The debate goes back many, many years, but once again someone has taken up the question, “Why aren’t there more men of color in gay porn?”
Porn producers have for years used the argument that “ethnic” or interracial movies simply don’t sell as well, and it’s all about supply and demand. But many people don’t buy that argument anymore, and counter that if we saw more men of color in our porn, it would not longer be relegated to a “niche” market, and would just be normal and that there are plenty of porn fans who would eat it up if it was there for the eating.
Gay Star News takes up the debate this week, speaking with both NakedSword Originals director mr. Pam and Hard Friction/Raging Stallion director Steve Cruz about their experiences dealing with models and their… preferences. And once again this will spark arguments that sexual preference is not the same as racism, and you can’t help what turns you on.
Says Cruz, “I have come to expect models refusing a scene partner because of race. Each time, no matter the races involved, the models assure me they aren’t racist, it’s just a personal preference.”
And, of course, when you’re shooting a scene, you don’t want to pair someone with a scene partner they’re not into, because it will be obvious in the scene not to mention you can’t make someone fuck someone they don’t want to fuck.
mr. Pam points out that guys who grew up in diverse, urban areas like New York or Los Angeles tend to be more open, while white guys who come from middle America tend to have strict tastes. “Their sexual taste hasn’t really ventured out past white guys,” she says. She says it’s one of the questions she always asks when she’s casting someone: “Are you into guys of all ethnicities?” And, she says, often they say no.
Diesel Washington also chimes in saying it’s hurt his career for obvious reasons. “It’s one thing building chemistry between two models in a scene,” he says, “but the inherent racism of when somebody says they won’t work with somebody else of a certain race, to me that sounds asinine. They’re dismissing an entire race of people.”
This is ridiculous. What’s racist is the audience. They don’t make ethnic or mixed poem because it doesn’t sell well
Am I racist because I don’t find most Asian guys attractive? or very pale white pinkish looking guys attractive?
Race is a social construct. There is no physical trait or feature that all members of one race has that no other race has. So there’s always going to be exceptions. This makes it unfair to rule out entire races. But if there’s a certain physical trait “associated” with a race that you find unattractive, then you’ll want to isolate your preferences to that specific feature instead of the entire race if you want to appear less racist.
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The worst thing that happen to black people is when started mixing with you people.
To me you whites are my enemy.
There’s racism in gay porn because there’s racism in the gay community. Then again there’s still racism in America. It hasn’t gone away because we have a black President. Until we acknowledge that as a country then this will continue to go on.
gay culture caters to whites – that’s a fact! when you ‘tards talk about attraction, you fail to realize that you are socialized to view certain groups as being desirable. like, seriously, a high school student probably knows this shit.
Look at the production value of black gay porn. Majority of them have poor quality and the same or little to no theme to their porn. That’s why it doesn’t sale over Asian/Latin/White porn productions. If the quality and creativity improves and black gay porn companies and websites stop using the “Thug, Jail, and Hood theme and cast better looking models, We may see a change in sales and request of more African-American porn. As far as interracial porn production, its my favorite category in porn. If the models regardless of race are traditionally attractive “Big Cock, Nice Ass, Tall, Muscular, etc.) the porn will sale. If you don’t produce high quality black gay porn and feature it on you websites. It won’t sale clearly! People know what they want to see and buy. During this interview they said you can’t make people have sex with people they’re not attracted too. So why is there Gay4Pay? Paying a “straight” man to have sex with another man. Clearly not attracted to each other, but more than have off the mainstream porn stars are Gay4Pay. Overall everyone’s getting a fucking check. We need more African-American people who are willing to make better high quality black gay porn. Porn performers are actors. I’m sure Black or White porn stars have been paired together and they weren’t attracted to each other, but they find a way to make it work or end up with shitty sex scene like the majority of the Gay4Pay bullshit they want people to buy. As gay people we need to stop being hypocritical and racist of each other and stop lusting over the straight guy, remember its a fantasy. Porn stars should stop being picky over scene partners. Its sad as gay people as much as we’ve been through throughout history we wouldn’t care about race. There’s clearly racism in the porn industry because its ran mostly by white people, racism started with them! If a performer refuses do a scene with someone other than a white person then they shouldn’t do porn, simple as that! White porn stars like to think that they have the option of choosing who they do scenes with. At the end of the day the porn stars are there to produce a Sex Scene with there assigned partner. Who cares if he’s African, Asian or Whatever else. You don’t see a Straight Guy refusing a scene with another Straight Guy, or a Masculine Gay Man. They’re so quit to promote Gay4Pay, but not Interracial Gay Porn or Black Gay Porn period. Its all racist to begin with. If you have to bring a “Personal Preference” into the workplace its stupid and unprofessional. It is racist to think a whole race of people are Undateable and Unattractive. No one is making you date outside your race or your preference. But let’s get real! Once you enter the porn industry you’ve been exposed. So don’t think you can be picky because clearly you’re desperate for money to do porn. No one can respect someone that sales their body for a living. Stop acting like you’re of above another races of people! Producers ask if you’re willing to do scene with ethic models because they’re a lot of people who like Interracial and Black Gay Porn, who are not black.
