CockyBoys model Bravo Delta has a nice big cock. He’s short, sure, but probably a lot of you out there would gladly take this hairy little hipster to bed. Well, sadly for you, he won’t go to bed with you, because he likes girls.
We knew this already, but he’s just put up a blog post in which he lists out the various reasons he got into gay porn, as opposed to straight porn, starting with the obvious: men make more money in gay porn than in straight porn, and there’s greater demand for male performers in gay porn.
But he delves a little deeper, revealing that he had two gay roommates around the time that he was first shopping around for a porn studio to film with. And, he says, he was curious.
Reason #4:
Did it ever occur to you that maybe I was just curious? I’d lived with gay guys for the 2 years prior to shooting with Cockyboys and had gotten pretty comfortable with them (never tried anything though- that would’ve been way too awkward for everyone and I wasn’t into them). Besides, I wasn’t completely disgusted by the thought of other penises.
Also, he doesn’t do bareback, and wouldn’t shoot a condom-free scene with a vagina involved either.
Reason #5:
So many straight studios shoot without condoms, and I currently refuse to have sex without a condom (on and off camera). Plus, the nice thing about guys is that there’s a 0% risk of pregnancy.
Also, he warns of a coming “rant about the people that get unnecessarily mad when they realize an actor in gay porn isn’t 100% gay by their definition.”
We’re sure you’ll all enjoy that.
Anyway, below, here he is jerking off for art in CockyBoys’ Penetralia.
I don’t get it, he says on his profiles he’s gay now, but they use to say bi.
He’s said he’s liked sex with both equally so what happened?
Is he fluid?
This is cute. I live in Boston and socialize with Mike (Bravo) regularly. He’s gay. Period.
So much for barebacking on camera or not being into guys. Just check out his Xvideo profile. He has a video where he’s getting blown by a guy in a public restroom, and then he asks the guy if he can cum in his ass, slides his dick in, and blows. So, Bravo may be cute, hung, and basically a midget, he’s also pretty full of shit.
A bit late to the dialogue, but the last post says it all. I’ve done erotic massage for 25 years, seen thousands of men, most married, many in their 40’s to 60’s finding themselves curious for the first time.I am firmly convinced there are more bi/curious men than gay OR straight men. Most people are somewhere in the middle. Gay/ Straight is like Black people’s skin colors… they come in many many shades. All are acceptable.
He’s bi
James Deen is a millionaire. So it’s bullshit that doing gay porn pays better than doing straight porn. To make it in straight porn today, you need an above average dick; be able to stay hard; and cum on cue. Being reasonably good looking will put you at the top of the list when the women are choosing their scene partners. And the women do get to choose.
He’s just another het narcissist who wants other guys to worship him, while he dismisses us as nothing but a way to make money. If he wanted to expand his sexual horizon, he didn’t need to do porn to accomplish that. He wants money, and attention. Sadly, he’s getting it, while bellyaching about all the homos.
Gay porn today is crap, and it’s because of douchebags like this guy. Thank God for amateur porn, where real gay men fuck each other and enjoy it.
James Deen is a special case
I find it hard to believe he’s totally straight and just gay4pay when you watch some of his scenes… the one he did with Dillon Rossi for cockyboys he couldn’t wait to start kissing him. Rossi was still talking and Delta kept looking at him and tugging at his neck a bit like he couldn’t wait to start making out. And Rossi is a gorgeous guy, it makes sense. Delta is just another guy who’s sexually attracted to guys but doesn’t want to give up his straight identity, especially since he still finds girls attractive and probably would like to end up with one. I know his deal, my situation mirrors his pretty much, minus the gay porn since I don’t need that following me the rest of my life even though I’ve been asked to do it. I just wish guys like him would just say they’re bi and be open about it. There’s such a stigma about bisexual – gays say you’re just gay and straights say you’re really gay, so it’s a no win situation when you like girls and guys alike…
Bravo Delta is funny enough to have a sense of humor about the questions he gets asked, and sweet enough to spend time answering nearly all of them. He’s a good guy, a sexy performer, and brave enough to live his life in that space that exists between “gay” and “straight” – and to do it without the labels. To anyone who thinks there is no such space, I can assure you from personal experience that there is, and to anyone who feels threatened by that, I encourage you to examine your own sexuality, and let others have theirs.
Between gay and straigh is called all sorts of things, bisexual, pansexual, hetero felixible, homofleixble.
He sounds like he is just hetoer dominant bisexual
I HATE this guy and hate those actors G4P. Why they will not look for another job rather than staying destroying our fantasies. I hate them because they think they are capable of having sex with his own mother for money.
There have always been, and will always be, men in the world who will pay just to watch a naked guy jerk off. There have always been, and always will be, men who are, for whatever reason, willing to let that first kind of guy watch, as long as money changes hands.
