Adult Industry Mourns The Loss Of Mark Nagel

Chicago Publisher, Event Producer, and friend to the adult entertainment industry, Mark Nagel, passed away on Monday, February 4, 2019. He was 57 years old. The devastating news of Mark’s sudden passing sent shockwaves through the Chicago LGBTQ community and the adult industry far and wide.

A longtime resident of Chicago, Mark was a supporter of numerous community causes and organizations, earning him the honor of being inducted into the Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame in 2017.


As co-owner and publisher of Chicago’s bi-weekly LGBTQ publication GRAB Magazine, Mark covered news, events and provided one of the city’s most recognizable and popular lifestyle publications.

With his longtime friend and business partner Stacey Bridges, Mark produced the annual Grabby Awards, one of the longest running award shows recognizing excellence in adult entertainment. Held over Memorial Day weekend, the Grabbys brings together models, producers, directors, industry professionals and the fans to create an atmosphere of joy, love and support, nurtured by Mark’s good nature and love of the adult entertainment industry.

An outpouring of love is being shown Mark on social media. Close friends and members of the community express shock, sorrow and remember him so fondly as a powerful voice in the LGBT community, a charitable and generous soul, and a dear friend. Members of the adult community weigh in as well.

Everyone here at TheSword, NakedSword, and the Falcon Studios Group sends our love to our friend Stacey Bridges as well as Mark’s family and friends. We will always remember Mark as a champion of adult entertainment, an ally, and a friend. Rest in Power, Mark and thank you for everything!


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