Not exactly a surprise, given his boyfriend was fired from the same studio yesterday, but Anthony Romero’s exclusive contract with Next Door Studios has been dissolved. The performer tells The Sword: “My contract with Next Door was just annulled per mutual agreement.”
Romero has written a lengthy (and scathing) exposé detailing his time with the studio and why, he believes, the “gay for pay” models are given preferential treatment:
The Next Door shooting house is amicable; the atmosphere was nice and relaxed. I came to learn, however, that the treatments are preferentiated—if you aren’t straight or escorting yourself out to the “président,” you aren’t really worth anything. Originally, being treated like I didn’t matter angered me—I was hasty to blame this on my being gay and their homophobia, but I don’t think it’s that they prefer straight men to gay men; rather, they prefer total and complete acquiescence—obedience—and the straight models realize they’re too ugly and have too many restrictions to do anything else with any other studio, so they tell Next Door what they don’t want to do performance-wise, and so long as they perform, bring in traffic to the site, fulfill that “straight guy going gay(ish)” fantasy, and keep their mouths shut, then everything is copasetic. Any other real GAY PORN studio wouldn’t deal with that shit. Next Door masturbates itself to the idea that they’re “creating a fantasy,” so basically I am (was) the homosexual pawn in that pairing.
Also, Romero reveals that he was originally offered an exclusive contract with Randy Blue before receiving a less desirable offer from Next Door. In the end, he says he chose Next Door for the opportunity to travel and work with Austin Wilde.
And, any guesses as to whom he’s referring to here?
Once, when I brought up that I didn’t want to be in a scene with one of those guys (the gay for pay ones who don’t perform [and don’t get me wrong, I don’t care about your sexuality; if you are willing to fully perform gay porn, then you can be straight, gay, bi, asexual, or whatever, but if you refuse to perform gay porn because you’re “straight” or refuse to do anything but sit there like a monkey and get serviced, then I fucking hate you]), and I was basically told to stop being dramatic and to shut up and do my scene, or I would be dropped from the shoot.
Much more here.
I love both companies inside and out, and respect the performers decisions. And your stating old news buddy. I love Stephan, we have mutual respect, he’s over the top nice… whatever happens after work is there bizz… I just go where the job takes me… things change, so who are you to say Ill never step foot in and or Next Door again? you never know what could happen. Your a complete idiot. Oh and good news!… nothing is shutting down, theres always boys, & the best part… im not quiting, and i love my bath salts! =) And you yo yo… u prob the worst lay and the biggest shit talker ive ever heard… and yes, pretty sure ppl talking shit that have no idea what they are talking about are losers.. wasting your time on this blog for no reason.. loser. I have a reason, your talking shit abt my family. and btw yea.. i am rolling in paper… most likely more then your “self sufficient” piece of shit ass lol. And guess what the best part is.. your right.. I NEVER have to pay for my own weed ;) im sooooo glad the fact that you didnt have to sit on a dick for money made u better then me. Prettttty sure im doing just fine bud. thank you come again. Gavin Waters 2 Haters 0 lol =)
I find it strange that you, a guy who states he’s bi and doesn’t seem to have an issue with gay sex, would continue to try and lump yourself in with G4Pers.
The issue may not entirely be with the performers, many are naive and think what’s best for the studio is best for them, but the constant “I’m Straight” in porn on their porn twitters/facebooks/blogs/tumblrs/comments is them not realizing that they are their own commodity and while some guys fantasize about “hooking-up with a straight guy” – ultimately they make gay porn. Their actions speak louder than words and the BTS footage at NDS and most places that hire g4p show a pattern of “Brosef” disdain for gay sex.
That’s it, thats the problem. If they’re gonna make gay porn, then do it and quit being a whiney homophbic bitch about it.
If I still had any respect left for you, it would have evaporated just now.
thanks gavin! the fact that u responded to everything i said only proves that i struck a nerve on ur insecurity. and that everything i said is true. i mean, its obvious that everything u said about urself is a lie. lmfao! rolling in paper MY ASS!! you will never get to retire. therefore, ur not rich. when u live ur life as an obect, u die as an object. and no one will care.
