James Deen is currently starring with Lindsay Lohan in one of the worst (if not the worst) movies of the year. On the bright side, he gives good interviews (and has a great dick).
When asked by Gawker if he thinks double-penetration scenes are gay:
I think if you’re using hole to rub your dicks against another guy’s, then yeah, it’s a pretty homosexual activity but [not] if you and another dude together are having sex with a girl. The difference between a homosexual D.P. and a straight D.P. is when I go up to a girl and I’m like, “Oh my god, I want to see you just be a dirty little slut and do all these filthy things, I would love you to fuck two cocks at the same time, that would be so fucking hot, I want to be in that fucking hole,” that’s kind of a straight D.P. A gay D.P. is me going up to you and being like, “Hey bro, know what we should do? We should go find a girl and wrap her around our penises and rub our penises together. Let’s go find a girl to D.P.” I feel like it’s the motivation.
I guess that’s sort of similar to “it’s not gay if the balls don’t touch”? But what if a straight man suddenly discovers that he accidentally(?) likes the feeling of James Deen’s cock rubbing up against his while they are DP’ing a woman together? Oops. How can you even tell what’s rubbing up against what once you’re both inside there? Two men double-penetrating anyone (male or female) is inherently gay, is it not?
Also, what about taking things up the ass?
Some people like it in the butt and some people don’t. Just because some people like to put things in their butt, it doesn’t make them gay; it doesn’t make them not gay if they don’t; it’s just a sexual preference. There is a difference between wanting to feel something in my butt, and if that thing is phallic shaped it’s because that is what makes it feel good. If I want my female partner to do it, I feel like that’s straight: You just like it in the butt. But if you go up and if you’re like, “I want to have your male penis in my butt because I am attracted to you…”
2 cocks rubbing up against each other, girl or not, that’s def bi… If u enjoy rubbing ur cock against another’s man even if it’s inside a woman’s pussy, that’s boarder line bisexual. And there nothing wrong with being bisexual, but let’s call it what it is…. I would be totally uncomfortable with my cock rubbing up another mans, i wouldn’t be able to enjoy the pussy cuz it would be too awkward…not my thing, I’d prefer to have that pussy and ass all to myself. Just my opinion…..
I think it’s totally gay!!!!
And then there’s all that niche straight porn where women take double, triple, and even quadruple insertion/penetrations (two in the ass — one of which is usually Ron Jeremy — one in the vag and however many in the mouth), or where the girls snowball the guys after taking facials, or where guys give the girls creampies and then suck all the jizz out…
Let’s just do away with gay and straight and everybody just do whatever.
The only kind of straight(hehehe) porn I’ll watch are the one’s with two guys dping a chick in the same hole. Most of the time, there is so much tension in the air, you could cut it with a knife. I don’t know about other guys, but most of the feeling of my dick is in the front part of my shaft. If two guys are rubbing the front part of their shafts together in a hole, they are pretty much getting off on each other (at least that’s the way I see it). I wouldn’t want the “straight” pornstars to know that’s how I feel it works, because I wouldn’t want them to think what they are doing is gay and quit, but yeah I think the guys are getting off on the fact that other guys are around just as much as they are on the chick. Their testosterone gets all wound up and it’s a fight to see who can inject her first with the most semen. Usually when one guy cums the other cums at the same time. I love seeing nature at work.
I jerk off watching James Deen all the time. Does that make me straight?
lol no. It just means you get off watching straight guys in straight porn. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, I mean I think the majority of gay guys would have gotten off straight porn before gay porn, well at least I did growing up. I used to take my dad’s collection and watch them.
gay porn definitely takes most of my porn-watching time, but every now and then I like going back and watching some of my favorite straight porn performers: Julian Rios, Jon West, TT Boy, Peter North (when he was younger), or just peruse and find me some straight porn with hot guys. I just try to avoid looking at the girl and focus on the guy’s actions.
Which str8 sites do you like dude?
I’m always on the lookout for hot studs (and not the usual suspects) in str8 porn.
This is cute about James Deen and his GF.
Wouldnt it be something if the straight porn industry stopped employing heterosexual women? They can hire only lipstick lesbians and pay them to siphon the money out of straight men’s pockets, while going home to sleep with their girlfriends–All the while the straight men obsess over them, in a delusion trance, not caring that these lesbians find them contemptible.
Are there female porn stars in straight porn who refuse to perform female on female sex scenes? I’d imagine it’s a given since it turns straight male viewers on to see women perform something like that for the men’s entertainment.
Yes. And to most women who get into porn, they don’t do it for the sex. They do it for the money. If they have an orgasm, it is inconsequential to them. Paying bills is.