Gay guys that fetishize straight guys aren’t going away any time soon, so bitching about G4P guys is a waste of breath. If a gay guy who’s consciousness has been raised beyond the point of base self-loathing and refuses to sexually objectify a man that won’t objectify him back…
Well, he may have a bit of a problem. But combining identity politics and the fantasy that porn is intended to be will never satisfy everyone.
i agree with you jordi, most american and europe gay porn stars are always liying and trying to hide their sexual orientation to their fans for cash. adam dacre and his bf proved that they can fuck women and adam said that was fun and it will continue no matter what. never believe to those performers identified or claimed themselve as gay. its simple for me i never appreciate even wacth their work :)
Gay4Pay disgust
He´s a handsome but doesn´t seem,sound or act straight,he couldn´t even act “butch” to save his life,just the regular hot gay guy lying his porn career away in order to create a buzz.He´s sexy and handsome but like many other G4Pers he´s too gay to be taken as a straight guy.Have you watched any of his interviews? Sooo gay…and thank god for that!
And for all of you saying he needs to shave, go find some twink shit. I like my MEN with some hair on them.
Umm, I follow him on tumblr and he’s definitely talked about how he IS attracted to men, he’s just more attracted to women. Obviously whoever wrote this article didn’t dig deep enough into his tumblr posts.
This is all your fault gay Americans and Europeans. Gay4Pay actors had taken the our industry bcoz you let them. That’s why I like Gay Japan. They should learn from them.
I dont mind them in the industry, if a straight guy wants to hustle and suck dicks on camera to get me off, then so be it–What I mind is those like Cody Cummings (and this guy, apparently) who feel the need to remind me every 5 minutes how straight they are and how they only “tolerate” gay sex.
It’s a slap in the face to the audience that keeps u employed. Just do the porn, shut your mouth, collect your check, and go home and do domestic violence on your girlfriend/ baby momma…Thats all these guys are good for.
agree with you ! american n europe gay porn is just craps, the actors always lie or hide about their sexuality. adam dacre and his bf proved that they can fuck women and adam said its fun and the fun will continue no matter what
Oh, yes, Japan, the land of Octopus Porn. Yeah, classy!
Never found him attractive and when they signed him they were the only ones making noise no one else blinked.
Whatever. He sounds like a douche. Oh, naked men ‘dont disgust you’? How liberal of you. That was a douchy comment to make. And there’s too many gay4payers lined up for his job, to tolerate him. He’s not even THAT hot and big dicks in gay porn are a dime a dozen. Next!….
I saw his latest film. Peter Jackson knows casting.
I think he was explaining his state of mind at the time, not his current attitude. He’s come a long way since then.
he’s actually a very nice guy. Follow him on twitter, or tumblr. Several days a week, he spends hours answering questions from his followers, even though they tend to be the same questions over and over and over. He’s never said he’s straight. He’s never said he’s gay. He has said that his adult career has opened his horizons, has allowed him to live out some of his desires, thoughts, fantasies, and has made him more self aware. And yes, he’s said that he’s hooked up with guys in his private life. I feel like this article was probably written a year ago, forgotten, and then the Sword peeps found it, had nothing better to print, so they printed this garbage.
I believe the Sword posted this because of his current and latest Tumblr entry about why he did gay porn over straight porn. According to Bravo’s Twitter and later Tumblr entry, he’s received quite a few questions about it. The only one that he answered is why he doesn’t consider therapy. Since Bravo took more than a few paragraphs to identify his sexuality that could be seen as a reason to look into mental help. Usually a single word like straight, gay, or bi suffices but it’s unnecessarily complicated and verbose.
Funny how judgmental, flippant, and downright rude some of the commentary about Bravo is from people saying he is flippant and rude. Also, just because gay, bisexual, and gay are simple for you doesn’t mean they are for him. Maybe at this point in his life he is not sure where the pendulum will land for him in the end, and which of us actually, honestly, knows that with 100% certainty.
Maybe he takes more time to answer because it is a more complex matter for him, and maybe, just maybe, he isn’t so simplistic as to think gay, bi, and straight are actual and factual representations of something as incredibly complex as human sexuality.
It’s simple, at the time he first did gay porn, he was already sort of an xtube sensation, with gay guys, and at that time he had never actually had sex with a man, but he wasn’t completely averse to it, once he did, though, he realized that all the crap the hetero-normative world had been feeding him was false. Turns out he could enjoy it and has explored it in his personal life as well.
Sounds to me like he is just a young man exploring and coming into his sexuality, not an asshole who doesn’t want to admit who he is.
Read his tumblr and learn. He is not a dick, though can be very sarcastic,understandable with the stupidity of the some of the questions. He does not identify as straight and has been quite open about his sexual path. I wish everyone would just stop with the gay/straight shit. Sexuality is not black and white, it has many grey areas. Porn is entertainment and the important part is does it do its job. If it does not, do not watch it, if it does, who cares how they identify. Grow up and learn.
I think you’re conflating two separate things. I don’t think he’s “kind of a dick” because of his thoughts on dick. In fact, I’m a casual fan of his duo scenes. And I think it’s cool that he’s sexually open to new experiences and encounters. What I was referring to was his temperament. It’s cool to be sarcastic on the Internet, but there are times when he’s downright flippant, dismissive, and sounds like he’s pissed when responding to his fans. They may sometimes ask silly or repetitive questions, but he really should just be grateful that people care to ask at all. He needs to find better temperamental balance and patience, or perhaps just ignore the Qs he doesn’t want to answer. That was my point. Other than that, I like him quite a bit, and hope that he continues in porn even after CockyBoys.