First off, YOU ARE ALL overly critical. These boys, companies, owners, recruiters, are my dear friends. In the end, we all want whats best for the boys and the porn industry. I might not have the inside scoop on Anthony’s situation, or anyones personal agenda’s but I do know the Porn industry itself is a complicated one. It’s ruined my life and changed it for the better at the same time. Theoretically, we are all gay for pay. We all found our way into this industry by some means and shouldnt be criticized for it. I do it because its fun, money, travel, and I’ve made some of the best friends I’ve ever had, some which I consider family. We as models, as well as owners, want the best for everyone. Anthony is a great guy, what happens after work, happens after work. If any of these guys decide to break a contract, or have a bad shoot, change agents, have a bad experiance, we learn from it. I truly believe both Anthony & Austin are remarkable men, and should not be scrutinized for anything. I dont speak for either of them, but I truly believe Next Door Studios & all the models just want whats best for everyone. Keep up these smart remarks and your pushing for the day when there wont be any Porn. There are many weird jobs out there.. Porn is a job. You get your chance, I’ve stayed fluent in the industry for over 5 years. For the amount some of us make, we shouldnt have to deal with all these retarded comments from people who have no fucking clue what they are talking about. Alot of it is jealousy, or your just a hater. Is it really that hard? Let the pornstars be, and make they’re own decisions. I’m not the best pornstar, or at all the best looking. Infact I agree with alot of my haters lol. I have my faults too. You all have no right to talk about anyone like this or the decisions anyone makes. Next Door Studios are a group of amazing people right down to the core & so are all they’re models. They treat all they’re models the same, but yes, go figure they would attune to a model they’ve had for 4 years over a bran new model. Anthony and Austin and most likely anyone else you talked about in this blog are my friends and are good people as well. What gives you the right to talk about them this way? Your either a fucking loser, hater, or you have issues. We have lives outside porn, we have real names… I have one too. Is it really a big deal? All the guys who are straight or gay, doesnt matter, They are all awesome guys who are part of the industry for a reason. Cant change the laws so it is what it is. How dare any of you talk about FABSCOUT ENTERTAINMENT. Or its Owner for that matter. Howard has touched the lives of so many. He is 100 people in one person. He has one of the most stressfull jobs on the planet & your seriously going to sit here and talk shit about who I would consider the “godfather” of gay porn. Yes, he has his moments, doesnt everyone? and considering the level of stress he has, I hope he would have a nice home, and a family. He is one of the most loving, caring people on the planet. All he has ever done, is give give give to this industry and people. There are many boys who would kill for Howard, me being one of them. For the job he has, some things you just cant change, and thats the way the ball rolls. He wants the best for his boys. How many times has it been where you either went to jail & he bailed you out, he cussed out a company owner to make you an extra 200$, he went against a friend for you, got you out of trouble, looked out for you, picked up his phone at 2am to make sure you were ok? bought a ticket? bought your food? took you all out to dinner? gotten you a shoot when you needed one, found some way to piece things together. Fabscout recruits only the top talent. Talent that is considered family, because every single model isnt just a good looking face or performer, they all have good hearts and respect. Howard would help any model do anything they want to achieve. So the guy owns a nice home, and 2 cars, one being 6 years old, the other 4, and a few dogs… and every once in a while he does something nice for himself, such as a vacation and things… sounds pretty fucking normal to me. What he yelled at you hardcore? You prob did something really fucking stupid and theres a reason for it. So if you dont know what your talking about, shut your fucking mouth. If you dont like Howard, your probably one of the biggest fucking losers on the planet and theres a reason for it. Your just a jealous, piece of shit hater. Im sure you will all reply by some means about me… but hey, all I can tell you is.. Im just a chill guy, who smokes alot of weed, and cares about his porn family. All in all dont talk shit unless you know what your talking about, and even if you think you do, you prob dont so keep it to yourself. I hope the best for all these guys & the studios/ agents. If you wanna hate on me, go right ahead.. it doesnt bother me whether you wanna criticize the way I look, whether im straight, bi, or gay, or my association with Fabscout & any of these models or companies. Ill just keep stackin paper, smokin trees, and lettin the good times roll while you haters with no life reply on this blog. losers.
I’ll have what he’s having. BTW I guess Next Door Studios is an “amazing company to work for” if you are willing to let their owner fuck you raw but sorry Gavin more then a few of your fellow performers have backed up Austin and Anthony’s sentiments about what an awful company NDM is. BTW considering you worked for I don’t see you working for Next Door Male anytime soon since Stephan has made it clear that he won’t hire guys that have worked for Yeah I’m sure that comments on these blogs are going to cause the entire industry to shut down and cause performers to quit in droves.
