Don’t get me wrong! Tattoos can be fine once they are already in place and “the damage is done,” but there is simply no sense in desecrating these gay porn stars’ beautifully un-inked bodies with a shitty tribal design or some hackneyed inspirational quote that sounded all profound when you were fucked up that one night. Do NOT even think about it, you guys.
Here are 10 gay porn stars who I will never jerk to again (lying, I still would) if they ever get tattoos. And, yes, prepare to fall out of your chair in shock at these first three picks.
Duh, duh, and duh. I will cut anyone with a tattoo gun who steps within 100 yards of Mick Lovell, Paul Wagner, and Ethan Sire.
Imagine if Marcus Mojo had some ungodly tramp stamp obfuscating his #1 asset? No. Just no.
Despite his reputation for enjoying a cocktail or eight from time to time, it is a MIRACLE that physically flawless Diego Sans hasn’t drunkenly stumbled into a tattoo parlor at 3:00 a.m.
Never change, Donny Wright!
The thought of physically modifying a single thing on D.O.’s body is almost laughable. Almost. Doing anything to make it look different would be criminal.
If the ink-stained Titan models haven’t corrupted Dario Beck yet, it’s safe to say he’s in the clear. Stay strong, Dario!
Cowboys cast mates Tommy Defendi and Colby Keller are head-to-toe perfection, and they prove that you don’t need tattoos to look manly or “edgy.” (All you need is boots, a beard, and a boner.)
Amen!!! I am going to hate to have to go to the showers at the gym in about 15 years when all these people realize the insanity of putting “art” on an organic canvas! I’m right behind you with my baseball bat for the tattoo “artist” who mars my Paul Wagner!!!
Temporary Tattoos are the way to go, so you have a choice to be with or without them and the chance to change styles when the next cool new ones come out. When you get a tattoo for real, you give up your anonymity forever. So many action drama movies show someone being remembered years later for something they’d tried to put behind them simply because someone recognized their tattoo. Guys who like to get on webcam believing they are safe because they are only being seen from the neck down, need to think about that.
I think Ethan Sire might need one to boost up his appeal a little more
and D.O it’s a question mark
Tattoos are out of control and it could get worse. A large percentage of this new generation of performers who deface their bodies with distracting and ridiculous tattoos could make it difficult to find anyone who is appealing as a fantasy. I read that George Duroy refused to hire some models because they had too much “body art.” We need directors and producers to stop hiring them or covering the tattoos with makeup.
You are absolutely right! If some studio came up with an ink-free division, they’d make a fortune from all the guys who are sickened and disgusted by the sight of beautiful bodies ruined by tattoo ink.
They already do it’s called twink porn lol
But some sites like Corbin Fisher & SeanCody already flourish with many guys that are tattoo-less
A thousand times YES!
Thank God people are FINALLY seeing sense on this senseless practice. I hate, loathe and despise tattoos. If I am even considering the possibility of a relationship with someone, the existence of a tattoo on him is the ultimate deal-breaker. With the exceptions listed above, and some others, (hello, Dean Flynn), I’ve practically had to go back to 80’s porn to see beautiful un-inked bodies.
Yeah, I love Dean Flynn.
Tattoos go back to biblical times. They were worn by tribes that didn’t want to have to drag their trailers along with them every where to be identified.
You might want to check your facts – Diego Sans has inked some foreign language on the underside of both forearms. Additionally, he has added “angel wings” to his neck, right behind both ears.
?!!? uh oh. might have to remove him from the list. thanks.
Agreed. While the right tattoo on the right guy can look good, too often tattoos only serve to disfigure a person.
There is no “right” tattoo. They are lame and announce insecurity and stupidity to the world.
OMG I’m so sick of big, ugly tattoos ruining beautiful porn stars bodies! I’m not necessarily against the 1 (or even 2) tasteful tattoos appropriately placed, but now they’re just putting all sorts of ugly ink all over their bodies. It’s not cute and makes them look trashy.
