He had a pretty good run in some pretty well-received indie gay art films, but Sean Paul Lockhart has finally realized his true calling and tranzitioned to become a full time drag queen. Not only is the money better from performing in drag shows nationwide (all those dollar bills add up), everyone knows that in order to stay relevant in 2012, you have to become a drag queen.
Sean Paul Lockhart is enjoying a career resurgence after becoming a whole new (wo)man, a drag queen named “Mena.” Mena is breathing new life into drag shows, and she is already rumored to be among the cast of next season’s RuPaul’s Drag Race. Catch Mena appearing Thursdays at Hamburger Mary’s in WeHo, Mondays at Urban Mo’s in San Diego, and Sundays at Toucan’s in Palm Springs.
What do you see when you look into Mena’s crystal ball?
Will you go to a Mena show when she comes to a gay bar near you?
Which other gay porn stars turned actors should quit acting and become drag queens?
Would you “hit it” with Mena?
Has Mena/Brent Corrigan/Sean Paul Lockhart finally gone too far?
Is it bad that he reminds me of Katy Perry in that wig?
I like Brent so much that I can only dream to undress him from his girl clothes, cleaning the make up, to find back the splendid and attractive Brent. All operation being made slowly and very lucious. I like Brent
Well isn’t that just special!!
I’m sorry but is he wearing TWO wigs on top of each other? That has to be uncomfortable.
Errr…. reading the link, the pics have nothing to do with a new career, tranny porn or Ru Paul. It was part of a “visual essay” about beauty and masculinity. It includes some really cool pics that play with expectations and desire.
It’s about time he gives up on a Hollywood career!
Like WeHo really needs another “unfierce” tranny. Ignore him and he’ll go away … it worked for Sarah Palin.
I miss Sarah. She was so incredibly dumb and actually believed in nonsense she was saying. These RomneyRyans are too creepy.
This is actually pretty damn good. And I wouldn’t even call it drag queen either, because when I think of drag queening I think of exaggeration of the makeup, the mannerisms, the dressup. This has just the right amount of everything.
BTW while I think he’s definitely grown attractive to me lately with the added muscle and untwinkish body, I’m sick and tired of hearing about him lol. It’s like Reason said he’s desperate for attention, like the Palins.
Just the right amount?
As in over-the-top. A gazing ball, lavender lips, lilac hair, a ruffled slip, green eyes and enough eye make-up for a Bobbi Brown outlet.
You go girl!
It’s a pretty good beat. Doubtful he did it on his own.
Is it true that (s)he is going to be on that RuPaul show??? This guy is like the gay Kate Gosselin…”Must Stay In Public Eye at ALL COST”. Zzzzzzzzzz.
At least he’s an attractive both in and out of drag; how many other queens (and even non-queens who dress in drag as a one-off) can say that?
That’s the best he ever looked !!
But people should click on the link to get the full story ;)
Ha! First you said you like men in pantyhose, now you say this. Are you sure you’re gay? lol
I don’t find him attractive as a man ( or twink rather ) , I think he looks better as a woman – doesn’t mean I want to wank to these pictures or fuck him. I just find her beautiful.
I’m into burly/masculine rugby type guys and I do enjoy seeing them in female lingerie .I find it exciting (involves sexual attraction, ‘beautiful’ doesn’t)
Here is a good example : Pavel Petel, one of the hottest men on the planet , in high heels
Who are you guys rooting for on Rupaul’s Drag race all stars by the way?
So it’s a fetish like wearing diapers or sniffing dirty gym socks? I knew this guy (well, a friend of a friend) who couldn’t orgasm unless he was being choked or restrained – eventually he got help for that.
Didn’t we all know this was coming? He started as a “twink” and will end his career as a “queen”
I hope we won’t see him in tranny porn.
Boner killer!
Seriously, can’t unsee this :(
Lol. creative work Zach. these are hot but the other pictures sean shared are more my style. just in case you were gullible enuff to believe zach, sean is not becoming a trany. he did these and other shots to celebrate Halloween. see for yourself at his website.
Oh really? Zach was using sarcasm on his blog? Wow, who knew. Thank you sooooo much for clarifying. I was really worried there for a second.