Meet Dwight. When he is not shooting raw loads up his scene partners’ assholes, he is praising Jesus and posing with adorable Beagles.
Here’s what the popular performer from amateur gay porn site has to say about himself on his mainstream Model Mayhem profile (as discovered by MenOfPorn), which has been active since 2010:
I am a born again Christian and I truly believe Jesus is my Lord and Savior! I have a laid back personality and find that I get along with everyone. Modeling is a road I believe the Lord is leading me down and I am very excited to see where it leads me. I am willing to shoot just about any style of photography. All that I ask is my beliefs as a Christian are respected. I am a witness of the Lord and I do my best to strive and set an example according to his word.
Well, the Lord works in mysterious ways. Here are some examples of Dwight’s work in “just about any style of photography” on ChaosMen. Hallelujah.
According to ChaosMen (where he shot five hardcore movies, all bareback), Dwight filmed scenes from summer 2010 all the way through October 2011, so maybe he just recently quit porn and converted to Christianity in the past four months? Or, maybe he’s been a Christian all along? Maybe the two lifestyles don’t have to be mutually exclusive? Is a born again Christian allowed to suck gay cock and shoot gay cum in gay assholes? I don’t know how these things work. Either way, Jesus Christ! Dwight is hot.
And, of course, Dwight has a Twitter. (UPDATE: He’s since deleted it.) Some of the people he’s following include Tim Tebow, Ron Paul, and a “pray the gay away” proponent named Brandon Ortiz. That’s a dicey mix of duh, LOL, and ugh, but remember, none of us should judge Dwight. There is nothing wrong with being a born again Christian, so long as you’re not hurting anyone else.
Anyway, good luck, Dwight!
He became a christian after he did some porn.. You all need to get a life. There are many other hot guys to follow.. let him do what he wants. gay people are so judgemental
And how did you come to this conclusion Christian homo? Being you shouldn’t be looking at this stuff either you fucking faggot
praise the LORD.dwight has accepted the Lord and so he should teach as many as possible , pornstars that they must repent. let all pornstars and homosexual people come to GOD.
I bet the gay porn pics on this page aroused your closeted republican dick, eh?
At first I assumed he was a member of a progressive denomination of Christianity that accepts gays. The fact is, many denominations do, such as United Church of Christ, Universalist Unitarian, and many Presbyterian, Lutheran and Anglican churches. The SBC and the catholics do not speak for the whole of christianity, and people make the mistake of hearing the homophobia from the SBC and Catholics that all Christians are like that. Its not true and to do so is unfair to the progressive Christians that are accepting of gays.
There are gays who are christian and are in a christian acceptingt denomination . We should encourage,thank, show gratitude, and commend those christian groups that are accepting of gays and specifically direct our criticisms at the SBC , Catholics and others that still are hostile towards gays.
When I read that Dwight had associations in his twitter with some homophobic persons it was however, concerning and disappointing and then I wondered what christian group that he was in fact associated with.
Yes I do know for a fact that a guy can be gay and a Christian also. I stand for these outcasts of men’s churches. I believe the Lord sees us all the same. He does not look down on these guys. I am happy some others feel the same way
Dear Dwight,
Don’t let anything or anyone discourage you from following Jesus! He is a great Savior and is able to lead you in a life that is fulfilled and blessed. I am an older man, with a background similar to yours, who has followed Jesus Christ for many years. I can say that Jesus satisfies and has given me a full life.
Blessings, Paul
Preach it ! Jesus will save you from HIV !
What a load of nonsense.
I never thought I’d see a discussion about religion on a gay porn blog, but here it is.
@Doug Parks, I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment. Unless more malicious facts present themselves, the guy deserves empathy. His convictions are his own and none of my business. He has a life outside of porn that isn’t my business either. I watch porn to jerk off to hot man sex, not find a role model.
Unfortunately, a lot of gay guys have serious beef with the religious right, and they’re going to use him as a scapegoat. For his sake, I hope he’s found a way to reconcile his porn work with his faith that doesn’t make him look like a total hypocrite.