The guy talent in porn, in both straight and gay, do it for the same reasons as money(even if they are paid not that much), but the male ego is more present and interested in carrying out male fantasizes which porn caters to.
If gay porn is so lame because of gay for pay actors, maybe we should blame on producers and directors of porn? Why they hired them? I dont see lame fuck in bareback porn (most of them)…
Enough of “straight” guys in gay porn! If you wanna do gay porn, be the bottom, so you don’t have to impress us with a limp dick!
I don’t know what everybody else is talking about. I find James Deen very sexy. He’s not model-hot, but he’s cute, has a fantastic dick and is a great fucker. Unlike most porn models, he keeps it up and is rock hard for the entire scene — most of them filmed in one or a couple shots. And no, I don’t want him to do gay porn because he wouldn’t be into it. I want gay guys in gay porn that have the same enthusiasm, passion and stamina as James Deen (Lucio Saints is a perfect example).
You’re over thinking this. He isn’t going to do gay porn. Ever. So stop worrying about it.
Where did I say I was worried, idiot?
Yes, he is good looking-he’s naturally good looking from head to toe.
And no, he’s not at all attractive. Straight people watch porn to get off (go figure). He’s got a big dick that gets the job done, that’s all they care about. Gay men scrutinize ever porn performer like he’s a potential husband.
“Gay men scrutinize ever porn performer like he’s a potential husband.”
Ain’t that the truth!
Of course, you can find that behavior with women too. Just look at Cody’s Girls! :D
He’s actually got some pretty wise words as far as sex is concerned. A small head on a dick however, that turns me off.
His smaller glans is designed for better deep penetration. It’s a boon, not a deficit.
Well then take it all bitch :)
Interestingly enough, there was a study a while back that said bigger (read: ‘shroomier) glans were/are evolutionarily superior. Why? The glans is shaped that way in order to “scoop out” previously deposited semen from a vagina. The bigger the glans, the more old semen is pushed out and a greater chance of the depositor’s semen taking. Not something modern humans have to deal with today (and certainly not gay men), but there’s at least some biological basis for finding larger, mushroom-shaped glans to be more appealing/attractive.
I wonder how they prove their hypothesis? With a lot of field work!
With realistic dildos (the kind modeled after porn stars that Doc Johnson’s sells) and those fake vaginas. They used a colored viscous liquid to simulate semen and they’d measure how much was displaced by the “fucking.”
“A small head on a dick however, that turns me off.”
I agree. It looks like a little helmet! LOL! :D
A small, tapered head is definitely better for fucking, it’s more aerodynamic and makes the thrusting smoother. But they are not better for sucking.
Aerodynamic? I don’t know about you, but I don’t have wind tunnel down there…
What a douche bag!
I take it back. I read the article after I wrote the comment, and he has experimented. So I give points for open-mindedness. He acknowledged the homophobia in the straight industry. So I give some props to that.
I get the sense that he doesn’t want to be labeled and ostracized by the Adult Film industry for having some gay sex.
“Feel free to tell me to mind my own fucking business, but have you had sexual contact with a guy off screen?
Yeah, in my life when I was a kid. I feel like there is that college period in the majority of people’s lives where they are getting to know themselves and they are experimenting with their sexuality and trying different things and having different thoughts and stuff like that. When I was younger, I think I was like 15 or something, I would have a moment where I was like, I don’t know, maybe I like guys, maybe I like girls, what is life? I experimented and I never really… I’m not attracted to dudes. I kinda sometimes feel bad about that, I feel like I’m supposed to be because I hang out in San Francisco so much and people make me feel really bad for being a straight, white dude and I feel like I’m doing something wrong for being a straight white dude.”
Is he serious in that last sentence?? I mean really?
I think he is trying to demonstrate an open mindedness of sexuality. And acknowledge that the “differences” between “gay” and “straight” sexualities are a matter of perception. And that they don’t really exist.. Which is an astute observation, however, he does worry about the logical fallacy of maintaining a sexual identity as straight when he makes this connection between sexuality and identity.
Of course, what do I know. I don’t know the man, and he could be full of shit. Or working the PR for his crap movie.
I would also watch James Deen if he ever ventured into gay porn. He may not have the greatest body, and he might not be the best looking guy in the world, but he is certainly cute enough in my book…and his cock is killer. I wouldn’t kick him out of bed.
OK, you say he’s not that good looking and he doesn’t have a great body. His dick’s big, but there’s lots of those in gay porn. So what exactly *is* the attraction? I mean, the best I can come up with is his “straightness,” the fact that he fucks pussy (and does it for his living)…
Thank your deity that there is always FREE porn out there to make one appreciate HOW MUCH MONEY they are actually saving!!!
There is an article on another site where he has multiple BIG offers from several companies to do gay porn.
