In what begins with a bed covered in rose petals and ends with a face covered in cum, my favorite amateur guys (and former Straight College Men models) Austin and Zane aren’t just having sex, they are making love. Just look at how Austin lights all those gay ass candles…who says romance is dead? And Zane, the blond one, rarely bottoms, but he clearly understands that if there’s one thing a bro can give his bro for Valentine’s Day, it’s his tight asshole. The full scene is here.
If you haven’t seen the other things that Austin, Zane, and all their bros (including Mason!!!, another former Straight College Men model) have been up to, watch this trailer for all the movies on their site: is an original, one of a kind porn site. Small enough to be intimate and innovative and big enough to have up and coming ‘porn stars’ wanting to work with them. The ‘big’ studios such as Next Door, etc etc use the same circuit of porn stars (gay, straight, bi, don’t knows) that they’re merging into one homogenous pile of crap. Porn is porn, its either good or bad. Most gay ‘models’ have a shelf life of a few months, some of the bigger names stay around because they flit from one studio to another, gradually deteriorating from horny sexy movies through to be behind tied up, flogged, pissed on, violated by machines and probably end up doing bareback. In some cases they get their own named site..but then do any other work they can get including escort services, quite a few of the Randy Blue models for example can be hired (Malachi Marx for example). I see no problem in hot guys making as much money as they can in the short time they have before then next flavour of the month arrives, so to criticise two hard-working, genuine blokes making an honest buck for providing great entertainment is really rather pathetic.
What is the song/music playing?
“And the Oscar for most convincing portrayal of a gay man in a educational or fantasy film goes to”
Hot n horny , the younger generation [God I’m so old] do not seem to give a flying fig about labels and I for one applaud them for it
ummm… okay. Sorry. I’m no romantic. I kiss my mom and my cats. I’d rather see them kick back and jack to straight porn then maybe help each other out. I love watching straight guys have sex -as long as they don’t look like they’re enjoying it.
Yep, we came from a website that pretty much did only that… and it went out of business! That format might satisfy some fantasies but our members always want more- like wanting me to have sex with my own twin brother! And Roma, I can’t believe you’re not a ROMAntic?! But you’ve always been so sweet on the red carpets, nah I bet you’re a softy ;)
A loooooot of gay models refuse to work with “straight” guys… GET OVER IT
That was hot!
I’ll just say this. straight or not, these two do a better job of making it look like they are into it than most of the straight guys that get into gay porn
AND even some of the GAY guys in porn. I suspect the chemistry they have is because of a close friendship, not because of orientation. I see it when they are interacting in other ways besides the sex.
why was half the video a guy making a bed, though?
I never really liked their clips, but could not put my finger on why. Now I know….
it’s so sad to see these guys saying they’re “straight” when a lot of young boys (like me) who are gay don’t have that chance they have because of our conservative background =( so many young people are killing themselves, and these austin zane don’t realize how many harm they’re causing to people like me =(
The video is hot and romantic. But I could have gone forever without the big “But we’re straight!” disclaimer. These guys created a fantastic illusion of a gay couple making love – why ruin the fantasy by effectively yelling that it’s fake? Magicians aren’t supposed to reveal how the trick really works.
…and you guys speak about next door studios but at least Marcus Mojo and Samuel O’toole both are open and say the’re Bi, call it whatever you wanna call but at least they do not offend anyone and they’re really nice people!
i hope one day you’ll open your eyes.
i totally agree with you Matt =)
LOLOLOL!! Harry, Matt, etc. are all the same person, same IP, just FYI. I let him have his fun. No more comments from him though. Sorry. :-((((
Hahaha thanks Zach… you know I never comment very much on blogs, but this one is getting really entertaining for me! Harry or Matt or whatever name I’m replying to, so you are upset because you come from a conservative background? We are from small town Kentucky and Ohio and I hope some day you will “open your eyes” and realize that your life will be exactly what you make it. To imply that us creating porn is making people kill themselves is just a bit drastic, don’t ya think?
Are these comments bringing you the LOLz or is the nitrous oxide kicking in? LOL!