The argument of preference makes absolutely no sense. Porn is still a performance. I’m sure they’re are plenty performers who have sex on video with other performers they are not attracted to, regardless of color. Racism is also discrimination….not merely hatred or contempt. Race has no biological basis to justify its usage according to biologists, geneticists, and anthropologists. It is purely a social construct used in a social setting to separate groups of people. People of all skin colors are still part of the same species.
Why do people have to be so overly PC these days? Do we have to include 600 type of skin color in any movie, just to avoid being called racist? Get real. If black men want to make more porn, then shouldn’t there be some black dude porn director? But what do we have? Most directors are white, naturally they’d choose what they are familiar with or see as attractive. And for God’s sake, can’t people have a preference? It’s not all about race. It’s what they see as appealing. Some people like to eat beef and some like veggies. It’s the same as what color is the cock one wants to put in his mouth. Why is it suddenly racist, when years ago, we could call each other by names like “rice queen”, “potato queen” and be OK with it? We are going backwards instead of moving forward with all these labeling and being PC.
It’s not racist to be turned off by characteristics and features that predominantly belong to a particular race. Nobody would call a performer sexist for not sleeping with women. (Even though we could inject ourselves with trimix and put tab D into slot P). I don’t care what race my scene partners are so long as I have some chemistry with them. That being said, I am physically turned off by most African American and Asian features and characteristics. I get the same “no-feeling” thinking about them sexually as I do when I think about trying to have sex with a woman. Porn/Escorting is not like being a waiter or waitress. Its not a waitresses’ responsibility to fuck the people they serve and create a hot experience that others will enjoy watching.
While I would never stand for a POC being denied a job or other opportunities/rights, it’s rediculous to make porn there isn’t a demand for, just to try and be PC. These studios know what their viewers want to see, they can see the numbers of times a scene is watched, what pieces and for how long. If inter-racial porn sold, I’m sure studios would produce the supply to meet that demand.
I grew up in a liberal area, and have tried to have sex with POC I can tell are attractive with great personalities… cause discrimination is bad. If the chemistry isn’t there, it can’t be forced. Sex is different and most of the men I’ve met have a set range of attraction preferences that frequently exclude a certain race.
This isn’t racism, racism is based in a hate or contempt for another person based solely on their race. At most, this is sexual orientation…
you say “While I would never stand for a POC being denied a job or other opportunities/rights” – but you go on to excuse the racist practices going on in gay porn.
Look, if a hot black guy is on the dock for a scene with a studio… and the only scene partners available are the ones who say they don’t work with black guys. Well… that black guy is being denied a job because of discrimination and bigotry. Simple as that.
And i refuse to believe the excuse that “black guys in porn don’t sell”. Most of these sites update with new scenes often, Like, LUCAS, they put out like 3 scenes a week. So if they put up 3 scenes a week, you’re going to tell me that the 1 scene with a black guy is going to bankrupt the company!? If they put up a scene with an asian guy they will lose all of their members? But if they have 100% white men, the site will be FINE and suffer nothing because as long as it’s WHITE it’s right!?