Lay off the pipe and the bath salts love.
LMFAO! this was quite a rambling. it sounds almost like someone with ‘stockholm syndrome’…except instead of a kidnap victim identifying with their captor its a hooker identifying with their pimp…
and sorry but people with an opposite opinion than u arent “jealous loser haters with no life” (UGH! such a 15year old thing to say). in fact, ive never needed anyone to bail me out of jail, buy me food, buy me tickets, look out for me at 2am etc… being self sufficient and successful on my own terms gives me the RIGHT to call u out on ur bullshit. ive never had to spread open my asshole to make money. so i HIGHLY doubt any opinion i have on all u ridiculous, narcissistic porn ‘talent’ (talent? doesnt everyone have genitals? how can u be ‘talented’ in porn?)
and i doubt very much that you’re ‘rolling in paper’ but it sure sounds like ur burning trees…but uh…did u actually pay for u own weed?
thank god for austin wilde and anthony romero. they are martyrs. they are trail blazers. they are pioneers.
i feel like the gay community finally has a ‘rosa parks’. thank god they are standing up to all the gay for pay studios that are hindering the gay community of their civil rights. this is the first step. and its all bcuz of their incredible bravery in the face of these dictators in the porn industry.
so bcuz of their incredible courage i thank you austin and anthony….’free at last….free at last…thank God almighty…were are FREE AT LAST’
Paul Wagner, if you’re reading this: please take a lesson from this situation and get out of NDS. You are a excellent performer and can do better than them.
In reviewing all comments regarding this NDS issue its apparent that certain models are following the “Sirard” mandate which is to allegedly have unsafe sex with this much older person for job security. I would say that models who are engaging in this are probably using him as much as he is using them.
Even though such models as Austin and Anthony have left the village of crazy there seems to be more coming to the party that Mr. Sirard aka “Press Release Junkie” fails to mention to the public. Cameron Foster, Donny Wright come to mind. It’s interesting how these two models were Falcon Exclusives just to be tossed about like a step child between to parents of FabScout and Sirard.
It’s already known through the models and studios not to trust Fabscout and Sirard but they continue to play with their fire just for work. Can anyone name a model who became an superstar because of these two scammers?
It’s clear that if you are a model with respect and talent you would voice your personal situation with Fabscout and/or Sirard? If you don’t then doing in later on doesn’t mean a thing.
It’s not the G4P models fault that the NDS scenes are so stale. It’s Andre Adair’s direction that sucks. Watch any of the now-defunct Blue Blake movies he directed and you’ll see where the real problem is. It’s not the guys. That’s for sure.
Hope Brandon Lewis gets out of NDS soon. He deserves so much better than that.
I hope Austin will appear in a scene with another black guy in the future.
I agree!!! NDS is so boring and badly directed. Mostly due to the GFP guys don’t know how to eat an ass or find where the prostate is to prepare it for a good fuck. It is not to licked like a pussy!! GOD show them!! Nipples, Armpit,hairy legs and arse’s are sexy! Putting on the condom with your mouth is sexy…..Black gay men live next door to me and they are sexy.
Just holding the camera and watching a not so awesome cock go in and out an arse is not sexy unless the camera cuts and shows the top consuming the aroma and nipples of his partner and enjoying IT!!
NDS worst directing in the industry!!! Worst pairing to watch in the industry.
I find it absurd that hot models like Anthony, Andrew Jakk or Randall O’reilly, who are openly gay and much hotter than next door exclusive models like johnny torque (damm he is ugly!!) weren’t allowed to have an exclusive contract…
and i thought that marcus mojo and samuel o’toole were bi… even rod daily says it’s impossible to be straight and do this stuff…
Marcus’ face is ugly; Sam is a loser runt. I would not use these guys as the exception to the rule. A nice thing would be all the NDS “talent” including Austin and his Bitch disappear into oblivion. Porn will carry on with better looking guys with hot bodies and great attitudes. These two clung to the NDS tit, when Spencer Fox was ludicrously ranting about this crap, and these two said nothing. Tucker Scott and these two douches give gay porn a bad name. The are self absorbed scum.
Should it be implied that Paul Wagner fucked NDS’s president bareback multiple times?
