Alright, ONE thing I’ll add. I’ve scoured the site that this video came from and Googled the man you’re about to watch, and this really, truly, honestly isn’t a parody. Maybe.
AND, one more thing: The next time you’re having anal sex, remember that a man’s seed is not meant to eat crap and die. So pull out, I guess?
Why is Mary wearing that silly Ascot?
Does she think she is Qwentin Crisp?
What is the name of her ‘wife’ …….. Patrick?
Adam Hood = Robin Hood … trying to do good for us,
The other place for the seed to go it get drowned & end up in the sewer.
I also don’t care what Christians think. I’m atheist and considered the biggest ‘heathen’ sinner of all. AND DAMN PROUD OF IT! So I think it is really HILARIOUS when some gay get their panties in a twist over some of this stupid crap and resort to bitterly calling others ‘faggot’, ‘closet case’, or ‘queen’.
so explain to me this with your editorials… you ridicule this man for making a choice not to be gay yet don’t put any same scrutiny on any g-4-p performers.
a bit hypocritical don’t you think? This is why I fucking hate some of these gay porn blogs- you champion choice of partners in one instance and argue that g-4-p is fine, but in cases with christian ‘reorientation’ programs its complete bullshit. Why is it wrong in one case yet acceptable in the other?
This brought me a HUGE laugh. Thank you SO MUCH!
Although he is nothing more than one more self-loathing faggot who is drowning in the river of denial,
he is pretty cute. I think about an hour with him, and I could “save” him from himself, and remind him
of just how much fun “seed” can be.
Don’t be dissing ascots…
i know it looks like he’s talking to someone but he isnt, hes talking to a raccoon corpse cos he’s 90 shades of CRAZY
if you dont want to watch the whole thing, just watch from 3:00 – 3:20 where hes waving to himself in a cage and then confesses his love of gay sex
Too long, didn’t watch
if you play this mute with “somewhere over the rainbow” on top of it makes perfect sense…