What a bunch of hypocritical and often nasty comments above (with exceptions, of course). Dwight’s religious beliefs are no one’s business, only his own, unless he tries to impose them on others. He is a very good looking person who appears in his videos to be happy and nice. If he has underlying problems—which I don’t know to be the case—he deserves empathy and support, not mean, critical comments, and especially not the kinds of speculation that are going on above. Some writers sound like the gay equivalents of the vipers in NOM and other anti-homosexual organizations. Let’s hope that Dwight sorts out whatever issues he has, if he has any, and leads a satisfying life. In the meantime, people should learn not to throw venomous barbs at others for articulating their beliefs or the mental conflicts they have.
Jesus was actually a true maverick (not the fake Republican kind) his teachings were opposite of most teachings of the churches that claim him as “theirs”.
Love thy neighbor. Judge not lest ye be judged. Let he without sin throw the first stone…
Heal the sick. (Free health care) Feed the hungry (Social services)
Who is to say what he actually thought about same sex love, relationships or marriage are?
Or what he would think about sex for the pleasure of others’ viewing?
Maybe he wouldnt approve of porn, but in the great scheme of human interaction…how big of a sin is it?
I mean *Really*.
Look at Mitt Romney. He thinks or says he’s a good Christian but how many good people… working people… has he fired so that he could acquire even more wealth? (Greed)
How many lives has he ruined?
How many more has he pledged to eviscerate by repealing ObamaCare, should he become President?
And what about that terrified dog that he caged on the roof of his car? (Lacks empathy)
…I think a porn star can be a Born Again. His relationship with God is his, not anyone elses.
I just wish he wasn’t doing BB porn. It encourages unsafe behavior and that is damaging to our kind.
My two cents
Rocky LaBarre Daddy-Bear Porn Star
Way to go man. Judge not lest you be judged. Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. I always say this to others. Straight man here, have no problem with a guy being “gay” and Christian. I mean like it is said above, how do we know Jesus condemns them? Maybe gay is not a word the Lord knows. Maybe to Him they are simply His sweet, beautiful beloved Children and that is the only way He sees them.
What’s wrong with this?
I say nothing. Let him live his own life in his own little way. Poor thing.
I don’t think Jesus would approve of those over groomed eyebrows.
So “there’s nothing wrong about being a born-again christian as long as you don’t hurt anybody?” Naive much, ZACH? Christians preach damnation to homosexuality, how is that not harmful,do tell?!
There are plenty of Christians (both affiliated with churches and not) who are also members of the LGBT community. And there are an ever-growing number of mainline denominations & independent congregations who accept and affirm gay parishioners. It’s not as cut and dried as all that.
The Ugandan “Kill The Gays” Bill was spurred by Christian evangelicals. And you’re telling gays not to be wary?!
Loki: I know a lot of Christians who argued against that bill – and who signed petitions against it.
Well, they’re hopelessly outnumbered. I remember when Rick Warren was interviewed about his stance on the issue and he basically declined to comment. Said it was his duty to love all people/to preach love, not meddle in the affairs of a foreign country. Would he have remained as disinterested if it were a “Kill The Christians” bill? Don’t think so.
I’m aware of that ASENATH, and I do appreciate that, BUT OVERWHELMINGLY Catholic/Protestant teachings condemn homosexuality. Unfortunately for now…
Nikko: SOME Christians preach damnation to homosexuality – not all Christians do that. In fact if you read the Bible you will find that Jesus NEVER preached against homosexuality – but he said a lot against materialism and greed!
Bravo, I love this guy, he not my type but I applaud his beliefs & his sexual sharing. I also am a Christian, Gay & not a porn star, but love to watch it.!!
Blessings on you my brother. To all of you guys who love to be with another guy yes you can love the Lord too. Look into the eyes of some so called gay men and they have very beautiful souls. Jesus did not say anything on this matter and yet, many will argue over and over the words that Jesus used against them. Really? I can’t find that. Greed, Judging things like that, He did speak against.
Shit, he’s like the tebow of porn..god bless his soul..:)
Hi Mike, I’ve been praying for Dwight. He’s just a new christian but the Lord will be His strength in spite of all the well meaning or just plain mean comments about him. God loves everyone, even the arrogant such as you! __ and especially Gays! My prayer for Dwight (or whatever his true name is) is that he will not be exploited by the media (Christian or Gay) and that he will be able to follow the Lord into achieving the highest purpose for his life.
What a bunch of bitter queens !! for once we have a friend, someone who crosses that bridge and all you terrible heartless fags have to say is look at his teeth. I am ashamed for everyone of you bitter horrible lonely homos.
