Even MSNBC’s getting in on this snoozeflash, getting quotes from AVN Chairman Paul Fishbein who says, and we quote, “Everybody I’m talking to says the business is down anywhere from 20 to 30 percent. That’s in line with the rest of the economy.” He concludes, “This is the first time I can honestly say the adult business is not recession-proof.”
The flailing economy is only partly to blame. As we’ve discussed, changing tastes and widely available amateur porn is also cutting into big studio revenues. Also, studios have flooded the market with too many new releases.
From its snotty pedestal of cool, BUTT Magazine recently took a shot at big studio DVD releases with a snarky mention of Raging Stallion’s ambitious new release, To the Last Man. “After extended ‘plot-integrated’ sex scenes,” BUTT writes, “everyone ends up covered in red corn syrup.”
BUTT then asks, “Do you even watch professionally produced porn anymore?” XTube, BUTT implies, may be a bigger threat to DVD studios than the recession.
Sexologist Claims Internet Killing Porn, Also Its Only Hope
‘To the Last Man’ Premieres in Los Angeles
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Recession May Limit Market for ‘Twink Awakening 75’
Even porn industry hit by slumping economy (MSNBC, via GayPornTimes)
Cowboy (BUTT Magazine)