“They clearly knew who we were and what we were doing,” said Steve. “They asked for specific Falcon employees and verified my identity by my stage name. If this was an anonymous tip, it was only anonymous in that they wouldn’t tell us who it called it in.”
The shoot, which took place in a nondescript warehouse in Northridge, began filming on Sunday. Cruz was in the middle of shooting a sex scene between Dillon Buck and newcomer Colton Steele when several police officers entered and demanded to see a film permit. (Indoor film permits on private property are generally beyond the scope of police, especially vice cops.) The production was shut down entirely costing thousands of dollars in lost wages and fines. The filming will be moved to San Francisco and resume later this week.
“We found it strange that the LAPD vice squad went through the trouble of entering private location to issue a citation,” said Falcon’s PR director. “It’s the wrong department, and studios shoot on this set every week without problems. I hate to sound over-dramatic, but this was an inside job.” Falcon declined to speculate further, but suggested there were few people who have both connections to LAPD, and an interest in disrupting Falcon production.
While we were on the set yesterday, we left (sadly) before all the excitement.
Stars Get Shagged on Set of Cruz’s Blue Movie
Steve Cruz May Have the Most Embarrassing Suitcase Search Ever
Watch Blue Movie on NakedSword.
Fags? Really? At least we’re not THE WORLD’S WORST DIRECTOR OF GAY PORNS.
Lets see, how can I best define those who posted comments above? I got it: FAGS
If somebody CALLED LAPD and tipped them off then the call is public record. DEMAND the taped call and listen to it, I’m sure someone would recognize the voice.
Shut the fuck up and mind your business!
These folks want to get to know me!
Me, not you.
I am Marcus, I am Damons life partner and I currently weigh in at 410 pounds and I am realll gassy! :)
Damon likes mexican so we order take out.
Burritos, enchiladas, guacamole.
I will eat anything.
That is when “big bad Barb ah rah” will hand over her food stamp card.
Damon stands in front of the grocery store and buys peoples food for them with her card, they give him cash- .50c on the dollar and we get to eat out.
Anyway I am “in training” for Damons new Fart & Shit movies.
Thank you for supporting Damon Kruezer
You got a big mouth Marcus!
Now that damned Lucas will steal Damons Shit movie idea!
Damon farts all the time!
yeah, so he wanted to make a few bucks out of it, so what.
Shits his pant to,
now thats where the money is!
Damon was THE FIRST to come up with “Farts” – the movie!
Michael Lucas steals Damons idea once again.
Damon and Marcus share special fart moments together and sometimes with others.
A Mother knows!
Hey Kentie, I have an idea. If you want me to stop posting and telling people what a liar you are, why don’t YOU pay me off? It would have to be a substantial bribe, I’m afraid, because the Gay Porn Mafia is opening up a Swiss bank account for me as we speak. But I’m sure you could do better than that, after all you live in a luxurious duplex loft in TriBeCa, Manhattan, and have high-paying clients who depend on you for classified intel. So I’ll be sending you my account number via that maildrop you list on Fulton St., and await your generosity.
Does Scotty B. know that every answer in that “interview” you gave him is a bald-faced lie? Just curious.
Damon has just been interviewed again by a major website. That’s on top of his interview with the Micky’s host. He talks regularly with the Top Five studio execs and directors in the biz, and is on very good terms with many of the best known models and with one agent in particular. So how can anyone deny his industry status or go bitter like that ridiculous Will fellow who’s posting everywhere with what appears to have been fed him to spew? There’s clearly an unadmitted agenda against Kruezer that makes no sense and has no valid basis, and I agree with Mr. Mignon in what he says about defamers like Chinchilla Man or that miserable liar Angel Skye, who used Kruezer for publicity and interviews and then turned on him when Damon asked him to pay him and his very special friend in Ft. Lauderdale the money owed. I must say I found Damon’s Q & A with Scotty B fascinating, and I look forward to reading his latest interview. There’s a lot to be learned from Kruezer and what he’s gone through, especially the fact he’s challenged his detractors to say publicly exactly what their personal or business “investment” is in talking trash about Kruezer – and they never have. Truly paid off tools they are – controlled by what Kruezer rightly calls the Gay Porn Mafia who have never been able to put him down and I doubt ever will. That’s it!
