Brad Renfro is the latest young heartthrob to pass away before his
time. Much like Sal Mineo, James Dean, and River Phoenix, Renfro
possessed a genuine and understated talent and had accumulated a
dedicated fan base despite his recent retreat from the spotlight.
The last picture to see Brad in front of the camera will be this year’s The Informers
based upon the book of short stories by Brett Easton Ellis. Ironically,
the films poster features an androgynous and melancholy face, over
which are printed the words: “GREED IS GOOD. / SEX IS EASY. / YOUTH IS
We will miss Brad Renfro, a longtime crush object and a startlingly
talented screen actor. He was too young to die, and shall remain, as
the Informers poster dictates, forever young.
it is so sad as i live in tenn went to hang out with him for 2 days in la last year told me it was cool that i am so open about being gay .he did come to see one of my nude show,s told me shawny as he call,s me i will never do what you do on a stage are in a film i miss him more then anyone will know.i was ask to go to the funeral .so i did i cryed like a baby i know he is with god now and all the hurt and pain he went tru is no more rest with god frofro aka brad your loveing friend from bristol ,tenn shawny aka shawn harless