It’s really hurts to see someone saying his straight and doing gay porn, a lot of gay teens don’t have the oportunity to be who they are… it’s really sad =(
It’s certainly better than the drivel produced by NDS & There was certainly a degree of intensity and sensuality in that clip. Personally I love watching them play together; because they always try to make the scene work instead of just going through the motions (cough Cody C cough). But they clearly are straight/hetero, whatever. First, some things you just can’t fake and they don’t appear to be attracted to one another. Secondly, how many gays wear generic white boxers/drawers to bed. Couldn’t they find some cute undies? Still, it’s an A for effort in my book, more please!
These guys have something that is rare. A consistent chemistry that is always riveting, sincere, and authentic; something that only comes from a close relationship off-screen. I always enjoy watching them.
Thanks Steve :D
Well whatever they label themselves, that looks like a hot video of two guys having a good time and there should be more like it.
Two supposedly straight guys would never make a gay video that was so unbelievably gay. Way to ruin the illusion, bros :P
It would have SOOOO much better if the music from 2 GIRLS 1 CUP was playing in the background.
After watching the clip I’m a little confused. Are these guys saying they are actually straight? I can understand them saying they are bi but prefer women (that seems to be the case with most guys in gay porn) but to say they are actually straight seems ludicrous.
LOL @ that talk of “legitimate business” and “making an awesome product”
You’re two “str8” guys smushing your genitalia together for some twenty odd minutes and then you put your hand out and say, “Can I haz my bills paid by you fags?” LMAO! Legitimate business! What a crock of shit!
These guys got chemistry! Very hot promo. I love actual “lovemaking” scenes.
@alex- agreed, I don’t like the abusive bullshit either.
I’M SORRY … but some of you are killing me with this GayForPay bullshit. GET THE HELL OVER IT. And these two are clearly not GAYFORPAY. The way they “MAKE LOVE, and HAVE SEX”. HAHA. Yeah right. SPARE Me the BULLSH**. No “STRAIGHT” man will NEVER, and I mean EVER, SUCK DICK, GET FUCKED, FUCK, GET CUM ALL OVER THIER FACE, KISS, EAT ASS, WITH ANOTHER MAN if they are so-called straight.
WHO FUCKING CARES if you like guys or DICK or ASS for the matter. IT’S 2012. NOBODY labels anymore. That I KNOW OF. Whatever you like fucking that’s what you like. But to PRETEND and be in DENIAL just to avoid confrontation is just simple degrading yourself, and the way you are true to yourself.
Straight guys like to label themselves (especially if they are not entirely sure about their sexuality!). And some owners of gay porn sites like to label their gay performers as straight because members might think that ‘gay’ equals ‘sissyqueen. It’s still 2012.
Oh I wish I could go on a “I know everything about the way the world works” rant like you but all I really know is from what I’ve experienced, so forgive me. We don’t make a big deal about proclaiming we are straight because when we see sites that do that, to us it’s almost like they are treating being gay as something that is a burden or something to be ashamed of. We have met many of our gay fans and we are lucky to be able to call them friends as they are some of the coolest people we know, they have nothing to be ashamed of and they know it.
We do what we do because there is a large market here. Gay4pay isn’t going anywhere and as long as we can make a legitimate business with it, we will continue to try to produce some of the best porn out there. Say we aren’t straight all you want, it’s okay, we understand that it’s very confusing for many to comprehend. But in my opinion, fucking a guy doesn’t make you gay, having a desire to fuck a guy does, that’s just my opinion though. We have a desire to make an awesome product because this is our business, if we have convinced you we are gay, then that is the biggest compliment you can give us and we will gladly accept :)
Sexuality is a range of behavior. It isn’t necessarily one or the other or even in the middle. Sexual orientation is not a choice, but sexual identity is. The more closely a person’s professed sexual identity reflects his behavior, and the more closely his behavior reflects his desires, the less conflicted he’s likely to be (courtesy of Dan Savage). Even though I am 100% homosexual, I can understand how some men who identify as heterosexual can enjoy sex with men. It doesn’t mean that they are really gay or bi, it just means that they have a wider range of behavior than most people. I don’t think it’s difficult to understand. I enjoy the incredible differences between people. I am amazed to meet people who are completely different than I am. When watching porn, I don’t care what a man’s sexual identity is. What I do care about when watching porn is seeing men who truly enjoy the sex. Austin and Zane are examples of men who sincerely enjoy what they do as well as the product they produce. I’m becoming a member of their sight today!