That’s actually a racist way of thinking as well.
“Requests like ‘I’m just not into black guys’ is apparently very common, and these requests are often fully accommodated” and “(mr. Pam) says it’s one of the questions she always asks when she’s casting someone: “Are you into guys of all ethnicities?” And, she says, often they say no.”
… so if mr. Pam and these other directors/studios were concerned about diversity at all, they wouldn’t hire those guys.
Obviously, they DON’T care about diversity and equality. So Fuck Them!
Doh! What they care about is money.
I just have to say… whoever conducted the interview these quotes come from is not a good journalist, and DEFINITELY wasn’t trying to probe the issue. It felt like they asked a question about racism and moved on to the next subject once they got their vague answer. I think a bigger discussion is in order, and if you are going to bring up a hot topic like race than don’t be a pussy and back off. PROBE THE ISSUE! Try to get to the root of why studios are so nonchalant about the obvious racism is Gay Porn. WHY do they make excuses for these racist gay porn stars. Why is it okay to hire a straight guy who has NO attraction to men, but it’s not okay to hire a hot black man?
Basically. The person doing the interview was a huge pussy.
How ’bout the “porn stars” just shut the fuck up and do their JOB? No one is asking you to date your scene partner, but you are being hired to do a JOB. Just like Kim Davis… you need to just suck it up, and do what you are hired to do.
I think you are confusing racist and personal preference. Although personally, I am not attracted to blond men, that doesn’t mean I harbor any ill will toward them or wish to deprive them of opportunities (as long as it’s with someone else).
well yeah … YOU aren’t an owner of a porn studio.
We are talking about white porn stars who can show up on set and see their screen partner is black, and they refuse to do the scene. Which would most likely mean that the black guy goes home without pay – which deprives them of an opportunity.
A black guy is just showing up for work, and he has to suffer financially because of a racist white guy?
If some guy doesn’t want to date me because of my race I really don’t care. However, if someone doesn’t want to work with me in a professional environment simply because I’m black then that’s a totally different situation. Porn is their job. Half the guys appearing in gay porn are gay4pay. Can someone explain to me how you can have sex with a gender you’re not attracted to but you can’t have sex with someone of a race you’re not attracted to? That makes zero sense, just do your job.
As for Diesel Washington, I’m surprised he’s still in gay porn, I assumed he would’ve moved into straight porn by now. I remember reading a blog post of his back when he was working with Titan, the post was about some bisexual scene they had included in the latest Titan release. He expressed such excitement about working with women, he even went on to say that he hoped this would usher in a new age of more women appearing in gay porn IIRC. So yeah, I just assumed he would be doing straight porn by now, but I guess it doesn’t pay as well.
Diesel Washington has had a better career than a lot of those so-called pornstars that get praised all of the time. Some little prick over at Helix Studios makes a racist comment about black models not being desirable and people fall all over themselves to excuse what he says.
Diesel Washington takes the time to take up for black models and all he gets is hate. Gee I wonder why that is?
because he keeps in real in among men who think it’s acceptable to live in fantasy worlds and be fake. you can only go so far faking before you have to face reality. i’m still laughing at these porn stars acting like they have a choice in terms of who they end up working with. the same folks probably are on gofundme asking for donations for buying jinco jeans and furry costume suits.
As a black man I don’t know if I would necessarily call you racist but I do think we have to note the hint of racial profiling in this age old debate. The narrative seems to be that white men/women can idealize or love black culture but can’t seem to find that place in your mind to accept us as equals aesthetically. Regardless of your color you’re allowed to like the person of your choosing; however when you allege that blacks have bad breath or any of the other countless ridiculous stereotypes as a reason to dismiss someone then maybe there might be a little bit of misplaced hate in your heart. Dislike me because you don’t like my views or any other flaw you find in my personality, but don’t blow me off because of my color. That’s just my opinion and also I don’t know you personally Diesel, but I used to watch your vlogs. I happen to be a fan :)
When people talk about “attraction” between scene partners, I get a little suspicious. I’m sure there are times when white models are not “attracted” to each other. In that case, would directors still be as accommodating? We’ve ALL watched scenes where the models had ZERO chemistry. While no one should EVER force anyone to have sex with someone they don’t want to, that doesn’t mean you HAVE to hire them! I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who are willing to do interracial scenes. Would anyone side with a waiter/waitress who wouldn’t serve a black person? NO, you’d expect them to be fired and replaced with someone who would. What’s the difference? I respect someone’s right to their own personal prejudices’, I shouldn’t have to accept it professionally!
