Adam Demos Penis

Adam Demos Says That’s His Dick In Netflix Show, But Do We Believe Him?

So I haven’t gotten around to watching Netflix new show Sex/Life just yet, but I might just have to bump it to the front of my Netflix queue. While the plot of the show doesn’t seem that interesting to me personally, one of its actors is giving us a real big reason to tune in.

According to Entertainment Weekly, the show centers itself around a “horny housewife” that’s “struggling to remain a devoted wife and mother while craving the freer, wilder days of her youth.” That sounds all fun and great, but the show really picks up in episode three (around the 20:00 mark) when we get a shower scene between actors Adam Demos and Mike Vogel.

Adam Demos Penis

The 100% nude scene has since been turned into many different viral clips and screenshots for various corners of the internet and for good reason! It shows off both actors’ round, bare booties as the top of the scene, but shit really heats up when the camera centers in on Adam’s absolutely massive cock. Adam talked about the shocking dong reveal in a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly:

So did you request a body double for any shots or were you okay with the nudity? Because you have a full-frontal shower scene in there

I was okay with it because you read the script and know what you’re getting yourself into from the start, so I don’t think you would sign on to a show after reading the scripts and then say no last minute. That doesn’t mean you can’t have discussions about comfort level, which they allowed us to have – and with the intimacy coordinator, so it felt a lot safer.

Are you anticipating a lot of talk about the shower scene?

I don’t know. Maybe, maybe not. We’ll see…

Adam Demos Penis

Along with many other news outlets, I have taken that quote to mean that Adam is saying that that’s 100% him in the shower. Adam’s not using a stunt double and he’s not using some fake dick that’s attached to his crotch. According to the actor, that’s fully 100% him!

I’ve trolled through some message boards about this mega dick reveal and tried to see what people think about this man’s nude scene. There’s been plenty of pervs out there who have taken Adam’s word for it and believed it’s his wang, but I’ve also seen a lot of people very confused about the situation. Some just aren’t believing that this man has all that meat stuffed between his legs and they think he’s not owning up to using a prosthetic.

So what do you think? Are you a believer? Do you think it’s possible that the man has a fuckin’ arm hanging between those thighs? Let us know if you think this dick is real in our poll below, sound off in the comments, and be sure to head here if you want to inspect some more hung celeb cock.


35 thoughts on “Adam Demos Says That’s His Dick In Netflix Show, But Do We Believe Him?”

  1. Tja ,ik weet niet of ik het hier mag posten, maar als ik het met mijzelf vergelijk..vind ik het persoonlijk niet extreem groot.. of ben ik wel groot? Jullie mening


      1. J’en ai vue souvent dans les douches des grosses comme cela mais les mecs étaient plus gêné que moi qui en a une normal +.

  2. No it’s not real, imagine a porn star dude with bulgy pants look up how he looks in short and pants. Anyways, it makes a good show when actors play the part as if it is in real life. Somehow the big penis just adding something extra to the drama. Is she into good sex chemistry or real love. Like anything else on tv nowadays some skin butt nipples and cheating scene seem to attract views and attention even the story line is crappy and doesn’t make sense

  3. We’ve got a mid 20s lad at our squash club who’s similar hang (although not quite as big), makes us lot with our 2 & 3 inchers feel very small when we’re all showering after a session.

    Thing is he knows it’s a cut above the rest, he spends extra time in the showers soaping up his bits.

    1. Would you ever think about doing anything with him in the showers or have an orgy? Also, do you ever think that maybe he does that in case some other guy wants to touch and feel it to make sure it’s real? Or to have “fun” with them with it?

  4. It’s terribly funny that you take a statement that does not remotely address the penis, as the actor confirming that it is indeed his penis and not a prosthetic. Not that this site ever claimed itself to be journalism, lol. Not to say that a penis of that size does not exist, I know that they do, but this is clearly not a real penis. It is a fantastic approximation, no doubt. A great team of makeup artists made and applied the penis prosthetic to the actor, but it moves like silicone, it looks like silicone, and the actor’s blood is not circulating though that appendage. One can just see the seam where the prosthetic is attached. Adam Demos is gorgeous by any estimation, whatever his penis situation is. On the flip side, for such a fit speciman, his ass is, one of the saddest asses I have ever seen on a man that isn’t 70+ years old. Ooof.

    1. As a gay man I know that dick like that exists, the sad part is that most guys with a dick like that don’t grow much more than what you see when it’s hard, and there are some guys that their dicks might look small but when it’s hard can grow to that size or more and thicker. Look at Michael Fassbender’s dick on “Shame” it looks practically as big as Adam’s and no one said it was fake. And just so you know actors usually play with themselves to get semi hard to look bigger on camera because they are just as self conscious as every other man.

    2. While I cannot say for certain whether its a real penis, I’ve seen real dicks that size in person swing in precisely the same manner, especially when softened up by hot water and steam… anyone with a penis knows heat and moisture make everything longer and floppier. It also very much looks real up close, as the veins are more random than what one would find on a prosthetic, the details like the circumcision scar and color variations on the penis, like the subtle variations just under the glans and on the glans itself are more nuanced than even a convincing prosthetic and if a significant amount of blood was flowing to the appendage (as you say it is “not”), it would be erect and going back to the nuances in color variations, I would also like to point out that it is flush in some areas, consistent with what a real penis looks like when it is coming into contact with shower water…. Also, the part you circled (claiming you see a seam) just looks like the striations that appear on trimmed pubes, rather than the seam from a prosthetic, which would actually typically present with a more dense “bush” to hide the silicone flap and mask the transition from silicone to real skin. Once again, I cannot say for certain whether this penis is real, but the grounds upon which you attempted to debunk the claim are flimsy at best. It’s cute when people are so determined to refute a claim that they literally make up criteria to support it and while I concede that anything can be faked, it really doesn’t seem like a fake. I have been intimate with more men than I’d like to admit that are endowed in similar proportions, so I can say confidently that if the actor says it’s really his penis, there is no reason to doubt him unless photos of him surface with a drastically smaller package.

    3. Penis looks very real to me, and his butt looks better than my flabby ass. People should stop shaming others body appearances.

  5. It’s (likely) fake. Think about it for a minute. If it’s that huge when flaccid how big must it be when hard? As I said, it’s unlikely.

    1. It could be the same size when hard, just a little more thicker and harder.
      My partner is rather large when he’s floppy and when hard it just gets thicker and harder.

    2. He can be a shower not grower. I’ve been with guys that look big like that but don’t grow much more than what you see and I’ve seen some guys that looks smaller but can grow like that and thicker too. So I really think it’s real.

  6. The reason he’s confident about exposing it is because it’s real and he’s probably a little arrogant about it.

    1. Your point? For fuck’s sake, you moron… this a gay porn site. It is what we are here for. Your wanna be edgelord comment just shows how incredibly tiresome and banal you are.

      1. I didn’t even know I ended up on a gay website until this comment. I just wanted to know if his dick was really that big. I mean I’ve seen 11 inches+ so yes it is possible for him to be this huge soft. Such a sexy man

    2. It doesn’t matter if it’s real or not, this is a serie and for entertainment, I do believe it’s real. But why should we care so much about size? If it’s big or small doesn’t really matter when we all dead..feels like we been brainwashed to think bigger is better when it’s actually not. If you love big dicks then be with one, it’s that simple..and trust me not many have big dicks.

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