Time for a new feature! It’s called Asshole of the Day, and by “asshole” I don’t mean the hole inside your ass that people stick dicks in, I mean lowlife scum-sucking piece of shit jerk. Asshole. Today’s Asshole of the Day is irrelevant hack and bottom-feeding fuckface failure Daniel Nardicio. He sure is an asshole.
Asshole Daniel Nardicio’s first failure was running the now defunct and worthless Playgirl, a magazine that was so ashamed of its true target demographic, it pretended to market itself to women for its entire sad, closeted existence. Even when Playgirl tried to transition to an online publication, it still tried to act like it was for all those masturbating ladies, and so Playgirl.com failed, too. (Even Daniel Nardicio capitalizing on fellow asshole Sarah Palin’s fame by getting her daughter’s baby daddy to show his pasty butt couldn’t save the magazine or the website.) A little before Playgirl, Daniel Nardicio launched the now defunct and equally worthless social networking/gay hook-up site, Dlist.com, which was shut down in 2011 because, like everything Daniel Nardicio touches, it was a complete failure. Since all of those failures, failure Daniel Nardicio started throwing underwear parties and promoting nightclubs in New York, which in and of itself kind of makes him an asshole (pushing 50 and throwing underwear parties is a career?), but there’s actually a much more substantive reason as to why Daniel Nardicio is an asshole.
Here’s what Daniel Nardicio told Hook Online (a site for gay men who work in gay adult entertainment) when asked about the nature of the porn industry and porn stars:
I think you can become a low-level celebrity in the gay community for doing something like porn, but I don’t think you are respected.
It’s like when you are good looking: people want to be around you, but you didn’t do anything. There isn’t talent there. It isn’t like you learned to play the flute, and you practiced for hours. Being in porn, you are just fucking or getting fucked. I think that when people see you having sex, they feel they own a part of you. The difference in burlesque is that performers remain objects of desire versus a sex object.
Colton Ford who wants to be singer is always going to be ‘Porn Star Colton Ford’. He says, “I am proud I did porn.” What else is he going to do? Kill himself?
You could say doing porn doesn’t affect your life, but it does affect the way people see you.
I am not anti-porn. I am not sex negative. I had sex an hour and a half ago. My whole life is a celebration of sex. But when you do porn, you are a whore. You are paid to have sex. People will always look at you as a whore.
Putting aside the fact that having sex and using your body in a way that looks good in HD does actually require talent, who gets to call who a whore? Being a whore usually means that you’re compromising your principles in exchange for personal gain, and who says porn stars are compromising anything? Being paid to have sex so that you might bring other people pleasure is one of the more generous and selfless professions, even more generous and more selfless than showing Levi Johnston how to use a hockey stick to strategically cover his junk.
Daniel Nardicio says he isn’t sex negative, but his idea that porn stars are doing something so dreadful and disrespectful is entirely that. So, Daniel Nardicio isn’t just an asshole, he’s also a liar. If he truly “celebrated” sex, he wouldn’t selectively denigrate an entire group of people who happen to get paid to have it. Are the shirtless bartenders who earn $500 a night in tips at Daniel Nardicio’s parties whores, too?
Daniel Nardicio’s multiple professional failures combined with his Hook Online interview prove just how completely out of touch Daniel Nardicio is with the nature of celebrity and fame in 2013. Now, everyone is a porn star. Or a reality star. Or both. From gay porn to television to fashion model to fashion designer to actor to really bad actor to singer to writer to drag queen to artist to fucking chocolatier, porn stars can do anything and be anything, regardless of however an antique queen like Daniel Nardicio chooses to stigmatize them.
It’s Asshole of the Day Daniel Nardicio who is helplessly and pathetically trapped, not porn stars. But Daniel Nardicio is 46 years old and still throwing underwear parties, so what else is he going to do? Kill himself?
What’s wrong with voicing your own opinion? I’m a gay guy who happens to agree with him. The truth hurts, unfortunately. Having said that, i like the adult industry, but the “talented” entertainers are mere prostitutes. Period.
I went to one of his awful fake TV talk show nights. It was just him talking with his burnt-out, black-hearted friends, trying to out-guurrrrl each other. You can tell a lot about someone by the way they interview someone else, and DN was all about DN, very controlling, never letting his subjects say very much. The guy just grosses me out. It’s like he created this invented version of himself and now that fake creation is devouring him alive. Burp.
I love TheSword’s take on Daniel Nardicio—Daniel has a bad habit of running down people who have worked with him in the past—pornstars, escorts, DJs. Every “friend” who has worked with him has been thrown under the bus (Playboy van) eventually. It’s all about Daniel wanting to become a “legitimate” cabaret/concert promoter, so he despises all the people who have helped him produce his sex parties. His unconscious is on parade, always. I wish there was a way of getting him to recognize his own inner conflict. Daniel is not a success in his own mind, and i guess since he is a producer of sex parties, he will always be a worthless whore-monger, on his own terms. Good luck with that, Daniel. I was your friend and now I keep as far away as possible.
