We don’t want to diss the fine young lady, Alison Jiear, who appears in the London production of Jerry Springer: The Opera and who is scheduled to perform and who is singing in the video below. That’s her there on the right. We’re sure she’s quite talented. Also, we suppose that this song, “I Just Wanna (Fuckin) Dance” is a bigger hit in Australia than it is here?
Anyway, due to, uh, scheduling conflicts we won’t be able to make it Down Under this year to send you any dispatches. But we doubt anything can beat the sheer! incomparable! excitement! that was last year’s Fag-Hag Summit featuring Margaret Cho, Kathy Griffin, Cyndi Lauper and Olivia Newton John.
So we’ll just have be satisfied with this video, which features a dance mix of Jiear’s song, along with clips of every campy dance number in history from Sound of Music to Showgirls.
If You Thought Your Taste In Music Was Gay, You’ve Never Been To Australia
Big, Shirtless Clusterfuck of ‘Wolverine’ Stars Takes Sydney By Storm
Sydney Dispatch #3: 5 Things American Gays Can Learn from Australian Gays
Sydney Dispatch #2: Margaret Cho Announces Aussie ‘Fag Hag Summit’
Sydney Dispatch: Our Mardi Gras Memories… We Think
More Talent Added To Mardi Gras Party Line Up (SameSame)