The 2010 GayVNs were, when, last November? August? The good news is that the award show will finally see the light of day when Showtime airs it this July, at 2:40 in the morning. JC Adams found the programming schedule, and if you miss the 2:40 AM telecast on Showtime, you can catch it on Sho2, ShoLatin, ShoWTF, and ShoLOL at 12:35 AM, 2:00 AM, 3:00 AM, and 3:20 AM. The 2-hour ceremony has been edited literally in half and runs for 55 minutes, so set your VCRs accordingly!!
Does that mean GAYVN will be giving the real awards to the winners? You know we had to give them back that night.
ShoLatin, ShoWTF, and ShoLOL…too fucking funny. Watch it happen, though.
Now I will finally be able to remember what happened during the show.
Aren’t the winners still waiting on their awards?
has it really been a year?!
“Set your VCRs accordingly” ??? Who the fuck has a VCR? Get with the program Zach. Geez.