Fuck that guy
Sometimes it takes great talent and effort to make something look effortless.
“Putting aside the fact that having sex and using your body in a way that looks good in HD does actually require talent”
“Being paid to have sex so that you might bring other people pleasure is one of the more generous and selfless professions”
i can’t tell if this is another wannabe ‘onion’ article or if this is serious….surely ur not THAT naive zach? im not hating on porn stars,i love porn and watch it and yadda yadda yadda but seriously they are NOT the person volunteering to entertain sick kids in a hospital in their free time. they dont get into porn to “bring joy” to the masses. they do it as a self serving form of narcissism to see how many people will beat off to them. i dont care how many hindsight convos you’ve had with pornstars zach. dont blow smoke up our asses. what this guy said was tacky but do we really care what some bottom feeder has to say? u just gave him a millimeter of limelight that i’m sure he appreciates
Oh, please. I’m not one of those right-wingers who uses “not being politically correct” as an excuse to be an jerk, but it applies in this case.
Sorry, but Daniel Nardicio hit the nail on a head. He called a spade, a spade. I understand the truth hurts, but that doesn’t make it any less true: porn is not a respectable career, and porn stars are whores. Sorry if people don’t like hearing it out loud, but we all know it’s true. There’s nothing that Nardicio said that isn’t flat-out factual: Porn stars are not *really* respected and whoring themselves out on camera, which is exactly what they do (yes they do, sorry), does affect their reputations negatively — why are we trying to pretend like stating the obvious makes someone an asshole.
Disclaimer: I have had sex for money. I was desperate and I think justified in doing so given the circumstances. Does that make me a whore? Damn skippy, I’m not going to sit up here and pretend like I was doing something respectable. I’m dating a guy who is going to New York to film porn this weekend into next week. Is he engaged in a respectable career that makes him look good? Please. I like him, he’s a good guy, and I’m going to keep seeing him — but let’s not kid ourselves: he’s a ho. He knows it, and I know it. He needs the money. He likes having sex. And it is what it is. *shrug*
“Porn stars can do anything and be anything.” Get a grip on reality, kids. We needs to stop telling people this “if you believe it, you can achieve it” crap. It’s not true. No, porn stars cannot do anything and be anything. Pretending they’re not prostituting themselves on camera, pretending porn doesn’t irrevocably limit their options…yeah, this kind of delusion is not helpful. Not saying porn is evil, but let’s be realistic about what these fellas are getting themselves into PLEASE.
Well, with that mentality I’m certain you could only aspire to be a “whore”. I mean why bother, right? And I’m certain you are a catch for your “boyfriend”. take xanax.
U mad? Your upset reply is notable for what it did not say: “This isn’t true.” Thanks, though!
Well, Zach, when you stop ranting about quotation conventions on twitter, maybe you should do a bout of bitching on the spelling of colour.
When I paraphrase, use slang, or colloquial terms, I put them in quotes. I don’t use those words in that context, and only refer to it as such in other people’s usage. For instance, it is cool outside or porn is “cool”.
Just like the labels “boyfriend” and “whore” are defined by people, I have to put them in quotes in a colloquial sense. This poster felt his “boyfriend” was a “whore”. These seem to be relative to the person speaking it.
Serious boyfriends don’t call their partners whores. At least mine won’t.
Rob Romini announces a new JetSetMen parody.
“Nardicio’s Fox”
What happens when two loathsome, hateful and inept closeted gay men are invited by their boss, Bernie Lomax,(aka intern Candace) to come together for a weekend at his (her) beach house in the Hamptons?
Starring Spencer Fox and Daniel Nardicio as you’ve never seen them before!
Open casting for extras begins NOW.
Principals only, please.
If you photoshopped Daniel Nardicio’s “smile” onto the worst and most evil, Batman Joker villian’s face to date – His,[Nardicio’s] would be the most perfect fit. And that’s just starting with the exterior.
Sorry, Jack. Sorry, Heath.
Great post, Zach. Bravo!
Both the statement and response is a bit blown out of proportion.
I read somewhere in another fashion models bio, that his blue blooded family thought he was a “whore” for what he did professionally. Which was working with top agents and fashion houses. The guy didn’t do it for the money, he had wealth, connections, status and looks(to boot). But his family felt it was beneath him, that it was prostitution. Anytime someone is called out as a whore, slut, or prostitute, it is not about the sex the person is having but rather how low class they are. In my opinion, anyone with “real” class wouldn’t call people whores.
I do however see the point of view, that somehow in our celebrity driven culture, we as a society give the title and benefits of celebrity to anyone without merit. Honey Boo Boo and Colton Ford have a lot in common, they are both infamous rather than famous. :D
BTW: Colton does have a great voice and IS talented. But he has shit taste in music, and bad production.
Porn is for the skill-less worker, but it doesn’t mean they don’t have value or talent. Maybe it is hidden from plain view, or they just haven’t discovered it yet. Of course, you would have to stop looking at them in a one dimensional view in to discover those abilities.
