Because the internet needed another site to aggregate other people’s niche content into one, advertiser-friendly space: HuffPost Gay Voices. What is it? Oh, it’s like this big, gay blog, where the bloggers–like nearly all HuffPo bloggers–aren’t paid. Maybe HuffPost Gay Voices can be the new “hub” for gay news on the internet? We need something like that. And maybe being read by millions of people is “worth it” to an unpaid HuffPost Gay Voices blogger? Because it’s not about the money, it’s about compelling content. The lead story right now is lost footage from the 1990 Madonna music video, Vogue.

Why write if you are not getting paid? That’s fine for a couple of months to build up a portfolio of work, but after about 90 days of it, you are a fool a fool a fool if you are doing in for free. If the stuff you are writing is getting a lot of views and comments and is being linked to from other websites, then you need to be getting a check for that work.