Before I even got to comments I was ready to say “The real question is DOES DIESEL WASHINGTON EVER STFU?!?” and then like clockwork there he is in the comments already…. Oh boy.
I think this is much ado of nothing. It’s about physical attraction. For example, I’m white, but my favorite porn actor for years, has been Lito Cruz. He’s Latino, sexy as fuck, and has a huge dick. And that furry patch on his stomach gets me off like you wouldn’t believe. If more guys looked like him in porn, I’d watch ALL THE THINGS. I have always tended to like olive-skinned guys, but I also like tall dark and handsome, in general. I also like being able to run my fingers through a guy’s hair. Kinky hair does nothing for me when I’m watching porn.
A whole different issue altogether is the fact that in my personal experience, and in real life, bad breath has been an issue with black folks. I can’t imagine kissing a guy with foul breath. I find bad breath utterly disgusting. You may say, well white guys have bad breath too, and you’d be right, but for some reason throughout my life the majority of folks I’ve encountered with horrible breath have been black guys. Is that racist? Cue the firing squad. It’s my truth, and bad breath is a HUGE turn off for me. With that truth in mind, it’s hard to be turned watching black guys in porn for me. It is perhaps a socio-economic thing having to do with lack of dentistry, and a culture that doesn’t place the same emphasis on dental hygiene. Who knows, but it’s my truth.
I also like white guys. I mean REALLY, really white guys. Milky smooth white guys, with washboard abs; blond or ginger. It’s just my preference. I fail to see how racism is relevant in the porn industry, when you can find porn specializing in every preference imaginable. If there are minorities complaining about not being able to find jobs in the industry, they’re clearly seeking out the wrong studios.
Just my 2 cents.
You’re a idiot lmao
Is this guy serious.. and this is what minorities mean when we say some white people just do not get it.
but for some reason throughout my life the majority of folks I’ve encountered with horrible breath have been black guys. Is that racist?
uh….yes…..because you are pinning something on a whole group of people based on their skin color, when that’s just not the case. It’s the opposite for me. The majority of people with bad breath and bad teeth I encountered….weren’t black guys. Now, should I follow your route and say those particular groups are more likely to have bad mouth care? I do I use rational thinking and say those particular INDIVIDUALS I encountered are the culprits of their own doing and not the entirety of a particular population based on skin color?
That’s how I feel about uncircumcised guys…NASTY! You can smell their dick from 6 feet away
I don’t buy that white mid western types who do porn rarely want to work with ethnic models. Hell I am a born and raised New Yorker and whenever I meet a white guy who is from east pennsyltucky or North Ohidahoma they are always like, “Need black and latino dick NOW!!!” and where I am from New York and white I’m like, “Gimme some corn-fed, trailer park tattoo having white boy ass!”
In New York (to a native new yorker at least) black and latino isn’t exotic or interesting, it’s just the norm whereas a white guy from Indyoming is like seeing a unicorn!
I like how these directors and porn stars say you can’t pair people with races they’re not into because it will show in the scene but gladly promote gay for pay.
This is the same thing with the homophobic in the gay porn industrie . The mostly of the porn labels have just straight models . This is homophobic i think !
If you can pay straight guys to inject Trimix in their dicks and fuck hairy manholes, then you can pay actual gay guys to fuck against their Grindr profiles.
The problem is changing the audience. Even the baby gays on tumblr post idealistic blurbs about diversity and attraction, but then go through their history and 99% of the guy pics they reblog are white.
The comment “not to mention you can’t make someone fuck someone they don’t want to fuck” is easily the most laughable line ever.