What a fool. Or a tool. He has made a career (or 10) out of promoting adult talent in one way or another, and I hardly think that he is some high-minded “Mama Rose” promoting the artistry of male “Gypsy Rose Lee” performers.
I regret that he feels that porn performers are (as he says: are “whores”. I don’t know if he has ever been on a set, but , in many cases there is a plot or storyline, and some intense acting involved, a professional crew and GUESS WHAT?
Not all are escorts, and certainly not “whores”.
This brings up an interesting discussion- I always find it amusing when some people claim to “never watch” porn and get all high and mighty. Yet when you mention a “name” performer, they certainly are AWARE of the performer.
I really take issue with the crack about Colton Ford, that’s just being mean. And.. not exactly a new/current story, I might add.
I find his disdain of porn performers to be curious, to say the least. Does he REALLY think he is a paragon of good taste and virtue, or the all powerful OZ of “good clean fun”? I think not.
You really were a couple of days late to start this new Asshole Of The Day segment. Hell maybe even a couple of years late when an owner and performer of a well-known porn studio decided to back the Republican Party in last year’s election.
I think Miss M.L. gets the the A-hole of the year title. Funny how that story no longer is on this site. Wonder how that happened?
He threatened to pull his movies from my parent company, and the matter was taken out of my hands. Sucked, but it was beyond my control. You’ll notice that there are no longer any stories promoting his content on this site, and there never will be.
I was pissed that you never published one of my comments related to the situation, but I imagined you couldn’t because knowing who ML was of course he pulled a stunt like that. I must admit though you have my respect for doing what you can though. Plus no bitch on this internet has a more entertaining blog than you. And is as cute ;)
Nardicio is yet another in the herd of people who need to feel better about themselves by putting others down. That in itself speaks volumes of his own talent or lack thereof. Or it could be something worse. He thinks he’s more intelligent & clever than the average person. I hear sociopaths share this same belief.
What a JERK! This guy made his rep and lots of money HOSTING SEX parties! Every summer, on fire island, he DOES work for Porn companies by hosting and putting on sex parties with Colt and Dominic Ford. The truth about this Ass hole might have something to do with the fact that his Ex BF, GoGo Harder, is now doing porn with Ccockyboys. Is this his way of trashing him.
Also RE porn star suicides. READ the front page headline of today.s NYT’s. It reads:
Suicide Rates Rise Sharply in U.S. By TARA PARKER-POPE
The suicide rate among middle-age Americans rose 30 percent from 1999 to 2010, with more people now dying of suicide than in car accidents.
THIS IS NOT A PORN STAR PROBLEM — its an issue effecting everyone. Form the NYT story:
“The rise in suicides may also stem from the economic downturn over the past decade. Historically, suicide rates rise during times of financial stress and economic setbacks. “The increase does coincide with a decrease in financial standing for a lot of families over the same time period,” Dr. Arias said.
Another factor may be the widespread availability of opioid drugs like OxyContin and oxycodone, which can be particularly deadly in large doses.”
porn stars and escorts deserve respect as well, their professions require a lot of talent and discipline. if you can’t show basic respect to someone because of their profession you must be a real asshole. If this guy really celebrated sex he wouldn’t be so negative towards it. he’s the definition of an oxymoron.
I can’t believe people still say that “making porn is easy”. I don’t find anything easy about it. I don’t know anything about the bussines i’m just a fan but have sex with someone in front of a lot of cameras don’t seem that easy to me. You’re exposed completly to the world and, even when your partner can be hot, maybe you don’t like him.
So,yeah, i agree completly with you in what you say in this, Zach.
Daniel Nardicio may be many things, but a failure isn’t one of him. He’s also — to his credit — not actually sex negative. But I do think that for a variety of reasons he went off the rails a little on this one. Sometimes, in talking about the way things happen, we end up reifying them. I think it’s often the case with issues around porn stars.
The comments reminds me of what well-meaning straight people used to say about being gay. YOu know “I believe you should be able to live your life the way you choose, but it’s upsets me that you’ll be so sad and lonely.” As if we were the ones responsible for causing the sadness and loneliness! It’s not porn stars who are pinning that Scarlet A on themselves.
People do shame porn stars. Not Daniel purposefully, but in talking about discrimination, he ends up perpetuating it. Daniel’s a good guy. I think he just didn’t quite realize how this would come together.
I’m also biased. I love Daniel, but I can’t stand burlesque.
Just a little fact check, but Daniel didn’t run playgirl, he did something like promotions and got them back in the headlines. Which was what he was employed to do so that sounds successful to me?
Fact check: He was Vice President of Marketing. That’s running the magazine as far as I’m concerned. They were in the headlines for a few weeks because of Sarah Palin, and then it was back to oblivion.
Fact check: Daniel Nardicio wasn’t involved with DList when it shut down in 2011. I do, however, support blaming him for its demise, because he actually *is* a terrible human being with no soul.