The Sword first learned about the break-up early this morning when the promoter of San Francisco’s Porn Star party, Andre Shannon, sent out the following message [sic]:
Yesturday I learned that Aden & Jordan have decided to end their relationship. Hey, it happens. So today from my cold bed in Fire Island I will be redoing the flier. There are a few fliers that are out, with the current ad, on shelves in Castro. Those are now collectors items so get them while they are hot.
Soon after, Aden Jaric confirmed the news himself with a justifiably testy little message:
The perty hunk Falcon exclusives appeared in nearly a dozen scenes together, beginning in 2007 with Endless Crush. No word yet on whether they will continue their porn careers separately, or on who will get the puppies.
Listen To This Song The Jarics Made For You
The Jarics Give Birth to Puppies, Are Happier Than You
The Jarics Throw Themselves An Injection Party
All the cynics aside… I wish both these guys all the very best. I think what they attempted to do was admirable by showing that just because they entered porn that they could remain monogamous to one another. I think they deserve compliments for that. As for them splitting up, I think it’s sad but everyday people split up for a variety of reasons. Automatically assuming it was porn that was the reason is shallow and knee jerk.
I want to wish Aden and Jordan all the very best going forward whatever that means. I’ve never met them personally, they have never done anything to me and my guess is they have done nothing to the vast majority of haters that are spewing their hatred towards them. Hang in there guys. I hop you’re both happy and the split can be amicable.
I think people should be more respectful of their relationship and the fact that it ended. I wish them well and hope at least at some point they can remain friends.It seems being public about who you love those relationships invariably end. I look at Bob Paris and Rod Jackson as an example.
Too many envious dumb queens on this blog posting how its not a shock because they’re in porn? You’re all iodiots!!! it’s not a shock because most relationships end, including in the non porn world too. Just look at yourselves! The ones of you who actually might be in a relationship might have it next week or 2 years from now or whatever. The only ones of you that have a real chance of making it are the ones that are really old and have an equally old partner which both of them are scared of losing each other because chances are they’re not gonna find anyone else.
Heavens forbid they ACTUALLY have feelings for each ohther huh MMDD. Maybe even
at some point have been in love! If you dont take it seriously why the fuck are you reading it or commenting? Dumbasss. The extra “s” is silent. Take a hint.
Andre, actually YOU are the one who should take a hint. If you’re taking porn this seriously, then you need to step away from the screen NOW. Any pornographer in this biz will tell you that porn is all about fantasy, and that means ALL aspects of it. It’s not just a fantasy when the cameras are rolling, you know. These guys build careers and establish reputations based on the fantasy they create for the viewer. It’s all for entertainment, nothing more and nothing less.
Did I mention the fact they were a couple before they decided to do porn?
They WERE boyfriends before they got into porn…three years almost before they started their adult film careers. And who’s to say they didn’t try to work out their relationship Sonia? Sad fact of life, but sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you can’t save a relationship. I know Ben Bradley & Roman Heart got back together.. and I hope to see that here after they have some time apart. If not, I hope they can remain friends.
MMDD, “Porn Stars” do lead real lives, we don’t do everything for your entertainment. We get laid off from our jobs, we get sick, we fall in and out of love. Some of us do wish to keep some semblance of a private life, despite having sex on camera for money.
Did porn break them up? Maybe, maybe not… only they will know that. I do know that porn had very little to do with my breakup…
I wish them both luck and happiness and ask others to respect their wishes and give them privacy.
I didn’t say you don’t lead real lives, Samuel. I said that porn is fantasy. Of course you have a private life and private relationships, but that’s not the kind of thing that gets talked about on a porn site.
May I remind everyone that this is PORN, ladies and gentlemen? Their “breakup,” just like their “relationship”, is all FANTASY. Don’t ever take this stuff seriously.
People change, they grow apart. Do they get any credit for lasting the two years in the adult industry that they managed? Relationships don’t work out for all kinds of reasons. It’s not accurate to just assume porn is what pulled these two apart.
In any event, I hope they remain friends and they go on to live happy, productive lives. With or without each other.
In this day and age no one can work on a relationship to make it last. I guess it’s simply just easier to walk away than work on making your relationship better, what a shame. I wish them both the best.
haha “I’ve marketed my personal life heavily for the last two years, but it’s none of anyone’s business now.” lol
Not a shock…judging by their twitters. And to be blunt.. sooner or later egos will get in the way.. Aden is far more attractive than Jordan is…
It is odd because, but for a mysterious mention on each of their Twitter of something bad happening in the past 24h, a review of their past twitters read like they are together. They talk about each other constantly, which makes it even sadder if it is true.
Maybe, though, it is a nice PR stunt for their song. I hope it is coz I liked their story a whole lot.
Shocking! A couple who gets involved with the gay porn world can’t hold it together? I’m just SHOCKED!!