The muscley porn star injected saline into his ballsack for the first time a couple months ago at the International LeatherSIR Contest in San Francisco, on Halloween.
The Sword: So the first time you tried this was in front of an audience?Samuel Colt: Well first I went up to the event organizer’s hotel room, where he did the first injection. He didn’t infuse any saline yet, he just put the catheter in to see how I’d react, and it didn’t hurt at all. There aren’t a whole lot of nerves in your scrotal sac. Then we went to the event and he injected me in front of the audience.
TS: What does it feel like?
SC: The saline’s really cold. It feels weird because all of a sudden, in between your legs, everything starts getting really cold, and then after about ten minutes or so your nuts start to get really heavy. It took about 25 – 30 minutes to infuse 500 cc’s of saline. It’s like being hooked up to an IV, only instead of it going into your arm it’s going into the nether regions of your scrotum. It’s just concentrated salt water, basically.
TS: So it’s the same solution they inject into people who are dehydrated from alcohol poisoning?
SC: That’s exactly what I was told, that I wouldn’t be hungover if I went out to drink because it’s like I just drank 20 glasses of water.
TS: So you went out and drank a ton afterwards?SC: Maybe a little. You know. It was Halloween.
TS: And were you hungover the next morning?SC: Of course not, it was fantastic! And I had big balls the next morning too.
TS: Did your boyfriend Tony Aziz enjoy it?
SC: He thought it was weird. He couldn’t believe I did it.
TS: How does an inflated scrotum affect sex?SC: It’s great. You just have these huge, huge nuts — it feels like you have bull nuts or something. And it’s cool because it stretches out your scrotum a little, and I noticed that my balls hung noticeably lower until the saline was absorbed into my body after two or three days. I did fuck my boyfriend afterwards and my nuts were slapping up against his ass. Like, “Bam, bam, bam!”
TS: Should beginners perhaps not try this at home?
SC: Any time you’re doing something invasive like this it can be dangerous, so you should seek out someone who knows what they’re doing and make sure you’re using sterile equipment.
TS: It’s the next big hangover cure!
SC: Um. Well, yeah, maybe not, I mean, it’s maybe not the best hangover cure but it works.
Samuel Colt’s just being coy. I for one am going to inject my ballsack with salt water tonight and drink until I am too drunk to drink. And I think you should too. Below is an extreme example of inflated balls that I found on Richard Public Gay Sex blog. I recommend against clicking to enlarge.
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Kudos to Samuel Colt for always pushing the envelope… He seems to have the uncanny ability
to make the freakiest extreme seem hot and sexy.
I’m sure it a great cure for a hangover. But beware; Samuel also played with his ball sac all night too, which was I have to say a little annoying, especially in public places.