Friend? What’s your definition of a friend?
I am disappointed in you guys NO ONE said anything about his teeth?
Or am I just the whorrible sinner here?
Maybe he doesn’t see Jesus and butt fucking as mutually exclusive.
Mike or Dwlight what ever name he choose to call himself I still blame him and I also blame those idiot at chaosmen for hiring this nut-job in the first place.To do gay-porn it’s no wonder the porn industry has such a bad reputation combine with the gay industry lust for G4pers and their greed to take any one who is willing to do porn as long as it make them lot of money.It will be no surprise to me to see this guy on some Religious TV show talking about how the devil let him to do gay-porn.And becoming a born again christian save him from the evils of homosexuality and it’s sin mark my words you have not heard the last from this guy.Ex-gay groups and anti-gay religious organizations will use this fool to help them sell more anti gay bigotry and hatred you don’t have to be psychic to know that just use a little common sense.He’s the kind of stupid fool christian preacher love to use against the gay community to father spread their anti gay message he’s going to make them very happy with his anti gay-porn lies.
Assuming facts not in evidence. We don’t have any proof that he is anti-gay or a nutjob. He’s just a guy who did porn, decided not to do anymore, and discreetly left the scene. He’s also an adherent of a faith that has many members of the LGBT community in its ranks.
I’m going to work under the assumption that he’s just a guy who loves Jesus and decided working on the internet wasn’t for him – and not read any nefarious meaning into it.
I’d leave it alone for now but this guy looks like the type to be used by someone like Pat Roberson or Michele Bachmann as an example at an ex-gay rally. I can see some feeding him lines too and him going alone with it but not realizing what he’s saying. so SuperGay might be right. but it depends on Dwight. if he does start going down the road of denouncing homosexuals, please Zach, bust this out all over the web. this could get more views than Marc Dylan does videos
Facts in evidence? LOL! Well, look to the dates of production of his videos for evidence. When did this sudden conversion happen? Was he a Bible-loving born-again Christian while he was dropping loads in guys’ asses? The gay porn/gay sex is what prompted this “flash of faith”. And you say one has nothing to do with the other??
Ugh. Again, the bisexual female advising gay men not to follow their instincts…
In his defense, I doubt Jesus used condoms either.
Genitial warts…the real reason Judas turned traitor.
BTW what ever happened to the “other” Mike Roberts? Perverted minds want to know.
I know there are at least 2 Mike Roberts in gay porn. If it’s the younger guy I used to jack off to I think he settled down with a black girl and had a baby…I remember hearing his girlfriend was pregnant a couple years ago.
not bad to look at really. Something tells me tho when someones tight ass is swallowing his cock and he yells “oh jesus” it has a double meaning.
Who is that guy that he’s fucking in the last pic? He is hot! If anyone can tell me his name please let me know.
Also what is it with some of these porn stars and this born-again Christian crap? I reading that Brazil porn star Julio Vidal, who did gay porn under that name and did straight porn under Juliano Ferraz, is now an evangelist and is shown on TV many times preaching. I think he actually acknowledge that he used to do porn, but the interview was in Portuguese and I couldn’t understand most of it.
and former Porn Star Bobby Blake who became a preacher denounced his time as evil
I just googled him and wow a lot of info on him. I didn’t realize that him and Flex were in a relationship just possibly brothers or good friends. Flex also went religious as well.
Did a little digging and the other model’s name is Taylor. I agree, his ass is amazing.
Now that’s a smaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal penis…LoL
something tells me from that tweet, that was his last scene
How come you’ve never done a story on Jake Austin and his unusual back tattoo (which is mostly covered up or filmed around in scenes).
You mean that only god can judge me tattoo with prayer hands? Yea that’s nothing new I see people with that only god can judge me thing tattooed below their neck or on their stomach, but it’s probably the prayer hands that are excessive.
Poor kid. I think you might have scared him off, because the twitter account linked above is no longer available. Love a good story about a hypocrite, though.
Maybe his Holy Load can save my soul :) we’ll just have to keep trying.
I’ll let you know.
Seems that he is one confused boy because working as a porn star does not seem be a career path that born again christians would take and I wonder what his fellow bible thumpers would say about his gay porn star status?