Some hetero douchebag chose option (C) last weeked at Faces, a trash-tastic gay club in Sacramento. Aden complimented the man’s sweater, the man responded with a shove, Aden shoved him back, the man punched him in the forehead, Aden lunged at him. The feisty breeder then upped the ante by slamming Aden into the DJ booth, chipping the scorching hot porn star’s front tooth. (Full entry here.)
The fight ended with the guy on his back and me hitting him until I knew he was done and couldn’t attack me anymore, I then got up and walked away … I cant believe straight guys even go to gay clubs….. and then try to fight us! Are you kidding me? Well, just so you know, i didn’t feel my teeth break, and I got no bruises, just a couple fairly big knots on my head. The other guy, i was told, couldn’t open his eyes as he left the club, too swollen i guess … So its all over now and my teeth are fixed, i can’t believe that happened and it has been bothering me nonstop ever [since].
See what happens, Aden, when you insist on being monogamous with your boyfriend?
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Why do straight guys go to gay bars and start fights? (Meet the Jarics!)
Watch Aden and Jordan Jaric in Malibu Heat on NakedSword