spencer doing 69, enjoying a dildo, and fucking David during another live show. The bottom four images are of Zito, uhh, bottoming for the one and only time on camera.
[Images removed due to cease and desist order from Fratmen]
Finally, here’s a clip recently pulled from Fratmen. (Edit: It’s unclear if the clip below is still available to members–I’ve asked Fratmen for clarification–but it does appear in the preview section. As already mentioned above, images and promotion of it, however, have been deleted.) It’s another blowjob duo for Dustin Zito/Spencer, this time with Travis. As it happens, Travis now works as “Parker” over on ChaosMen. Watch his creampie videos here.
[Image removed due to cease and desist order from Fratmen]
Was The Real World’s Dustin Zito Underage When Fratmen Filmed Him Having Gay Sex?
View Fratmen’s Cease And Desist Notice To The Sword
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Please send me a video of him At least please or the link or anything pleasee and Thankyouu.
Likewise, can anyone send links for download, pics or videos to:
Thanks everybody!!!
If anyone could send me the pics and videos to, i would appreciate it! thanks
Can anyone please send me the vid where dustin is taking it from the back to my I searched for it but had no luck. thanks!
can anyone please send me the vid where dustin is taking it from the back. i searched for it but had no luck. thanks!
give me alot’s of gay porn vids on my emil
Please send me photos or videos of it already for a long time I try and not think much, please!
Hi there can you guys send mi some pictures os Dustin zite of his gay porn video!! O maybe a video link! This is my emial
hi!! Can one of yall please send me some pics or videos of spencer bottoming or doing oral?? Plz and thank u!!
hi!! Can one of yall please send me some pics or videos of spencer bottoming or doing oral?? Plz and thank u!!
Managed to find all the missing vids and pics of Justin Zito aka Spencer with David and Travis. he did oral with travis and did a 2hr webcam show with david.
the bottoming video is all ready out.. ; )
hey can i see the pics and vids im so curious
Anyone with pics or video please send to
Will someone please email me the bottoming/etc videos pics to:
My boyfriend doesn’t believe me that he’s bottomed and had sex beyond blow jobs! Thanks for your help guys!
The video where he bottoms was a pay-per-view stream and probably won’t be released (but never say never). However, the blowjob videos are all on the Fratmen site here:
I wonder if Dustin told MTV that he was underage when he did his Private and Public Sex Shows? If you look at the numbers you are very close to him being under 18. Maybe MTV used that amo to get Fratmen to get all his work removed except for his solo jerk-off videos (after all, don’t ALL straight men jerk-off?). I have copies of his giving and getting anal, many cum shots and oral with Chase. I can NOT imagine why Fratman agreed to work with MTV and remove these many X Videos and Photos of Dustin. He sure isn’t the best looking of the Frat Boys, or the best hung. There is something behind this that is not being published. I always thought the Mafia owned Gay Porno and I didn’t think MTV would mess with the Mafia. Perhaps one of the CEO’s of MTV is screwing Dustin and has fallen for him! I would think Fratman and MTV would like this publicity. It seems as MTV would have farmer boys screw pigs and make a show about it.
Chris – OMG! I think that we’ve been thinking the same thing. I just finished watching a marathon of all episodes of this season. It appears to me that Dustin knew EXACTLY what he was getting into. He knew that his past would come out. I believe that he orchestrated the whole thing and I would not be surprised if the powers that be of the Real World helped him to further ratings, etc. I think that his true purpose will come to light in the future. I give him this – he’s a damn good actor.
I truly believe that he used the Real World for a future purpose. Perhaps he wants to write a book or some crap about “how I’ve grown as a person … I don’t have anything against gays”, blah, blah, blah. Then, he will later come out as gay and talk about how he was lying to himself, blah, blah, blah. My issue is that I hate hypocrites. As an out, professional and proud gay man, I am OFFENDED and DISGUSTED by the Real World, Zito, and all others who had a part in this farce.
Mike was right – it was all about Dustin. He wanted to be the center of attention. When one drama finished and the focus shifted, Oh!, he did porn! Then, it’s revealed that he lied even more and that it was GAY porn! Go to the various sites and it is stated that MTV “asked” them to remove the content. Obviously, this must have happened before the roommates found out. (Funny thing is that others have been able to get very incriminating videos – I’ve seen them.) He said that he did not have sex with men but I saw the video of him performing fellatio on another dude, topping and bottoming. Yes people, like Chris said, he got it in the butt. Now, is referring to his liasons as “bromance”. HA! I think that Mike saw the truth, or at least suspected that something was not right, and that is why he had issues with Zito.
