No doubt inspired by any one of the performances from fellow exclusive Rocco Reed, Johnny Rapid plays a lifeless, wooden mannequin in his new scene, “Johnny In A Box.” This is the creepiest/hottest thing I have ever seen.
Despite portraying an inanimate object, Johnny Rapid is able to convey more passion than most other gay porn stars working today, and he has easily delivered the most believable, natural, and convincing performance of the year.
The only downside to “Johnny In A Box“? Johnny Rapid’s famously hairy asshole is completely shaved, because I guess 1950’s sex toy mannequins didn’t have body hair? (And 1950’s straight men like Marcus Ruhl had stupid tribal tattoos?)
One more reason to not use fake cum: It looks like some of that Cetaphil is diluting/smudging away the ink on Johnny Rapid’s left shoulder. Oops. :-(
Maybe it’s just me but I find no fault with Johnny’s cock. It ain’t a rocket but I can hitch up to that without breaking a sweat. I have no complaints with that.
(I do wonder if his girl and daughter are on set when he’s getting railroaded by insanely massive cocks though)
My thoughts, very creepy and men obviously got the doll from the same manufacturers as most of the NDS stable
Only a woman could have come up with this shitty concept.
I prefer unshaved Johnny but he’s hot…And I think its a perfect gift for Christmas.
I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and say that this works well as BAD performance art…
Creepy but so well done, and a big turn on. If Marcus Ruhl could just stay hard!
Interesting to look at, but I don’t find Johnny sexy
There is something VERY HOT about objectification
Rare to see in gay porn but this is HOT
I only watch the scenes where Johnny is double fucked. Other than that i’m not interested in his scenes or in him. But i must admit he takes it in the ass like a champ. Unfortunately he doesn’t turn me on, and i envy him, he gets fucked by a lots of hunks and he’s just a skinny twink. :) This is porn and i like guys with great boddies (i’m not that exclusive in real life)
loved the smudged black makeup around the “joints.”
NO, this is VERY creepy.
If this is suppose to be a Johnny Rapid mannequin then why is Marcus using a condom to fuck a mannequin? You think he’d be more worried about getting splinters in his dick.
It’s kind of creepy…
That was hot in a ‘creepy foreclosed home/old perverted Calvin Klein banned wood paneling ads’ kinda way
LOL! The joints aren’t visible in the “real” thing AND it has pubes!
Very clever
I want one!!!!
This was quite good, I almost thought they had made a doll of him. Until I saw his hairless peen.
I want one! If I put it on my Amazon Wish list will someone buy it for me?
Rapid actually looked like a mannequin, so I have to give them credit he really pulled it off. I kept thinking lol he looked so lifelike. I kinda like his shaved look for this scene too, for a change at least. Don’t know how old rapid is (does anyone ?) but he is a cute guy none the less.