Finally, a reason to watch this mess. Clip:
Ann Coulter has always been entertaining to me. She’s repulsively androgynous (both in her physical appearance and her vocal delivery, which makes her a sort of circus freak show you can’t take your eyes off of), entirely too self-important and arrogant (has she ever admitted to being wrong about anything or at least claimed ignorance when asked about any given topic? hilarious!), and incredibly skilled at pissing people off by using the same bombastic rhetorical techniques over and over and over again. She’s also not very bright (or maybe she is, and this is just another one of her tricks?), as her suggestion that Michele Bachmann wouldn’t run for president if her husband were gay relies on the notion that Michele Bachman (and Marcus Bachmann, for that matter) actually knows the truth about her husband’s sexuality.
She is just a bomb thrower and not a serious journalist. She has said that John Edwards is gay and Marcus Bachmann is straight. ENOUGH SAID!!! I do hope that she stumbled into the truth when she told republicans: :if we don’t get Chris Cristie, we will get Romney and we will loose.
The A-List series is so crappy. Seems like LOGO is working harder to do damage to gay people than Fox News.
like nails on a chalkboard. Zach, not at all surprised you actually find this fame whore of a witch entertaining. your so cool and cutting edge.
Some times, I wish I was a little smarter. But people like Ann Coulter remind me of how lucky I am. “[Our community] loves you Ann Coulter!”
She actually does have a point about gay men not seemingly gay; why not a str8 not seemingly str8. I still say Marcus Bachmann is gay. He doth protest too much, and that’s always a dead giveaway. But for the record, I can’t stand AC. I think she’s a hateful witch harpy who should only be let out on Halloween to scare little children.
Don’t ditch the witch! If not for her, Left for Dead wouldn’t be as fun.
completely OT: didn’t know Derrek Diamond was back! just saw him in a scene in, quite a surprise!
That was his last scene–filmed right before he retired. They’re just releasing it now, over a year later.
oh wow, who’s the crazy guy that keeps a scene with Derrek Diamond in the drawer for one year??
I can deal with gays who are Republicans, but once they get on the Coulter train I dismiss them as clowns. If I’m looking for a first rate conservative thinker it won’t be Ms. C!
this show tries sooooooooo hard and fails even harder.
of course, i’ll still be watching like i do every week.
Or in my case another reason NOT to watch it!