Gay Halloween Porn

Looking Back At NakedSword’s First Film With A Trans Male Performer

We’re super excited and incredibly horny for Halloween 2020! In order to properly celebrate the big day, we’re taking a look at 13 of our favorite ooky spooky scenes and movies from past and present. So ready your Halloween candy and stiff cock as we look through some of our favorite Halloween-themed scenes from some of the industry’s top porn studios for The Sword’s 13 Days of Hallowiener!

The next stop on our “13 Days of Hallowiener” train comes courtesy of the 2017 NakedSword Originals film The Devil’s Deal and Other Sordid Tales. Directed by mr. Pam, this film features Jonah Fontana, Gabriel Alanzo, Justin Brody, Viktor Belmont, Casey Jacks, Ruckus, Pheonix Fellington, and Leo Luckett pairing off for four hot, spooky scenes.

The film is split into separate vignettes that each show different, chilling sexual encounters. The various plots of this film include an adventure seeker trying to solve some unanswered questions revolving around a boat captain’s ex, a man having sex with the spirit of his dead lover, and a youth-obsessed go-go dancer who summons and makes a deal with the devil.

The Devil’s Deal and Other Sordid Tales also acts as a big milestone for NakedSword Originals. The film’s scene with tattooed hunk Viktor Belmont made Devil’s Deal the company’s first original movie with a transman in a major role.

In his hot and steamy scene, Viktor is paired with Justin Brody. Viktor acts as a sexy specter that thrusts Justin into another dimension. The tension between the two leads to some oral sex and “new sexual pleasures the man had never known before.” The scene ends with Viktor commanding his partner to cum and Justin shooting his hot ropes on the specter’s face.

When talking with TheSword back in 2017, the award-winning Viktor gave us some insight on what he wanted people to take away from his NakedSword debut:

“I hope that it creates some awareness for what attraction can be between gay men. Gay trans men exist and we’re desirable. We’re no less of a man than our cis counterparts. There’s a fair amount of resources for trans men in ‘straight’ relationships but I still see a huge lack of visibility for gay transguys. I would like everyone to know that they deserve love and adoration. Regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, love is love. Trans folks are lovable. We’re desirable. And we’re here, we’ve BEEN here. Now, let’s show the world how well we can choose love over hate.”

You can read parts one and two of TheSword’s 2017 conversation with Viktor Belmont here and here.

Check out the trailer for Justin Brody and Viktor Belmont’s scene below and watch the entire The Devil’s Deal and Other Sordid Tales film over at NakedSword! Don’t have an account? Sign up for the site now to get a $20/month lifetime membership.


22 thoughts on “Looking Back At NakedSword’s First Film With A Trans Male Performer”

  1. I don’t know what it is but I’m attracted to trans males . Well some of them. Never been with a woman but if I were to be with one it would be with a trans . Damn Sexy !

  2. Thanks to the porn videos, I’ve seen some trans men who are more masculine, hairy and handsome than guys born with a penis. I have fantasized about meeting one who doesn’t shave and having some super HOT naked sex (several times). Since they don’t look any different than cisgender males when they are clothed, I don’t know how to meet one.

  3. The hideous tattoos (on both) and those ear things are distracting and disgusting – a lesson in how to destroy your masculine good-looks. I’ve never watched trannie porn, but I would…with attractive performers. Just my opinion; I’m fully aware there’s an audience for ink, but it’s taken over and destroyed much of the industry, IMO.

    1. Dear Peter,
      in some regions and economy branches tattooes and piercings are a no-go. I know that. I always have to hide my tattooes under a shirt. But when you live in a sourrounding that has no prejudices, so why not be free to have and show them. The tattooes and piercings here are so good. I am so happy for both of these actors, that they can live so open and freely.

  4. I’ve honestly tried to watch trans male porn several times. A good friend of mine loves it, and introduced me to it. Well, after a decent enough “experiment,” I’ve decided that it’s not my “cuppa tea.” I might find the “upper half” of the guy sexy/attractive enough, but as soon as the camera gets to the vagina…uhhhh, NO thanks. That is not what I want to see; two dicks, three, ten, etc., are fine, but one single pussy ruins it or me. Just gotta be honest.

    1. Universal Potentate

      Thank you! I appreciate when someone can state what they dislike without making it into anything beyond their own tastes & preferences.

    2. I feel the same way. To each is their own but there’s something about seeing a vagina that ruins it for me too. Guess I’m so in love with dicks.

  5. The pussy on a man surely looks too weird to watch! The reason i liked men is the dick and the ass and everything else! Not for me!

    1. Yeah I don’t want to see any vaginas. Gay porn is men having sex with male genitalia. This is not it at all. As a matter of fact, it makes me turned off from Justin Brody.

      He claims to be gay and yet here he is fucking a vagina. Everyone wants to be so fluid and push trans/bisexuality that they forget that there’s still gay men who want to see gay sex.

        1. What the hell are you talking about. Log cabin Republicans, oh hunny you’re far off. Just to let you know (even though it’s none of your business) I’m a Democrat all damn day long. Can’t stand the Republican Party and like so many others, can’t stand Trump.

          I’m a Dem, black gay man who just prefers not to see pussy in my porn. That’s cis-female, FTM, he’ll even a plastic pocket pussy. I like penis and gay sex. Period. That’s not showing any disrespect to any of them and their sexual journeys but it’s my opinion and preference.

          Now step off and find something better to do than be an arrogant douchebag to so many people on this blog.

          1. Universal Potentate

            Your journey and your preferences are great. Justin Brody’s are great. He can identify however he chooses. So can you. That’s the point. I’m okay. You’re okay.
            I see a lot of ridiculous hate on here. Calling it what it is not arrogant, it’s appropriate.
            1 post honoring trans sex in porn is not “forgetting about gay men” especially from The Sword.

          2. Tired of the fear and hate

            As a black gay man, im saddened not to see more compassion and tolerance.. Can you not see your own bigotry in your comment?
            If you rephrase your comment using (insert any minority or marginalized group of people such as [black, Asian, latino, brown, etc] man) instead of trans and tell me if its not racist and hurtful.

            “Yeah I don’t want to see any “black men.” Gay porn is white men having sex with white male genitalia. This is not it at all. As a matter of fact, it makes me turned off from “anyone” having sex with “black men”.

            He claims to be “white” and yet here he is fucking a “black man”. Everyone wants to be so “open/tolerant” and push “interracial sexulaity” that they forget that there’s still white men who want to see white sex.”

            Can you now see how your comment is hurtful, insensitive and actually arrogant? Just because you have a preference or opinion does not mean you should share it. As a gay man you have to deal with homophobia, why would you want to support and add to transphobia. You’re adding the problem and separation.

    1. Definition of universal

      Hey Miss Universe, I think that Websters is asking that you change your name ! Also, next time read the small print .. DONT BE A DICK

      1 : including or covering all or a whole collectively or distributively without limit or exception especially: available equitably to all
      2a : present or occurring everywhere
      b : existent or operative everywhere or under all conditions universal cultural patterns
      3a : embracing a major part of the greatest portion (as of humankind) a universal state universal practices
      b : comprehensively broad and versatile a universal genius
      4a : affirming or denying something of all members of a class or of all values of a variable
      b : denoting every member of a class a universal term
      5 : adapted or adjustable to meet varied requirements (as of use, shape, or size) a universal gear cutter a universal remote control

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