image via Adam Bouska
The marine-molesting Jason Curious broke the sad, sad story today that Blake, who has reportedly been “over the porn thing for a while,” is leaving his home at Channel 1 to pursue non-sexual pastures. Maybe he’s going to pursue a career in political cheerleading? The Texan wunderkind didn’t enter the porn biz until after he broke up with an anti-porn boyfriend, and we imagine his current honey has to do with his departure. Industry folks are just as sad about this as porn fans, since Blake is as dependable and unassuming as his ass is deep and inviting.
Why is it that our urethra feels like a tear duct all of a sudden? At least we’ll always have the porn. And the $249 ass replica.
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Blake Riley Retires (Jason Curious)
LOL! Whatever you say, stuey. Keep living in that fantasy world, bro.
MMDD: you worthless turd. blake has a boyfriend, not a girlfriend. the reason for this is that hes a homosexual, and has been out of the closet for nearly as long as you’ve been an ignorant piece of shit.
This is no real loss. Blake may have a great ass, but he’s one of the most mediocre, passionless performers in the biz. Still, I wish him and his girlfriend the best in their new relationship.