I agree with you about every single one of the people you listed. Their bodies are perfect and gorgeous. It’d be like tagging a Van Gogh or Picasso. If you need anybody to join your gang to beat the crap out of anybody who gets near them with a tattoo gun, just let me know.
Hah I didn’t realize until Spongey mentioned it that Samuel Colt is inkless. He’d look sexy with or without them.
Also, how can you forget Marc Dylan and Shay Michaels??? Well then again you’re not that obsessed with Marc Dylan just like many of us.
You people got first-world problems.
You have English- language grammar problems which by the way goes well with tattoos.
And that ‘s GO well. but you didn’t notice did you?
A very well-chosen gallery of dudes who should remain inkless.
Some guys are appropriately inked-up, and some guys appropriately not. Let’s hear it for keeping some skin scrubbed when it’s appropriate. No need to gild the lily, so to speak.
I never could get piercings or tattoos working as a driver for UPS so many years, but now that I am not there anymore I have toyed with the idea…
Paul Wagner’s the only hot one of the ten, then again it’s hard to look good next to him…you can have the first 10-way gay marriage with the rest of them, Zach.
Argeed on Marc Dylan. I would also add SC’s Brandon, Andrew Stark, and most of Fratmen’s models to the list.
OTOH Cayden Ross is one I would watch no matter how many tattoos he has.
Models I wish we’re tattoo-free: Jake Bass, CF’s Derek, and Chris Porter.
I would also add Mason Star and Kevin Warhol to that list.
This is the first time I’ve seen Jake Bass mentioned on The Sword and I knew he had one attribute you guys would just love. (I mean the big colourful one on his neck.)
Can you P-L-E-A-S-E add Mr. Marc Dylan to the above list
The right tattoo looks hot on the right guy. Too bad that most tattoos are the result of a moment of (drug or alcohol) induced weakness.
A tattoo is a low-class symbol of trashy culture.
I would rather they get tattoos than wear those silly beards. Boyish faces look bad in a beard. Facial hair does not make you masculine no matter what Raging Stallion Studios tell you.
At least it’s human. Tattoos look like a skin disease.
What about Samuel Colt?
YAY! for the ink free models! I’ll be crushed if Paul Wagner get’s one!
BTW, Marky Mark(aka Mark Wahlberg) is having his removed.
I think he already did have them removed. I remember seeing it on TMZ more than a year ago he came out of the clinic in some pain from the tattoo removal process.
I’m here for Paul Wagner, Donny Wright, Dario Beck and especially Ethan… lol, Ethan Sire.
Griffin Barrows, Scott Riley
Having a tattoo was interesting for about 5 minutes, now it’s the unadorned guys who stand out.
By the way, was it Ethan’s decision or yours to take your name Zach?
Amen! Amen! Both on the tattoo rant and the choices of pornstars! Alleluiah!
Not a huge fan of tatts. They can look good in moderation, in the right place and on the the right person.
Dunno why its become such a big thing in porn these days.
Beards are normal and natural. Tattoos say “My body isn’t good enough and I am not cool but really want to be”
I know what you mean. Chris Porter-Potty would be so much more enjoyable if he didn’t have that terrible (I did this out of spite, mom and dad!” chest tattoo. Logan McCree too, he would be so much hotter.
I usually hate tattoos, but Logan McCree’s are fascinating. They are like an armor!
I agree about Logan as well! It makes him look more muscular than what he really is, and if it was just maybe a couple of these on his body, it would not work. But like you mentioned, it’s like a body armor, and it is just so damn sexy on him!
Armor!? Most of it is Prince symbols!
If anything Chris Porter’s tattoos are better than Logan’s
No fucking way are CP’s tattoos better than Logan McCree’s! While I find nothing wrong with CP’s tats as individual artworks, they’re all randomly placed! Logan’s tats however were carefully planned, and they all work together. It is a bit too much tattoos for most people to appreciate, but it is what makes him Logan McCree, and I don’t believe he would have the same sex appeal if he didn’t have them.
I didn’t say that. Some fuck keeps posting under my name. Chris Porter-Potty’s tatts are just as bad.