The whole thing was well played by Dustin, by and by MTV. Hypocrites! I’m done with the Real World. I’m sorry that I got suckered into watching the season.
can you send them please? :)
Can someone please send me the pics?
Anyone with pics or video of Spencer topping or bottoming David, please send to my email.
Anyone with pics or video of Spencer topping or bottoming David, please send to my email.
Can i have the pics too please?!
Can I have a copy as well please?
Can anyone send the pics or vids to me?
Can someone send me the pics and vids too? Would be greatly appreciated, thanks
hey! please forward me the videos and pics!
Can some one send me any video or pics of him having gay sex. Id love to see them thanx.
can some one ssend to me too :] thanks!
Can someone send me the pics or vids too? Would be greatly appreciated.
Can someone send me the removed pics too. I’d really appreciate it!! :)
Johngoon frat pad he is there still and there are shots of him. He really is nothing to look attobe honest and his shows sucked.
I’m surprised there is so much talk about wanting to see this guys porn shows. He has already said in the real world that he HATES gay people, so why bother. The guy is a total homophobe or heist total closet case who hates the fact that the is gay and can’t admit it. Either way I thinkthisisreally getting too much attention just like MTV wanted and Fratpad also both will make money from this after the show is over. The sad part is that WE as the gay community have to stand together and make sure this homophobe doesn’t get any hits so he can’t return to the site and suck more money from us while hating us.
send them to me too please, i saw his asshole, it was busted open… needed to see that huge cock of david is his ass
hi please send them to me at
I’m DYING to see the pics of Spencer give the BJ and bottoming. If anyone has a heart PLEASE PLEASE email me at Thank you!
same as above, pics or vids to please :))))
I would like a copy of the picture/videos if that is possible :)
I would like a copy of the video and pics too!!
I would also like to receive a copy of his video and pics. Thanks!
Can you send me the pics too, please and thank you?!
Can someone please send me the video
Can u send me pics or vids thanks!
Amazing that so many dumb asses could be in such an uproar over some skanky homely dumb fuck like that. You losers need to crawl out of mommys basement and a get a fucking life
Can someone send me the pics or vids too please?
can someone send me the vids too please?
yeah i want a look too lol,
can someone send me the pics/vids too?
send them to me 2 please
can you send all the vids and pics of him having sex? thanks!
Hey can someone send me the pics……
Please send me the vids to
can someone email me any pics/vids of dustin plz??
hey can someone send me the video of him plz!…thanks!
I’ll get in line too! Can someone send me pics or videos?
I need the videos.
Could anyone send pics or video of dustin please :)
Hey can someone send any vids or pix that they have of him to me please!
He is seriously so hot!
I would really appreciate it!
Can someone send me pics/video of Spencer topping and bottoming. Thank You
Heyy could someone please send me pictures or videooooo???? pleaseeeeeeeeeee
Can you pretty please send the pictures of him or the videos pleeeaaassseeee????????
Send anything and everything to me, too~
can someone send me any pics or vids of spencer and david
Send them over here too please! I’d appreciate it!
can someone PLEASE send me the video and/or pics, ill do anything! thanks so much,
Can someone PLEASE send them to me too??
Please send them to me too:
can someone send me the pix and vid of dustion too. id love to see it.
Can someone send me the pics of Dustin as well as the video…I truly believe MTV is rubbing there hands together for all the publicity this is getting.
Can somebody send me the pics and video please……
yeah!!! i would like to see the video/pics too…
can anybody send me the pics or video too please…
could someone send the video/pics of dustin please to my email?
can someone email me pics or videos of dustin/spencer topping and bottoming?
Dear People,
Just do a Google search for “Dustin Real World Gay Porn” with Safesearch “off” and you’ll find all kinds of explicit pictures, videos, of Dustin/Spencer etc. Just saying.
will someone please send me it I wanna see it so bad and can’t find it anywhere.. no one has sent yet
Will someone please send the video or pics to me too I can’t find them anywhere…
send me anything VIDEO PLEASEE
please send me video and pics to
can you send me a video of him being topped by david? thanks a lot.
Hey Can you send me a copy? Please? ;)
Hey can someone forward him topping to Much appreciated and thanks.
can you forward the Zito pics to me @
Would someone send the video and pics of this Dustin dude… Thanks in advance :D
could someone please send me the pics/vids as well?