Ugh! Now that thought is in my head when I look at Paul Wagner. He seemed like the only decent guy in porn and you, Lukes, have ruined him! THAAANKS! :p
:D lol
i’d pay to see Paul Wagner fuck Stephan bareback
you tell me… O_o
(indeed, Austin Wilde has explicitly called Paul Wagner “Stephan’s bitch” in his blog post… *sigh*)
You know I can’t take everything that Anthony & Austin say at face value. They are known to start shit and talk shit about many other porn stars out there, even their supposed former good friend couple Chris Porter and Samuel Colt. They both can be real assholes and cruel. It’s hard to believe people like A&A when Paul Wagner never goes out of his way to publicly ridicule someone on blogs, his social networking accounts, etc.
I can agree, but this is pretty big stuff (in the world of porn, that is), and his silence does not help. Paul Wagner enjoyed a pretty unstained image up to now, he risks to fall from grace regardless of the comments of A&A in this story.
P.S.: I find the image of Paul Wagner being someone’s bitch unsettlingly arousing… :P
LOL. This is hilarious.
Let’s see… NDS is run by a self-hating queen that seems to have little self-respect. Meanwhile, Austin and Anthony, are too “in love” with themselves to deserve a hint of respect. I don’t know who to side with.
actually i think they BOTh were pretty poor as porn performers, especially anthony who kissed like the worst, austin wilde fuck’n u the scene with topher di maggio, nope, disappointing
Everyone’s right. NDS has no passion, no heat, no fire. Just decent bodies in motion. So boring. I have never gotten myself off to one of its scenes. But to hear A&A complain that their other models just annoys me. They’re professionals, and they’re paid to fuck. The personal lives of their scene partners is not really the point; that’s what their own private lives are for. The idea that you have to be straight, or out, to have sex, or have sex for money, is as offensive to me as someone who claims gay actors shouldn’t play straight characters in regular movies. If you’re hot, you should be able to fuck an asshole on camera. Which brings me back to NDS’s big problem: It’s not hot. And it also has a backwards, stigmatizing, ’80s understanding of the transmission of HIV between models. In THAT way, it acts like a hetero company.
Honestly, when you look at their critiques of the performers in question, it really has very little to do with those models personal lives. In fact, their complaint is the same as yours. It’s about specific gay4pay performers who act as models; they just stand their and look pretty while getting their dicks sucked. It’s boring and almost insulting. Frankly, if they are unwilling to truly perform; they should seek out employment elsewhere, perhaps in the world of straight porn. And I know. I hear all the time how difficult it is for straight men to break in to straight porn. But the key word is difficult. Difficult does not equal impossible. Personally, if I were an adult performer and it were much easier for I as a gay man to break into straight porn than it were to break into gay porn; I’d wait it out, make some key contacts, find a hot scene partner who would increase my chances of being hired, etc. Or I’d simply chose another profession or simply do solos. There are plenty of straight guys who perform for other companies that never do anything other than a solo. So I don’t really have a lot of sympathy for the G4P straight exclusives that are throwing out charges of bullying or prejudice. People aren’t critiquing them based solely on their private sexual preference; but on their performances; which the lack thereof they root in their private sexual preference. If you’re straight that’s fine and your business. But, if you’re so defined by your straight sexuality that you won’t perform gay sex acts in an industry that is based on the performance of gay sex acts (gay porn), then maybe this isn’t the industry for you.
I think that Austin tried a diva move on NDS, and the studio reps were not having it. Austin and his “boyfriend” didn’t complain before when he worked with other G4P models. I think there is more to the story other than “principals” at stake here. My guess is money, and being paid the same as some those “Straight” models.
And now these two dweebs are posting rants and comments, using NDS’ image problems as a retaliation for not giving Austin more money. And then suddenly, Anthony decides to follow when Austin doesn’t get his way. I have zero respect for Anthony-grow a fucking pair and think for yourself for once!
These two are as much of douches as Cody Cummings and the rest at NDS. Gay or straight, that seems the quality NDS looks for in models. :D
AGREE,these two need to get over themselves .
NDS could also be in trouble soon for bringing Canadian performers into the US to shoot without proper documents, wrongly claiming that the fact they have an office in Canada grants them a non-existent overlapping privilege. I don’t see anyone reporting on this yet, but it could shut down NDS operating in California.
