Can you believe that Ryan Idol was convicted of attempted murder last September, but he’s yet to be sentenced? It’s true! Let’s just drag this out as long as possible, shall we? Here is the latest on your favorite toilet tank lid-wielding former gay porn star.
Idol’s former agent/manager David Forest tells The Sword:
Ryan Idol, incarcerated at Sacramento County Main Jail since September 19 of last year, appeared in court on Jan. 13 to request a new trial. He has yet to be sentenced for the attempted murder and other convictions he received on September 19. Last month Donais’ attorney asked to be withdrawn from the case, which was granted.
In his Friday the 13th Hearing, Donais was given a date of May 18, 2012, to appear in Dept. 40 of the Sacramento County Courthouse. At that time the decision will be made about a “new trial.” In the meantime, Donais continues to be held (without bail) at the Sacramento County Jail, with every day in custody applied to any sentence he might eventually be given. He doesn’t qualify for 1/2 or 1/3 time due to the severe nature of his crimes.
I’m assuming that Donais/Idol’s lawyer withdrawing from the case has something to do with his being granted a hearing to request a new trial. Also, I would be completely lying if I said I didn’t want his conviction to be overturned so he could make a drama-filled, insane, trainwreck of a gay porn comeback, even though he’s pretty gross looking now, to be honest. But STILL. It would be a fun thing/hot mess to blog about, maybe. Think of the David Forest press releases alone!
ryan idol is where he belongs. period! i know this piece of garbage and he is a liar, a thief, a con artist,a drug addict, an alchoholic, and a first rate back stabber. he tried to kill a woman! he needs to STAY in prison. everyone that knows this guy does not have anything nice to say about him. ha ha, he will be 60 when he gets out of prison.
i knew him also for many years cause i worked in the porn industry, and yes, this guy is really bad news. he tried to kill himself a few years ago by jumping out a window in NYC. he threatned numerous people with a baseball bat and he carried a gun ( 45 cal.) threatened people with that too, including myself. he has a criminal record that is as long as your arm. but never did any real time. he has up to date at least 8 felonies on record. he never went to university or got any kind of skill training, exept from the navy (dishonerable discharge for punching out an officer)so you see he had only the porn industry to go to and sugar daddys to manipulate for a living. the jurers got it right. GUILTY and i hope he doest get out to commit more crimes.
i agree, he is a dirtbag. anyone who commits battery on a woman is sick. remember O.J.?
As I recall he never claim to be gay only str8 that why I hate it when gay bloggers and other refer to former porn-star as gay when they are not.That goes for Jeff-Stryker and Ken-Stryker as well they have all had trouble with the law at one time are another.They all have wives are girl-friends not male lovers are boy-friends the only one that can be classified as a real gay man is Jack-Wrangler and he is dead and was married that hag Margret-Whiting because he was a fool that didn’t want live as a gay man.I can do with=out all of them end of story.
You seriously need to be re-educated about your porn history. Go to a used bookstore or search the Alibris website and find a copy of Jack Wrangler’s bio from 1984 and READ IT.
Shut the fuck up and read the entire book and then reconsider your opinion of Jack Wrangler. Didn’t want to live as a gay man? You don’t have a fucking clue the reasons why he married Maggie Whiting. So find the book, read it and then give your opinion, rather than shooting your mouth off…”Super”Gay. More like “SuperMoron”.
Here’s the 2007 interview he did with Andy Cohen at Bravo,2
re: his first movie
“Idol Eyes”. I played a straight lifeguard who became curious of gay sex. And every movie since then I was marketed and each movie depicted my own life…” hmm…maybe he will make a one flick comeback! Maybe a gay horror flick where he kills his girlfriend in order to have sex with men?
Am I the only person who didn’t think Ryan was ‘all that’ back in his heyday? The porn parody could be interesting though, a whole new use for toilets in bathroom scenes.
What, like Naked Kombat except they have to do battle with random objects they’ve picked up in the bathroom?
Holy shit he did not age well..
Really? You think so? He’s 45 years old. He looks like someone in their late 30’s/early-to-mid 40’s, or perhaps around 50, tops. He aged, and looks about right — and I defs agree that he could totally make a badass comeback with all that haggard rage, years of bags (and baggage), and frowning, stocky, large forearm intensity.
I agree, Dave. He’s disgusting.