Because Miley Cyrus. Because the world is bored. Because Andrew Christian has to keep coming up with bullshit for his models to do in gay viral videos to sell more underwear, we bring you this latest atrocity.
Some of you may enjoy this sort of thing, and yes, their packages look nice. But for fuck’s sake. The gist is that some dudes are hanging out in an alley in their underwear playing pinochle, another dude in his underwear mindlessly sticks his ice cream in the air behind him and unknowingly dribbles on them. A chase ensues. And then, like a modern, moronic version of West Side Story, the rival gangs of go-go dancers decide to have a dance-off, which turns into a twerk-off for the ages. Then, at the 4:30 mark, after the video, there’s a very serious, very thorough tutorial on How to Twerk.
I’m gonna go watch some PBS or punch myself or something.
What the hell happened over there? Their videos used to be super hot and fun, now the models are gross and this concept is just horrible!
hmmmm i for one do see more than two asses worth seeking out for a good fuck, but the filming is indeed a mess, one can indeed hardly focus on anything. Referring to the post above I did check matthew mc Call in their earlier videos and that IS indeed a tush to die for.
If there’s going to be twerking, there must be junk in the trunk, otherwise it’s just a waste of everyone’s time. I only see about two asses in this whole bunch, and everyone else is about the package up front, which ain’t exactly the point of twerking, is it?
As one of the world’s more amply-assed, I can only point and laugh.
c’mon some of their underwear is downright sexy and i foe one long to see their videos yet i have to concur that the quality is going down the drain as far as models and filming are concerned. too fast , not erotic, not enuff ass, no kissing…..Some of their earlier latino models were awesome as was indeed matt mc call now that was an ASS to get a boner from
Gross…just like AC underwears
OH GOD! I hate myself even more bc I just did the AC twerking instructional.
Hey… lets take everything stereotypical about the gay community and make it into an obnoxious united colors of beneton ad and pay the dancers in underwear gift cards. WOO HOO! Lets perpetuate stereotypes! DEAR LORD i pray this is not how society views us. Please STOP making these ads you coked out Queen AC! That was seriously painful.
Oh lawd, I’ve learned how to twerk!
subtitled ‘Andrew Christian: the antithesis of sexy.’
I used to buy Andrew Christian underwear and t-shirts. But it’s just become so dumb and un-sexy with these videos. It’s turned into a brand for silly little queens.
Gee….these videos become soooo fuck’n irritating: they’re too fast (u can hardly focus), some of the models are cheaper than cheap, only the black guy had an ass to look out for and one or two latinos were handsome, but i couldn’t even see their faces for more than a second.
They used o have suck uber-hot models (matthew mccall come sto mind) but they seem all to be gone.
Zero points for the videographer
You need a decent amount of booty to be eligible for twerking.
It’s so sad when people with flat asses try to twerk. Nothing shakes :(
None of them can fuckin dance! OMG just…no
room full of bottoms
That’s what makes the video so hot!
This is fucking ugly
Agreed… Way to many bottoms, didn’t even gave me a bonner.
the fuck…
Mr. Christian should just start producing gay porn. All his models could wear his underwear, so just imagine all the free publicity?