[Exclusive] Aiden Shaw’s Tranny Punk Past
Aiden Shaw Goes Straight-for-Pay In His New Music Video
Time-Honored Torsos: Aiden Shaw
A Porn Star Music Video That Is Actually Good Rather Than Bad
Is it just me or does it look like Mr. Shaw had a seriously bad cap job done on his teeth? Its distracting. JUST SHOW US THE DICK
“God bless it.” LOL! His personality is really delightful and only makes him even more attractive. He’s not just blessed with a big dick but also one of the most aesthetically beautiful ones I’ve ever seen in my entire life.
And it sounds like I’m being sarcastic, but I’m totally serious. I’ve been told I’m large and, honestly, I just don’t see it… Weird how we percieve ourselves.
Although, I will say, I consider anyone smaller than me completely of no interest. But, I wouldn’t like anyone ridiculously big.
I like watching porn with big dicks though. The bigger the better…
I think I might have shared too much.