I would love to see pic or videos of Zito/Spencer topping or bottoming..My email is…Thanks in advance kev
sennnnnnd pics/vids
send them to me too please
hey if someone would send me the pic/vids too I would appreciate it :)
can anyone email me the pix or vids? :) thanks!
Please, please, can someone send me the pics and videos. :)
Please send any Spencer & David pics/vids to me, also:
can someone send to me as well? thanks!
would love copies of pics or vids, too! thanks!
Can somebody send the pics/vids to me at
Pleasssseeee send any videos to
Please send me the vids and pics too…Please!!!—
Hey, please foward me the video and screen caps of zito topping!
Hey I would love a look at those pics and videos if anyone is willing to share!!
Please please please send me the videos!!!!!!!!
i want them too :O
I have the entire Spencer/Travis duo and Dustin may be ‘gay for pay’ but has obvious oral skills which he puts on display here. Travis has a cock as large as Dustin’s but he handles it with ease. You also can clearly see Dustin massage the cock with his tongue while most of it is buried in his mouth.
By the way, I know Travis and he was 20 when this was filmed. Dustin is older than Travis so age is certainly NOT a factor in this video.
I don’t have any screen caps of Spencer/David and would appreciate it if anyone would share.
Hey man can you send me the video or is any of you uguys have the pictures can you send em to me
i want the video too
Mind sending me it too?
Would you mind sending the videos/pics? Thank you in advance!
Send me the video at PLEASE.
i would love the video too :)…
if you have it. send me to thanks!
Any one with any Spencer pic or vid please send to my email
please send to me too. thanks
Can you send me the vids and any pics you have of him, too? Thx in advance!
Hey guys if you have the pics especially where Spencer tops a guy please send them to me at
Could someone send the pics to my email also
Can you forward the images to me at
Where are the, erm, the fucking pictures now?
I agree with you, Andy. Now they just pick people who will, hopefully, be diverse enough to create conflict among themselves to create a more physically active show. These kids, most of them, seem sincere enough, but then they constantly prove that what they believe in is not how they live their lives.
I’m sick to death of hearing the expression, “it is what it is”. It’s an expression young people use when they cannot explain their behavior and an excuse to exonerate them from their wrong-doings. I really is NOT what it is – it is whatever they want it to be.
I have to admit that I watch this show like most people watch the activity surrounding a car crash on the freeway – I just can’t look away. I’ve tried to come up with an explanation as to why I watch this show, but I can’t. The closest I can come to explaining why I watch this show is simple – I just can’t believe what I’m hearing and seeing. Times have certainly changed, but when you put a TV show on the air called, The Real World, maybe you should throw in some Reality.
Before everybody gets on MTV’s case and accuses them of censorship…
Previews of episodes that will be aired later in the season show Heather, the girl that Dustin supposedly has the hots for, screaming at him “YOU HAD SEX ON THE INTERNET FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO SEE!!!!!” (or something to that effect.)
So, this article’s version of the “official MTV narrative” isn’t quite accurate, it’s only the narrative that has been presented to the viewers thus far. Apparently in later episodes, the real truth of the whole Fratpad thing will emerge….
If MTV is behind the censorship attempt, it’s probably because they want the extra publicity and controversy of having a “straight gay-for-pay porn star” without having to have their viewership actually confronted with images of the guy with an actual dick in his mouth and ass.
Nothing against porn stars, but…remember when MTV used to mainly cast thoughtful, intelligent college students for this show? Young people who seemed to be going places in life? Yeah, they usually threw in one wacko like Puck or Ruthie just to stir the shit, but they really used to provide a lot of good, positive role models for young viewers. I firmly believe that “The Real World” had a LOT to do with the shift in attitude among young Americns toward acceptance of gay people. Now it’s lying porn stars and drug addicts and who can bang the most skanks in the hot tub. Sad.
Hopefully this becomes the go-to site on google when people type in Dustin Zito :-) LOL…
You can’t scrub the net Dustin/MTV/Fratpad. Sorry.
We’ve known all about ‘Spencer’ for years now… And apparently so did whoever was working as the casting director when he/she noticed a GAY porn star sent in casting tape ^_^
Keep up the great work. Down with censorship.
I just logged into Fratpad and noticed that many of his videos are missing; they go from 06 to 09 & 10. All of his 07+ videos are gone. I have a few saved, so I know they once existed.