Or simply don’t make himself accessible to people online…does he really need a website or twitter account if he doesn’t like fan questions? no. So we can assume he is driven by his ego and need for attention like some of the other models in porn.
I don’t expect them to be 100%, but I expect them to like dick. I don’t want to see totally fake acting bullshit. Not authentic. Homophobic that they don’t believe gay guys are hot enough.
“Santa Claus Is Coming To Town”.. That’s the first thing that popped in my head when I seen the top picture of Bravo Delta…LOL
Bravo Delta, please go down.. on a guy and do something with your gay porn career. Don’t be another Cody Cummings, suck, fuck and get fucked, if not then there’s the door and don’t let it hit ya where the Good Lord split-ya.
Honestly, gay-for-pay isn’t the worst thing in the world. Just don’t be gay-for-pay and a thundering, complete and total dick about it. Once upon a time I knew of at least a couple of gay-for-pay models who were perfectly nice and quite grateful to their gay fans for their support, while also not super defensive about liking pussy in their personal lives. Apparently this is just too hard for people.
Uh. I don’t know what fantasyland you live in, but historically, a lot of G4P models are just destitute and basically there for cash…they aren’t celebrities that appreciate their “fans.” They don’t care about their “stardom” (what is this 1976?), they only want cash because usually they are completely inept and incapable of obtaining and getting employment; the only options are to take menial jobs that don’t pay shit…so the next best thing is escorting or even just fucking on film, like their female counterparts-except the only person who would pay for sex with someone or want to watch would be a guy.
And the straight girls who only do anal in porn when they get paid more?
Well compared to past models from most studios at least he admits it. Can’t knock him for not being disgusted by other penises. After all I have always said the straightest thing about me is I like it straight up the butt but if the price is right and I need the money bad enough I’d play with a vagina for a day. After all I can admit that I find every woman in Vouge magazine very sexy and attractive. But that may also have to do with me being a fashion obsessed stylonisto and in reality would rather be in their dresses and shoes than in them.
bottom of the barril worthy… next!
He’s only 5′ 4″
Seriously? That’s shockingly short.
No, when Jeff Stryker was 5’4″, THAT was shocking. What will shock me is when we see a gay porn star that’s the same height as Kristin Chenoweth.
He’s shorter than 5’4. he’s like 5’2. I’ve met him before and I’m 5’4.
Who the f*ck believes anything a performer says for any of these interviews? It’s like believing all that stupid crap that Sean Cody used to write about each of his “straight” performers. I don’t care how straight you think you are: if you fuck or get fucked by a guy, you’re homo (whether you get paid or not for it). Bravo hit his peak when he was a mysterious jerk off performer on Xtube. I’m sad to find out Bravo is really heterosexual Verne Troyer who stole all that fake chest hair from Mike Myers’ Austin Power costume. Too bad his Cockyboys employers weren’t smart enough to advice their star to keep his mouth shut.
I can’t smell the coffer for all of your bitter.
I think he could’ve made it in straight porn, if he shaved. He sorta reminds me of a hairy Mikey Butders.
Anyway, I’m glad he’s calling out the people who get overly defensive when it comes to gay4pay actors. It’s ridiculous to expect every actor to be gay when porn has such a high turnover rate; even more ridiculous for a minority persecuted for their sexuality to be doing the same to people who make a living concocting a fantasy.
I say let’s all strap him down for a good plowing just to make sure he isn’t “completely disgusted by the thought of other penises”.
being gay is awful. no one wants to accept it even gay-self.
cash > heterosexuality
Sometimes beer > heterosexuality. Those are the dumb ones up for a quick nut, though.
I don’t think he is bad. I’m certain he is just living his life the best way he knows how-he is certainly less annoying that some of the actual gay models in porn.
Yawn! Another gay 4 pay performer.
G4P…. Mmmm! Just the way I like em! Notice he said “Not completely disgusted by the thought of other penises”. That means there is hope for him yet to swing to the bi side. Just one step at a time Bravo Delta.. Your fans are patient. We have seen this story played out many times before.
The fantasy of some gay men who fetishize straightness…the idea of “turning” someone gay — the same way those conversion therapists work… one step at a time.
As if he would fuck you anyways – regardless of sexual preference, you douche.
*golf clap*
“I wasn’t completely disgusted by the thought of other penises” Why don’t u ask yourself why you, as a straight man, of ALL the jobs that there are out there in this world, you chose to fuck men in the ass for money????
Maybe he likes the adulation? Maybe deep down he has a exhibitionist streak? I mean he was originally from xtube which is a haven for exhibitionists. Why are you questioning his career choice when you are in fact looking at pics of his big cock at the same time? Ask yourself that question.
The Money? Also, please Mr. Bravo, if you are reading this, please please never trim or shave your pubes.
Read through the tumblr. He seems like kind of a dick. He’s from Boston, and it’s easy to tell.