95% of these men are male prostitutes who have sex with some of the most average, unsexy men on the planet. I have seen more than a few porn stars out with some of the least attractive men in Manhattan, but let’s be real here.
Absolutely they might not be able to “get it up” for every client and absolutely they may even turn down a particularly unappealing man…but come on – we are NOT talking about paunchy middle-aged closet cases, we are talking about black male porn stars who most often are muscular, handsome and hung better than the average white male porn star.
It is racism pure and simple.
You mean THAT is where the line ends?
So true. These guys make absolutely no sense. They basically are fucking for money regardless. It’s a job for them so their asses need to stop acting like they got choices or find another job. I don’t get why all these gay porn stars are having egos. Folks are willing to be sex objects for a buck or two trying to act uppity or like they’re better than us people who are the reason why they are employed.
One more thought…..I have known white men who would only ‘date’ black guys. To me that’s a form of racism as well.
Any thoughts anyone?
Sammy, that’s not racism, that’s fetishism.
From my personal long ago experiences I observed racism as subtle as it was.
I am of the opinion that saying some skin colors are not your ‘preference’ is racism. If anyone is basing their rejection on skin color alone, what else could it be?
For myself, having been and continue to be as liberal as I can, I still occasionally find bits of racism buried deep inside and hidden by my openness. It’s always a surprise.
I grew up in the south with Archie and Edith Bunker as parents…..truly.
Even though I never bought into the whole extreme, ignorant, blatant hatred spewed by my parents, I was surrounded by it. It rubs off in the most secretive ways.
I was too busy trying to nail down the whole being gay situation so didn’t spend any time carrying on the family tradition of hatred. From my earliest days I thought discrimination was stupid and very mean spirited.
During my rutting years I would sometimes run into a black guy.
I couldn’t get hard.
To me that is an indicator that I still have more mind cleaning to rid even the tiniest remnant of racism.
I don’t like to admit that but it’s the truth.
My friends who are black have been surprised when I relate such impotent times. They only see me as the sweetheart friend that I strive to be.
It’s a whole different discussion to bring up the racism some black guys have toward white folks.
All in all, yes, there is obvious racism in porn just as in almost every gay bar or park bush to be found.
True, we have all come a long way but some of that crap is buried deep in our reptile brains.
We’ll just have to keep working on it.
Diesel Washington’s career has been hurt because of his big stupid mouth and because of he is unappealing. Not his color. I believe that most people’s tastes change as they’re exposed to more. As a 20-something, I’d never have considered black, asian or latin men. But as I grew up a little and was exposed to some really great men of all types, I definitely have experienced just about every race at one point or another. But frankly, I don’t know how a young porn actor can hook up with someone where there is absolutely zero attraction.
Excuse me??
And because of he is unappealing??
If you are going to leave a remark showing your disdain of me, at least form a complete sentence. You dumb fuck, and if English is your second language. Double fuck off.
Insulted by someone who doesn’t write English well…Haha
Diesel Washington…..eewww
Double fuck off because English might be his second language? How is this any different than the racism you’re claiming to receive? SEE? It’s your shitty fucking attitude, dude!!!
Shitty Attitude?
Whatever dude I speak my mind and not conforming to what you like just to please you.
Triple Fuck Off to you.
Might want to get your full stops and commas sorted before you go off on anyone over their use of English there chief.
“You dumb fuck, and if English is your second language. Double fuck off.” makes no sense whatsoever. You could have tried a full stop after the first ‘fuck’, and probably tried to avoid starting the next sentence with ‘and’. A comma after ‘language’ (rather than the period you used) would then have made the last part into a reasonably cogent sentence.
Anyway. That reaction from you is exactly what the guy was talking about when he mentioned your big mouth. You really don’t do yourself any favours at all.
Oh, I see. I made a typo and you are using that to distract from yourself. Brilliant. While I should have probably proofread my statement, I’m glad you took it as an opportunity to show everyone how obnoxious you are. So thank you for being you on cue. Maybe you shouldn’t “speak your mind” quite so much.