A fairly real-looking but still possibly fake Twitter account has popped up again for Sean Cody’s Brandon, who killed off a previous account that also may have been real but had been touted as fake.
Brandon’s real name is Jeff, and he lives somewhere in or near Nashville, according to Hunter Page, who also says he talked to Brandon/Jeff about the earlier Twitter account that he claimed Sean Cody didn’t know about — the models aren’t allowed to have accounts technically, but Brandon/Jeff (or a greedy con artist pretending to be him) just can’t seem to resist the temptation to have a Twitter presence and capitalize on his gay porn fame for possible extra profits, so now we have this new Twitter handle @King_jeffdon attached to what appears to be the same account he was using under the other name. It now has over 10,000 followers.
And as you can see, today is allegedly Brandon’s birthday, and he’s been hitting up fans ever so casually for a little birthday cash. Again. But he’s “not one to ask.” No, he’s not asking.
But! He actually tried this before only 10 months ago. So, is his birthday January 20? Or is it October 13? And is this even a real person?!?
Whoever it is, he shouldn’t be casually using the N-word this way, because it’s not only racist, it makes no sense.
And if it is the real Brandon and not just someone pulling photos from his Facebook, he is looking really fucking ripped these days. And he’s now trying to recruit more models for solos, either for Sean Cody, or his own venture? Anyway. I’m not ruling out the possibility that this is really him. And maybe he just has two birthdays, or is an especially poor con artist.
Update: Well, now there’s another account @sirfucksalota, and someone there tweeted this photo below in which someone who looks like Brandon holds up what appears to be a real, non-photoshopped phone showing this account, proving that this is the only real account. But in denouncing the other accounts as fake, this particular Jeff/Brandon at first does not mention the @King_jeffdon account, which has over 10,000 followers. Then a follower asks about that account, and he gives a completely illogical explanation, saying he was shutting down that account and switching to this one. Also, whoever this is refers to this or the other Twitter account as a “website.”
Sorry not sorry @BrandonSeanCody and @brandoncodyjeff pic.twitter.com/u4zfxVVss7
— jeff (@sirfucksalota) September 12, 2014
I took over the old website and changed the name so I will be deleting this website in a couple of days sorry for the confusion
— jeff (@sirfucksalota) September 15, 2014
@KylerSyne no I'm deactivating that Twitter I made it and decided that I'd take over this one
— jeff (@sirfucksalota) September 29, 2014
But that’s not the first time that some Brandon/Jeff has tried to make just such a claim, under a different account. And does anyone believe that the real Brandon would say this??:
I hate labels I don't understand why everyone has to ask if I'm gay or straight why does it matter? it doesn't ! I am who I am and I love it
— jeff (@sirfucksalota) September 12, 2014
Nope. I’d be more inclined to believe the real Brandon would say, “Chilling bored getting fat need to lift more medal.”
Then again, they’re probably both fake. Let’s just take a poll!
I genuinely dont care…I just wanna stick my cock in his ass and my tongue in his mouth! Sigh
Sigh. Anyone with half a brain would know those accounts are fake. Take it from someone who knows “brandon” personally. He does not have a twitter account. His facebook account is deactivated because of too many gays dudes creeping on him. He’s still on instagram, though he’s thinking about deleting it as well due to the number of comments mentioning “sean cody”.
Yeah, and I know Buddy my next door neighbor personally. He’s thinking about growing a beard due to the number of people who tell him he would look good in one. What’s your point?
Hold on a second here.. In defense of “Brandon” using the term “nigga” that particular term has lost it’s shock value among youth these days and you can now find that term being used for example in schools across North America and other places where teens and older youth congregate. It isn’t used in a racist type of way but a term of endearment. I was under the impression that those other twitter handles were fake and Brandon/Jeff has attempted to dispel all the confusion by creating the @sirfucksalota Twitter handle as being the genuine non Sean Cody handle using his real name Jeff. It’s a confusing mess made worse by all the phony fuckers who have attempted to make drama and money off Brandon/Jeff lately.. But then again idiots are falling for the phony posts and are still attacking Brandon/Jeff for things he never said or done.
He is ugly and has a small peepee. Not cute at all.
Just wondering who you think is not ugly. Peepee? Are you old enough to be trolling this site?
Gosh I couldnt imagine this guy which has an angel face, gorgeous smile was kinda a user douche bag in real life. I hope Jess wasnt like that in real life. Gay for pay models degraded and disrespected their idiot gay fans so much like Vadim Black.
He doesn’t have an IPHONE. I HATE HIM! LMAO
Btw, just because he is holding up what appears to be a non-photoshopped phone, doesn’t mean the account is the real one. The picture may just as well be just Brandon showing us some of his fake accounts.
Why can’t he just make a Vine video in which he sets the record straight once and for all.
Adult Media claims the Brandon Twitter accounts are fake.
It has nothing to do with “hating” There is a reason Sean Cody discourages models from being on twitter or FB. Because once their “fans” are made aware of their real and sometimes not very intelligent or personable selves the fantasy is shattered. The fantasy of charming sweet lovable playful Brandon is not the reality of Jeff.Yet Jeff still wants gay men to buy him as Brandon. Sorry you can’t have your “gay” cake and rub your douchie”straightness” in your fan bases face,on social media.The only self loathing is among guys who pay to see Jeff/Brandon. Many G4P’ers like Marcus Mojo,Conner and Aiden do not show the contempt for their fan base Jeff/Brandon does.Don’t piss in my face and tell me it’s rain.
IDK that twitter account seems very convincing…even the picture with that woman and kid. Like who would really be bored enough to copy a porn stars identity.
Nancy Drew reporting:
Apparently @King_jeffdon its not his real account, if you take the time to check (Stalk) the timeline, you can find tweets like:
“Jeff is about to shut this twitter down add him @sirfucksalota hurry before he deletes this and you can’t find him!”