Well, whatever your orientation, you two seem like you genuinely like having sex with each other. Which is something that doesn’t come across in a lot of gay porn.
Mr Zane and Mr Austin…
I hope this note finds you safe, well, in love AND I hope your site takes off on Angel wings…
I didn’t know I was gay, bi…straight and gay…a little bit gay…nah I dig chicks but that guy has the sweeeeeetest ass. You know, sexuality, and attraction…and the gaystr8bitransgendertransvestite blah blah blah (actually, as a former actor that made most of my money advertising cologne and wrinkled clothes with my bare chest exposed…and jeans so low and tight you saw the top of my bush…and that I store my junk on the left side of my pant leg) Seriously, if Straight meant 0% and gay meant 100% on a line spectrum…there are NO solid 0 or 100s. There is a fine line between sexual attraction in men that date, love, marry and prefer women…BUT, that same guy will let a dude blow him. Is it the “stiff dick has no consious”? OR he digs guys and doesn’t tell anyone…OR does he just grab some random dude to blow him just to empty his sperm swollen nuts? Personally, how could a guy get wood if there was no “sexual attraction” to some degree…otherwise, wouldn’t he just spank it at home? I am not a fan of being placed in a category such as the gay lesbian bi transgender…etc…thing. I am from and of a million cultures…so, don’t pigeon hole me into a box with a group of people that I am supposed to be with becasue I fell in love with a guy and we’ve been together almost 10 years. I was working on a Saved By The Bell episode and went to my night job as a bartender at a BevHills bar and grill. A group of guys 3 or 4 would come in about an hour before closing. They kept trying to get me to go hang at a place called RAGE…a gay dance club. I had no problems with gay guys, hanging around gay guys or being seen with gay guys. I wasn’t the straight dude that bitches, about gay guys…points them out and laughs…drill gay into every conversation just in case a person walking by might have suspected that he throws his rosebud into the air for anything or anybody that sports a tool with a set of nuts surrounded by hair…oh, no…someone might think he puts chestnut tree branches or a cock up his bum. My partner knew as a child that he was gay. He is a very, “masculine” guy in speech patterns…he fixes electrical sockets, computers, runs phone lines, a plumber etc…He stayed on with the Army after his tour, part time. He wears the buzz cut, ripped jeans, a wife beater and a Red Sox cap so old and dirty that it must have been buried in the mud after Alexis and Krystal started throwing punches in the pool and the garden. He listens to Cher, Madonna, Inreque Iglacesius…he digs Rupaul’s drag race…and until we met…he vacationed in Provincetown, a famous gay friendly and populated summer place.
I hate Cher, Madonna, and that kind of music…for Music Women, I dig Classic Rock, Stevie Nicks (an old friend) Ann Wilson from Heart…I like the bands, Boston, ACDC, Matchbox 20, and OLD country…Conway Twitty, Red Sovine, Loretta Lynn, Patsy Cline. I am uncomfortable around a group of guys that are all single and gay…and every gay friendship I had…ended because, 1. They wanted to fuck me. 2. Plans changed with no heads up becasue they landed the newest big cock in town. 3. This is the worst…talking or actually, shredding me up and starting rumors about me to our fellow co workers. I hate the queen that keeps smacking you down with his sharp, pointy crown. That sounds sterotypical…and I sound like an ass becasue I don’t pigeon hole…but, all except one guy in my life fucked me over. I had a friend in L.A. that was gay…and he watched out for my wellbeing…he made me laugh…and he ultimately made me cry as I was on the phone with him…when they pulled life support…his friend held the phone to his ear as I thanked him and showered him with love…and when I hung up…one of life’s brightest and best light…went out that day, forever.
