Who Would You Rather?

I’d rather eat gay-for-payer Chip Tanner’s poop than have to ever listen to human Ken doll Davey Wavey again, so I guess I’m #TeamChip?

No matter who you choose, by watching this video, you lose.


44 thoughts on “Who Would You Rather?”

  1. Young Davey is the epitome of Narcissism and Chip isn’t far behind. I read somewhere that Chip had Asperger’s syndrome. Not so sure about that one.

    And this whole “gay for pay” thing just plays to the ridiculous notion that you can choose you’re sexuality much like the religious right still try to have us believe. “Gay for pay” is up there with “Pray away the gay” as far as I’m concerned and as a community we should reject it as folly, just like we should with young Davey so he can get the help that he desperately needs.

    1. Actually, your position is the more conservative one – only gay men can have sex with men? That thinking went out in the early 90’s when we recognized that like all other mammals on this planet we can separate the pleasure of an orgasm from the need to mate or even falling in love. I don’t get into whether a person is telling the truth about whether they are gay or straight because it’s none of my business and no one else’s too. You are what you tell me you are and I move on with my life. I can’t prove it otherwise so what is the point in calling someone a liar. If he is gay and closeted then he has to suffer with that, but as far as I am concerned he could be anything he wants to be as long as he gives the buyer what they want and that is what it’s really all about. All this foolishness about a performer needing to be gay is non-sense. They just need to be good at what they do and what and who they do off camera is their business – I don’t care.

  2. both these guys are annoying as shit.
    but I’d still eat both their asses and keep their mouth full with my cock

  3. Marcos Machado

    I don’t believe in “gay for pay”. Sorry, but I ceased to believe things like Santa Claus and Easter Bunny looooooooong ago!

      1. Marcos Machado

        So you don’t believe that people lie, even to themselves, when they say they do something ONLY for the money?

  4. Davey Wavey’s rancid personality, vapid attitude and grating voice certainly kills an otherwise perfect package. If he stopped looking in the mirror and admiring himself he might eventually realize he’s as ugly as all the nasty rumors he likes to start about people.

    Just ask the bartenders over at The Stable (a bar in Providence near where Davey lives). They could tell you stories galore! The best part is when they snicker behind his back when he walks in. Literally snicker and have to cover their mouth.

    That’s how much of a joke he is around here. The town punchline.

  5. To me it’s Davey! He looks very good, perfect body, very sexy, clean, without tatoes, splendid chest, lovely eyes and lips: total package. But please, shut up, just kiss me to start.

  6. There’s a Davey Wavey sextape that’s been making the rounds at The Stable and Dark Lady in Providence. Some tall twink had it on his phone and was showing it off to everyone. I think his name was Christo or Christian. If I see him out again ill ask him about it.

  7. lol Oh please the only person that thinks Chip Tanner is straight is Chip Tanner. He goes out to gay clubs and bars all the time. He is just one creepyass little troll.

    And Davey Wavey I was ok with at first and now he’s just obnoxious.

  8. Davey is the worst unbearable to listen to and look at, its like a little head on a roided body!!! Listening to Chip no way in hell that voice is straight!!!!

  9. Why is Davey Wavey entertaining this nonsense ? It’s bad enough that a substantial amount of gay men support his kind, Davey doesn’t need to further them along.

    And why do so many queens hate Davey soo much? he is hardly a bad guy.

  10. Davey Wavey needs to eat his own shit since he’s always talking crap. Just ask the local drag duo Haley Starr or Kitty Litter back in Providence where Davey Wavey is from. The whole city can’t stand him and his cattiness. There’s a reason why people ignore him but he’s too stupid to even realize it.

    1. Haley Star is a good mix between “busted ass tootsie tranny” and “menopaused jewish mother with a ratchet ass $2 wig”
      Hideous and not funny at all.
      davey Wavey : I can’t stand him
      Chip is awesome, I didn’t know he was straight – it’s kind of a turn off…but more power to him!

  11. It is much, much, much worse for these porn companies to use non-straight performers and try to sell them as straight than to use actual straight performers, assuming you can actually be straight and do gay porn.

  12. “I’d rather eat gay-for-payer Chip Tanner’s poop…”

    Sorry, but he keeps his dingleberries all for himself. (Seriously, he eats his own shit.)

    1. If you’d logged into Chip’s personal site “HornyAsHeaven” circa 2009, you could watch him eat his own shit… :/

  13. I don’t believe for one moment that Chip Tanner is 100% straight. Team Davey Wavey because of his chest and nipples (how superficial is that?).

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