If he were underage, they would be investigated for having been presenting illegal material for the past 6 years or so, especially since they still have up many of his old 06 videos. If it’s okay for them to stay up, he doesn’t get any younger from then on, and most of his sex videos are after 06.
Many of the other models videos he’s appeared in have also started to disappear.
Oddly enough, other Real World & spin off members have had straight sex on websites (playboy, etc.), and nothing has been made of it at all. Apparently it’s only gay sex they dislike.
can you send me the video of spencer and david if you don’t mind. thanks.
Sword – you rule. Only 2 words I can think of “publicity-stunt.”
So what is Fratmen/Fratpad saying to the people who subscribe to their sites. Please enjoy the performers on our site, but the minute any of these guys try to go “mainstream,” we are kicking you gays to the curb.
THANK YOU to for not letting mtv succeed in trying to sanitize the image of one of their new real world castmembers, as though anything gay is something shameful. This guy knew what he was doing back then, and mtv knew as well when they cast him. The more they try to suppress the truth behind his past, the more effort I will put into making sure the images stay visible. Watch out mtv…this will only backfire on you.
Real world peaked with the first New Orleans show. Its just not any good anymore.
Really doesnt make sense to me as it seems its a win-win for both companies. MTV is getting tons of free media exposure for t his h as been reality show and a guy who sorry is not really attractive…and t his years cast has no gay cast member so at least this can interest gay viewers…and fratmen/pad no doubt is getting millions and millions of dollars of free publicity that is probably spurring memberships – if even temporary ones – to get to see Spencer/Dustin. So the whole thing is crazy. If MTV – which is supposedly a pro-gay company – with Logo and all – is paying Fratmen – thats just crazy…..Didnt Dustin sign a contract that said these images could be used in perpetuity- probably so…and for MTV to describe his porn work as moving to LA to live with other handsome men – when there are clear nude images and as you show gay sex images – including ANAL – please pleaase please – we should all boycott mtv and logo
I Saved All of the pics too… For Posterity! ; )
can you share pics plz? plz email
would really appreciate it if you could send me a copy of those Spencer/Dustin Zito pics too. thanks!
Hey can you please send them to me too thanks
Hey, can you send the pics to, I would really appreciate it.
could you send me the pics too please?
Can someone with the pics send them to me too?
Where can i download Dustin Zito/Spencer & David live show?
It seems like they are forcing the drive-by bloggers/entertainment reporters to shell out the membership fee if they want to actually see the pictures. For some of them they will be gullible enough to do it without looking else where for the same “evidence.” People have known this guy had done Fratpad for months so why scramble to pull it now? I think they were hoping to stir some “negative” press. you just rule. I love you. Awesome.
MTV wouldn’t have hired this guy if they didn’t want the notoriety he would bring. So this move is just the next step in attempting to bring in even more publicity to a show that nobody gives a shit about anymore.
The attempt at pulling content and the “outrage” about that action is going to provoke so much publicity, it sounds like a pretty smart move for the brand. “The Real World” and MTV are all about manufacturing contraversy anyway and now Fratpad is probably going to benefit.
Unless they really are that stupid to think it will ever disappear, which is probably just as likely.
Thanks. I saved all 3 pictures for future reference.
hey do you mind sending them to me? that’d be awesome! thanks!
Any chance you could do me a favor and forward them to me as well?
can anyone send to me? :)
Same here please. Thanks
You mind sending me the pics :)
hey could you send them to me too? thanks!
ME TOO please ;] @
THANKS a bunch!!!
would you mind sending them to me too, it’d be awesome,thanks.
Mind sending them all to me
Can u fwd it to me as well
mind sending it them me too?
Can u send them to me too please.
can you send me those pictures of Dustin from the Real World?
can you please forward those photos of spencer to me as well? Thank you!
Hey could somebody sending me the video & pics of this dude, ime so curious!! Thanks
Please send me videos & pics to
yea me too please.
Pretty please forward pics and videos to
PLEASE send them to me too!
can you shoot them to me as well .. thanks..!
Would you mind sending them to thanks!!
Pics to me please as well
hey do you think you could send em to me?
Heyy, can anyone send me these pictures? thanks so much!
can u send those to me to? thanks!
Hello. Please would you tolerate one more request for the pics of Dustin Zito? To: Thanks.
Can I have the pics and vids too, please? :)
I’d love to see the pics of Dustin Zito!
Please send to
Many thanks!
MTV obviously feeling the heat from that teen sex show they imported from the UK and this they do not need. Didn’t sponsors bail from that (“Skins”?) right and left?