I am naive…to this day. I can’t tell if I’m being hit on, checked out, cruised…etc by men and women. So, back to bartending…I had a double Dewars Scotch straight up with the group of guys. I did go out with them one night…as my eyes suddenly found some guys very, attractive…we smoked a little joint in the car so I was buzzed and stoned…and the whole gay guy atmosphere looked differently. I had this experimental sexual feeling hit me…and one of the guys that hung out at the bar and came out to Rage that night…had me kind of confused…I was thinking about us…and what he said in the men’s room while we were pissing. He looked my my dick…and I looked at his…mine was bigger was all I thought to myself until he said…holy, fuck…anytime you want…you can fuck my mouth, ass…anywhere…Remembering this…as I was watching guys dancing shirtless and sweaty…the place smelled like Eternity and Obsession by Calvin Cline…mixed with the smell of the guys in the high school locker room…or the way my jock smells like my balls after a full workout. Well, when we were leaving I was really buzzed…and one of the guys told me that he really was the reason they started coming to the bar…supposedly we met on the Designing Women set…I didn’t remember him but, he said that I was talking and he heard me say where I worked at night. So, that very night…he pulled into a Beverly Hills alley near my house…pulled my seat back and he sucked my cock like it has never been sucked before…Hoover comes to mind as he played with my nuts…before I could nut, he stopped. Out of nowhere came lube and a rubber. He came over to my seat and sat on my boner…and I fucking saw stars as he bounced on my hard wood…and I nutted so much the rubber was so full it was leaking.
I stayed with him for 4 years too long. He showed his cruelty soon after, berated me to friends and by standers…and he said, with his connections my career in showbiz will end after just one call. My friend that died was the one that told me that he was meeting guys on the phone and screwing around on me. I left Beverly Hills…and I walked off the set of a “part III” movie…breaking a contract, and my reputation…I really pissed off SAG…and I had to leave to get better. I went with my high school sweetheart for a few months until I realized I love and have loved her so much that if I was gay…I could never ruin her. I would die.
So, there are some of my life’s events…sexuality cannot be defined by preference. Love truly is blind. I was alone for a long time…and went through 2 more love affairs with men…a musician and a lawer…both got me…to hurt me it seems.
Not looking for anyone…a friend took me to a “party” one night when I got home early from a pub with a live band. I was spiffed up and said, ok…We are no longer friends…but, in a miracle…I found my heart of hearts. The guy took me to an orgy…tons of guys were fucking bareback…and smoking meth…and coming on to me as I sat reading…or hiding behind a newspaper.
My guy walked in…walked up to me…and I was already in love at 1st sight. He asked me what was a guy like me doing here…and I asked likewise.
That was almost 10 years ago…
And my sexlife has never been better. Even though he prefers being a TOP…and his cock is enormous…I grew to dig that…I actually nut while he nailing me…no hands…
Thank you for reading this far…
At least it isn’t another Political article I was hired to write…
Austin and Zane…
You guys add to our already amazing sex life…hoo…
You’re smokin hot…
I don’t really care if you guys are straight or gay because holy cow this is the best porn ever made. I’m a female and I never in my life thought I would get turned on by gay porn, but your videos aren’t the standard pounding into some girl for thirty minutes. That does not turn me on at all. I need something a little more intimate, what can I say? Your product provides that. If your straight, you guys are great actors because I swear I can feel the chemistry! And so much kissing! I love it! Thank you for making this (Valentines Day one was awesome :-) )!!
kudos for this classy response especially the last sentence
Steven, you’re SO RIGHT.
I’ll take romantic over the abusive stuff that seems to be pushing out every other day. Or the “I’m not gay” but I’ll let you suck my cock bullshit.
They may be straight but they generally don’t make it a big deal and you don’t see their straight porn playing in the scene, unlike the gay4pay Next Door shoots. If we have to have Gay4payers, we need more like these two and Tommy Defendi.
“…you don’t see their straight porn playing in the scene”
Actually, I did catch a glimpse once or twice. There’s a big widescreen that’s either mounted to the wall or atop a dresser. The dark-haired one is ALWAYS lookin’ – he’s also the one with the most temperamental wood (which is why the blond one’s always topping).
To me the blonde one is almost always the bottom. Austin bottoms a lot less.
You should check out Austin Zane more often. Zane, the blond one, bottoms quite a bit for Austin. And, you’re right, it’s a great site. They done good.
i, uh… kind of enjoyed that. like, it brought a gentle glow to my ovaries.
ps: i really like that painting on the wall!
thanks Erynn! We threw it together a few hours before filming on some posterboard to cover the TV hanging on the wall behind it lol
bravo for throwing together a painting as opposed to just, you know, covering it with a sheet or something like most sites.
and thanks for making my lady-parts all glowy!