Fox News got ahold of this transcript between the fallen Miss California Carrie Prejean and pageant organizer Keith Lewis. Below is a sampling; read the full transcript here.
You’re a mean girl, Carrie. You’re a bitch.
From: “Keith Lewis”Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 07:49:07 -0700To: <cprejeanXXXX>Subject: RE: MessagesCarrie,
I have given you the details completely. Perhaps it is not something you would like to partake in, either way, you can let me know and I will respond to them today.
Best regards,
Keith Lewis
From: cprejeanXXXXSent: Friday, May 29, 2009 7:40 AMTo: Keith LewisSubject: Re: Messages
I expect you to be forwarding me ALL email requests and interview requests to me. I know how you are and its not right if you are selecting things for me. Thanks for your cooperation And fyi I am a presenter of medals at the special olympics in a few weeks for the summer games. So now u know I am doing this and I expect your full support. Also I was asked to fill in for a dj on a local radio show.. Ill be reading from a show biz script monday. I am doing this
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
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TRANSCRIPT: E-mails Between Carrie Prejean and Keith Lewis (Fox News)
I don’t think it’s truly outrageous.
Wow – what a bitch. I’ve never had a model act so rudely!