Marcus Holstrum is an amazing lover and can take all of The Kruezers 12 inches of endowment, can Stonie say the same?
I think not!
So all you jealous bitches eat your hearts out.
While Marcus is eating The Kruezers ass out! HAHA!
DAMON is the Greatest GAY journalist of this century!!
Kent/Damon/Yves/Marc and probably Zsa Zsa next-
The more you open your mouth, the bigger the fool you become.
Lunatic – party of one!
I was wondering if Paul Barresi was married to Stonie at the time he was getting banged by John Travolta and if so – does that make him bi?
It is hard to figure him out – he is into Kruezer, they do each other, that would put the whole picture into another fetish situation. I may never figure this out. It is so confusing.
Paul did a good job getting John Travolta in shape for Sat. Night fever 2.
Nobody answered my question yesterday. WAS Paul Barresi still married to Stonie when he was getting banged by John Travolta?
He was directing for Mustang!
He IS into Kruezer-
Does this make him Bi??
Call me curious?
Kentie/DK, are you trying to get yourself banned from this site, as you have been from every other site you have tried to ruin with your tiresome tirades about your nonexistent accomplishments? The Sword calls you the “locked-in-the-basement stepchild” of gay porn bloggers for a reason — you are a wannabe who has never amounted to anything. That’s why you have to resort to posting on sites such as this that actually have a readership. Please control yourself, and go back to the oblivion from whence you came.
He was across the street from the studio watching it all go down, of course it was him.
kruezeratnight.com was clearly the first to break the story and get comments from significant people in the industry. why is all this hatred and jealousy always directed to damon kruezer when he makes the news? he’s had the seminal interviews for countless stars, the renowned article on Zeb Atlas, the last reporter to interview the alleged killers in the porn producer Bryan Kocis murder, and the list goes on and on. Most people have no idea what he has done behind the scenes as advisor, creative consultant and confidant to many industry titans, past and present. Right, David Forest? You know.
there’s a handful of nasty Kruezer haters out there like that smart aleck rogue blogger chinchilla jim. jim never lets his critics and adversaries post on his defamatory site. chinchilla jim is such a pitiful COWARD. if he could be located, i’m sure he would be served with a “lawyer letter” to cease and desist. the name of one of his hate blogs is a pure lie. hey chinchilla, show me where he (DK/KB) is “on trial”, anywhere for anything. liar! i’m saying this because these nasty haters know about this story (as revealed by posts on chinchilla jim’s vile deceitful blog) and are already over here on this site spewing their venom.
oh god — Baressi AND Kruezer? Talk about a hornet’s nest.
Wasn’t Paul Barresi heading up Mustang before Steve took over? I smell witness-harassing “Mrs. John Travolta” all over this.
oh, Damon/Marc: you’re a real piece of work! you think you’d at least back date your story or something if you claim to ‘break’ it. your story is dated from 11:22PM, more than 5 hours after “TheSword” broke the actual story and after even Steve Cruz wrote about it on his site. What a joke!
(I apologize to Sword staff ahead of time for possibly angering Miss Kruezer-Montgomery, but that “claim” is ridiculous, even for her.”) :*)
Well I’m sure whoever “called it in” was 1st and foremost concerned about the welfare of Falcon employees and staff.
It’s time to deal realistically with the fact that the originating source of this industry stirring report is Damon Kruezer’s exclusive report yesterday.
His current Q & A interviews on 2 major sites indisputably confirm his professional industry standing. The Sword may claim it’s their exclusive but in fact their original source was Mr. Kruezer. For your credibility’s sake I strongly suggest you correctly attribute your source as Mr. Kruezer and his Kruezer at Night site.
I should also pay attention to sentence construction. Sorry about that badly worded first sentence.
come on — it’s LA. The police know who call it in and Falcon knows who called it in. The vice squad for a film production inside a private building? the only thing anonymous is that Steve and Troy aren’t saying who did it.
Um, Steve honey, just because the caller gave them your stage name and the names of other Falcon employees, he apparently didn’t give them HIS (or her) name. Thus, the caller is anonymous. Paying attention to details like that is what keeps porn shoots discreet and the vice squad away.