If he teamed up with a decent gay porn company, I would watch.
I really hope this guy doesn’t venture into gay porn. I don’t find him attractive at all, and straight porn topping skills don’t always successfully translate to gay porn.
Ugh! I don’t get his appeal AT ALL! He’s not cute in the face (looks a bit like a startled weasel in some shots) and he’s got no physique whatsoever (look at that chicken chest!). The dick’s a good size, but it’s got no… “flare” I guess would be the word. (“Flare” would be like foreskin or a big ‘shroomy head. A circumcision scar even.) And the ass (some of us gay guys like to top ya know) is unremarkable…
fuck…you must be fucking ugly
Yes, you’re absolutely right, random-internet-person. I’m “fucking ugly”. But guess what? I’m still a damn sight better looking than this troll James Deen (and you, no doubt). LMFAOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!
If you look at heterosexuall porn youll see how good girls are in DP…when you see what those guys do to her you keep wondering why is gay porn so lame…what is wrong when for a good fuck you need str8 porn to see some action that is not just in-out…
I gotta agree with this. Majority of gay porn is SO lame and vanilla compared to the average straight porn in just about every way.
Maybe gay porn is so lame because it’s infested with guys who either are or claim to be “straight”. And the scenes are cut up/edited to all hell to accommodate these guys and their flagging erections; they need breaks to watch pussy porn (or it’s playing for them during the scene a la ActiveDuty and Military Classified). Either that or they’re injecting “liquid Viagra” into their dicks, so you wind up with a disembodied penis situation – the guy is *hard* but his brain is off in another room somewhere, so he’s not engaged in the scene. Need I go on…
Nope, you pretty much hit the nail on the head. It’s a shame that that is what majority of gay porn consists of.
Maybe girls are so good in DP because they actually have 2 holes to make DP a little bit more successful? The common DP is 1 dick in the ass the other dick in the vagina. Very rarely do you see 2 dicks go into one hole and when you do it’s more than like the vagina, and that honestly is not that impressive considering 10lb humans come out of there.
But I do agree that some aspects of straight porn is better than gay porn, and lately for me it’s been the actual fucking. You don’t see tops plowing their bottoms in gay porn so much like the straight guys do in straight porn. I seriously miss seeing that.
Um, tops can’t and shouldn’t “plow” their bottoms like the females in het porn. This is an asshole we’re dealing with, not some loose cooch.
Personally, I can’t stand rabbit-fucking in gay porn. I mean, who actually enjoys sex like that IRL?
Well this is porn, it’s supposed to be fantasy and not reflective of real life sex. So clearly not everyone wants to be plowed like that IRL, but I’m sure there are some people that do, especially those that do extreme toy play and/or fisting.
You need to look at some dp fun in one hole (ass) in hetero porn, and you will know what i meant…)
Oh I do love watching straight DP and I easily lose a load when 2 guys go at it on a girl in only one of their holes. But I can’t seem to find them as easily, and I think most of the reasons why I enjoy them is because it’s 2 straight guys that have their dicks rubbing against each other.
But honestly DPs in general are way more common in straight porn than in gay porn, and honestly that needs to change. If these guys are such power bottoms they should be able to get excited over the idea of having 2 dicks up their ass. And studios should stop being so scared or whatever about filming them.
Staxus did a triple penetration not too long ago (and regularly do doubles) if seeing multiple-dicks-in-asses is the only was you can get your rocks off.
And as for me? Prolapsed anus and sitting on traffic cones just isn’t my bag…
I never said it’s the only way to get my rocks off, but DP is one of my favorite things to watch out for in porn.
And not everyone has a busted ass after DP. Trenton’s ass is still fine after his DP. I like variety in porn and I can get off from your basic vanilla to more extreme stuff like watersports and fisting. It all comes down to whether the performers commit to the scene and give us their best performances. Unfortunately for some their best isn’t even good, and that just sucks.
Please. Hetero porn is almost as bad as gay porn. Do you really think those girls are enjoying those DP scenes? Many of those girls have the same dead in the eyes look that guys in gay porn have and look like they had to take or drink something to get them through the scene. Not to mention the fact that many of them don’t prepare properly or have to deal with over aggressive talent and end up getting torn. Seka, who is a porn legend said she probably wouldn’t get into the porn industry today because of all the extreme acts the girls have to do for so little money and so much risk.
Yea. Porn of yesteryear was about sexual exploration and freedoms, it was reactionary to post war mentality. And today’s porn is about sexual exploitation and crude values of capitalism. Everyone has a price, so let’s make them suffer for it.
All sexual fantasies are a matter of what is occurring in a culture. We can look at it critically and analyze what is occurring simultaneously. And today’s porn represent the depersonalization of people.