Add this to your list of WTF/”I can’t”s for the day, as gay porn star Arpad Miklos dons a Freddy mask and puts lipstick on some weepy hipster in this music video for a song that is actually not that bad. And don’t worry, Arpad doesn’t do any of the singing.
Pitchfork, the arbiters of all that is relevant and buzzworthy in indie music, are talking about it, so it has to be good:
For his latest video, Perfume Genius‘ Mike Hadreas knew he wanted a co-star that was “big, masculine, and tender.” Enter gay porn star Arpad Miklos, who plays the Seattle singer’s doting better half in the clip for “Hood” from the forthcoming Perfume Genius album Put Your Back N 2 It.
As far as bringing in Miklos, Hadreas–who hadn’t seen any of his co-star’s work–wanted to battle preconceptions and show that even a hulking porn star can have feelings, too. “I don’t like the idea that people would automatically think something is nasty,” he said. “If I just got my boyfriend to be in there with me, people could just pass it off as cute because we’re both boyish. I like the idea of not having things be so obvious.”
“Obvious” or not, a gay porn star putting lipstick on a gay hipster and wearing a Freddy Krueger mask is also just sexy/weird enough to get a lot of gay hipster indie alt viral Tumblr RT buzz blog coverage, for at least 48 hours. Don’t be jealous, Francois Sagat.
Arpad is hotter than ever, and showing some emotional depth doesn’t hurt either. I hope he can put some in his porn.
2) I don’t care what he dates, escorts, or does in his spare time. If he has no sexual interest in women, fine. If he has a little bit or a lot of interest, fine. Maybe he went to a gentlemen’s club to get some ideas for his own work. Please stop harrassing the man because you heard he has a non-standard sexual orientation. Straight men play gay, gay men play straight, get over it.
3) I was not down with the Freddy Kruger stuff. Perhaps someone can splain?
This dudes is still doing porn..ewh!
WOW Arpad is still so HOT
Never ages. I missed the Freddy Krueger thing because I was too busy admiring Arpad
“I don’t like the idea that people would automatically think something is nasty,”
Wrong crowd. The gay porn fanbase has always been mostly bitchy, shallow and nasty. They’ll probably pass this off as some pretentious shit because it goes beyond their norm of dicks in holes. And will they judge, of course they will judge. LOL. They will judge and they will wonder as to why a lot of people judge them. ;)
Arpad-Miklo’s that arrogant G4per is no hipster what he is a liar and fraud every since he fuck that bitch on Jake-Cruise porn site.I’ve lost interest in him he mean nothing to me any more I’m a ex-fan especially when he turn around and insulted his gay fan base because they didn’t like his sex act with a woman.And that not all he was spotted visiting a [ Gentleman-Club ] in New-York for female strippers wrote a fan on another gay porn blog which suggest he’s seeing women on the side,when he’s not escorting for money from gay men on ( ).And lying about his true sexuality that of a g4per who like the rest are leeching off of gay men for money this is one of the main reason hetero-scum-bags prey on gay men for money and target them for relation-ship scams.Gay men need to come to their sense’s and realize these guys are not gay and trying to have sex with them can get you kill, and beside that it won’t make them gay either.At the end of the day their going home to their wives and girl-friends and not to another man I close my case.
I hate to ruin your crazypants rant with facts, but Arpad has always identified himself as a gay man. Performing in a scene with a woman doesn’t change that.
I think my mother has earrings like his.
I loVe it. More porn stars need to do stuff like this I think.
No I don’t fucking “loVe it”. This kind of pretentious garbage is what I hate. Porn stars need to stick to what their good at. Being whores
That’s not kind.
Of course it’s not kind. Deep down, there are a lot of gay people who act and “think” just like a bunch of hick Republicans. They hate things that are beyond their comprehension and they dub it as pretentious because it challenges their usual view of things and/or it makes them look dumb. It’s the rawest form of the “hipster” philosophy. That’s why they’re so quick to dub this as a “hipster” thing. The only thing that separates them from people like Rush Limbaugh is the fact that they actually fuck boys. It’s pathetic, I know. But that’s the only real reason as to why a lot of people think that gay men are self loathing.
Yes, DPS… I called you an idiot. And I think that your kind is a garbage more reprehensible than the one on the video. Keeping it real perhaps? Try keeping it boxed and limited you old queen.
All this over a 2 silly two minute video? Someone needs a hug. Or a diaper/manpon change.
That was definitely my WTF moment of the day.