I’m done.
I hope you’re happy now, Mick.
When we first met, I thought it was so special.
I even blogged about it, writing, “asdfghuijoklkij.”
And then, you just flew away.
And now, this.
And now, here you are.
Legs in the air.
Without a care.
And me?
What about me?
I should’ve learned the first time.
I should’ve known.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
I’m done.
I hope you’re happy now, Mick.
[Bel Ami: Mick Lovell and Phillipe Gaudin Flip-Fuck]
I love me some Mick.
It’s like you’re the Taylor Swift of gay porn, Zach.
Bloody Hell, Zach!
This post just reinforces all those rumours that you want to be the next poet at an Inauguration.
Que?! What do mean?
I cant believe people are into this guy. I do not find him sexy in anyway shape or form. If i saw this kid laying naked on my bad I would tell him to put on some clothing and go home. He looks soo vanilla and sooo NOT sexual. No heattt.
Mick is stunningly beautiful and a fantastic performer! But this was not one of his best scenes. Mostly because Phillipe Gaudin was moaning the entire scene(!) Zach, do You have any news on Mick? – renewing his recently expired contract with BelAmi or not?
He came to the Cybersockets last week with all the Bel Ami people and they were all very close, so I don’t know where all this contract talk is coming from.
Thanks A LOT for replying. Let´s really hope for the best. Mick is so much more than just a pretty face. Many of us fans were nearly depressed when we heard in october (on the BelAmi Website forum) that he didn´t want to continue after december. Since then Mick has come back to Twitter (just before X-mas). But there has been no more news from Mick or BelAmi on the contract issue.
Mick is the best but I was very surprised to see that his cheeks were a little thick (pics from Cybersockets Awards). He must have gained weight (and he made a tweet on this). A friends cousin stopped playing Ice Hockey when he was 20, and didn´t continue to do any sports. He was very fit but after that he rather quickly got problems with overweight. So I know it can happen.
I want Mick to be fit again and I´m sure he will be. NOT to please us fans in the first room, but because I want HIM to be alright (to feel well). He is such a nice guy.
Seriously? You’re guessing he’s not fit because his CHEEKS looked a little “thick”?
Jeez I think a puddle full of isopropyl alcohol is deeper than you.
Mick is not that hot…move on Zac and find someone who want fuck for money…oh wait, is that what you want in a man???
He looks happy, no? Sorry to hear about the break up, Zach. You deserve better.