I checked @sirfucksalota and it actually have pictures of Jeff showing the main page of his twitter account “@sirfucksalota”” on his tablet.
So the mystery is solved.
You’re welcome.
I hate labels too just like Brandon.. I sympathize with him on why he is not happy about people trying to stick labels on him.. Brandon is a actor that is in adult entertainment. He is being paid to create a fantasy for fans and does it quite well. Why criticize him for doing his job and making fans happy? I have no problem with porn stars male or female supplementing their income by doing porn.. Some people still have this fucked up view that porn stars are all single and don’t have kids and are horrified when their fantasy is shattered and the truth comes out. Porn models are real people and what you see on screen is a fantasy. Looks like Brandon has a happy life outside of porn with a loving wife and child… Good for him!
Negative type people are just driven to jealousy and hate. It’s in their DNA.
I have such a hard time believing it’s the real Brandon. I mean, even if he is straight, he sure put on one hell of an act in his SC scenes. He always seems so nice and affectionate. Just look at the scene he did with Marshall. If he really is this douche in real life, don’t you think he would have been more wooden in his scenes? More expressionless, so to say? If not, than he sure is one hell of an actor.
Eric you are so right, Brandon does always seem so nice and affectionate. I think he is probably a really sweet guy.
Absolutely! In those segments in the beginning and after the action when the guys are just being guys, he always seems funny and amiable. Not to mention cute as fuck!
IMHO, the most interesting aspect of replies on sites such as this one is all the hating that goes on. We truly live in a society where the mantra has gone from “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all” to “if you can’t say anything hateful, don’t say anything at all.” Such negativity was once reserved for crotchety old men and not mainstream observers. It amazes me that an individual would waste time reading and replying to a post about someone/something that you don’t like in the first place. To me, that reeks of “Oh, boy! A chance to be demeaning!” Or perhaps some people are driven by extreme jealousy or low self-esteem. In this particular instance, could reactions be brought on by the fact that Brandon wouldn’t give you a second look even in hell? My suggestion is: if the subject matter isn’t your thing, pass it up. It will save you much consternation. Okay, haters…bring it on!!
Negative type people are just driven to be jealous and hateful. It’s in their DNA.
Love Brandon. Hope it’s fake.
Yes it is him.Yes he is hot. Yes he is G4P.Yes he has a girlfriend with a working vagina and a 5 year old son. Yes he has given her an engagement ring.Yes he is major narcissistic douche.Yes this can all be easily verified on FB. Yes he is taking gay men’s money. Yes he is laughing at us all the way to his bank.
There seems to be this inexplicable assumption in the gay community, an axiom almost, that porn stars (especially the “straight” or “straight-acting” ones – both terms carrying about as much meaning and sense as “porn star” tbh) are lavished with huge sums of money by their silly/immature/gullible (or even worse self – loathing) gay fanbase so that “they laugh all the way to the bank”. I mean, seriously? You can say something like that about Mariah getting paid USD 40 or so million NOT to sing any more, but not about a semi-anonymous, interchangeable, not-in-any-way-uniquely-gifted young man whose only claim to fame is having sex on camera.
It’s wrong to judge people . But I find it really sad when people take kids into the world and behave irresponsiblely. Life is tough enough as it is but what kind of man has a beautiful daughter then behaves like this and screws men on camera for money . These things do effect children when they grew up and as a young men’s social worker I have first hand experience of this .
I never believed it was the real Brandon on Twitter but now I see these pics – it makes me feel sick and as a subscriber to Sean Cody is making me question the reality of what it’s all about !
Jeff – ve a good father to your daughter and good partner for your wife ! Put them first – support them , protect them and be responsible
That’s what being a man is all about !
That is not the real Brandon, someone is pretending to be him.
Sigh.. Porn Stars and Twitter.. Remember when we could watch hot guys screw each other and not really have all of their baggage attached to the scene?
Those were the days! :-)
lol imagine if it existed back in the 90s and all through the 2000s, so many people’s image of their favorite gay pornstars will be crushed when they realize how many of the popular ones were really g4p.
Those were the days before social media. Also it’s kind of hard for me to be fond of those scenes knowing half those guys died of AIDS.
I guess this is more further proof that it is his real account. He made a tweet that tagged his girlfriend, and I think he’s even got a daughter https://twitter.com/talisa_ham
he’s also friends with another SC model on there. I better stop reading stuff about porn stars before the ruin everything for me. first mac now this…wtf SC?
He’s a father already. Gosh how did you find that Talisa girl?
There’s so much drama with this account at this point it’s hard to believe it isn’t the real Brandon/Jeff. On Str8UpGayPorn it was confirmed that it was his real twitter account via Hunter Page.
It’s not too hard to tell which are real and which aren’t. If they’re posting nothing but studio pics then it’s a fake account. Usually a real account has a mixture of studio pics, selfies, and your everyday normal pics of food and random shit that the average twitter and IG accounts post.
Although sometimes there are some pretty good copycats like the Marcel Cruz one on twitter. This creepy guy (or girl) has even gone as far as making a website that is supposedly run by the real Marcel Cruz. But Marcel has nothing to do with these account.
I don’t get the appeal of this guy at all. He has aged 10-15 years with all the tanning and steroids.
2 grand for a solo? LOL. Better use that money for a shrink.
yup. thats how much SC pays for solos. 1.5-6k
He also had a picture of his “family” up there.
“Fuck niggas get money.” is ghetto/white trash for fuck guys and get paid for doing it
He wasn never one of my fav: Sean Cody sex workers..dick too small for my taste, topping in porn.
No idea if it’s really him or not, but he is definitely hot. And he sure did get guy/guy scenes for a straight boy!!