We were surprised to learn from the piece that gays are, technically, protected under Iraqi law, but clearly given the state of things there and widespread cultural and religious intolerance, it will be a while before they’re safe being out of the closet.
Kamal and his boyfriend would like to escape the country and come to (where else?) San Francisco someday, and we hope that a rich American gay reading the story can make that happen. In the meantime, they might consider Lebanon. And Collin O’Neal tells us there are, at least, a lot of homos in Dubai, though not really out in the open. More on that later…
Dubai Trannies Rounded Up, Thrown in Paddy Wagon, Stonewall-Style
So the way these fundamentalist thugs tortured this kid for being gay was to violently and forcibly FUCK HIM?? These guys must have taken lessons in hypocrisy from our own fundamentalist wackos.