Let’s not forget that it was industry pimp FabScout Howard that brokered these exclusive contracts between Anthony/Austin and NDS. The same Howard that only 1-1/2 years ago vacationed in Canada on NDA’s dime while in discussions about NDS buying FabScout. The same Howard who is supposed to be looking out for his models best interests and yet keeps pumping his guys into the NDS machine. Who do you think brokered the Donny Wright deal?!? The same man who brings a new guy into the FabScout stable and immediately calls RentBoy to get him listed on their site. You can’t blame Anthony/Austin/Donny when they’ve put their trust in a greedy pimp such as Howard who is constantly tweeting about all the vacations he’s taking with his models, and houses he’s buying with the percentage he takes from them and the studios. Even right now, today, he is at a music festival with his latest kept boy Jimmy Fanz. As bad as he was the industry would have been better with David Forrest. Instead the industry is stuck with it’s current self loathing lying backstabbing pimp who will do anything to make a buck.
I’m just mentioning this because Spencer Fox seems to have called the Next Door Studios situation while he was having a moment of clarity; he also wrote a blog post called “FagScout” then took it down about a day later. I was too late to see it and it wasn’t up long enough to make it into google’s cache or or anything like that. I just wondered if anyone managed to read it while it was still up and what it said?
That raving butterfaced, butterbodied lunatic said about a zillion other things that were untrue, racist, anti-gay, and just plain stupid. Whether or not he got lucky and happened to have said one or two “true” things about NDS is irrelevant, just like he is.
EXACTLY .Fabscout Howard makes me sick along w/ the models who kiss his ass especially on twitter all day long…these desperate soul-selling losers know who they are..and yes,Austin and his twitter buddies are in this camp of models ..
I have no investment in the gay porn industry save friendships and a few licensed images, but one of those friendships is with Howard Andrew. The accusations you are hurling are outlandish, hurtful, and honestly unsustainable. He’s slept with every model he’s had, has he? Any idea how many models you’re talking about, in sheer numbers, over the last ten years? Hope he has a healthy supply of something to keep him going.
As for brokering deals with the devil – you talk as if these men aren’t capable of making their own decisions about their careers. If they’re in porn, obviously they aren’t children. If they didn’t want to make deals with studios, they have the right to walk away. It’s not indentured servitude, it’s porn.
They say popularity breeds contempt, and Howard is certainly popular – with his friends, his models, and anyone that has close contact with him. How many other guys would sit with a model in rehab or take them in when their family finds out they do porn? He lives for his boys – every day for the last ten years. So before you stand behind the cloak of internet anonymity and badmouth a good man, why don’t you take a look at your own life and see if anyone would sit next to your hospital bed.
Everyone’s a fucking critic… Howard is a good guy. Do you know how many times he has saved the day when [insert random porn star/fuck up here] found themselves in jail? Homeless? Rehab? Broke? Crying? Alone?
The amount of good he does for these performers isn’t talked about much, but trust me, if you knew him like I do, you’d think twice before minimizing him to just an “industry pimp”.
Yes, howard goes out of his way to help out his models. So many of these boys would be in jail or in the army getting killed in combat if it wasn’t for him. He helps the guys so much, it puts his own personal health at risk. Howard is a good person and very caring to his guys. Thanks howard!!
Sometimes standing up for yourself is a process that slowly develops over time. Sometimes the things that bother us at first seem to be something that can be tolerated, but as time goes on it becomes unbearable. So, yes, I do understand why it took Anthony this long to do finally do it.
I wonder if it had been any of the favored ones that had refused to do a particular scene if they would have been fired like Austin. There is very little doubt in my mind that the owner/manager would have said “ok” and smiled at the exalted ones…..after the gay performers are 2nd class in their minds.
And who actually keeps supporting this site?….Desperate self loathing gays…as long as we have them in our community shitty sites like this will carry on!
What Olaf Said!!!
Why are folks acting like Austin and Anthony personally offended you by taking a job at a company you don’t like. They tried it, they didn’t like it, not it’s done.
Just like every other person who has ever accepted a job, they needed to see for themselves if it worked for them.
All this “I told you so” is arrogant and self-centered.
It’s not like you’re a personal friend of Anthony or Austin.
You can research a company til you’re blue in the face but you don’t REALLY know what it’s like to work for it until you do (and that goes for any and all industries.)
Porn is a business, these guys were performers doing a job. It’s not some high moral decision, it’s work.
I’m glad that Austin and Anthony were able to figure out what they wanted to do and do it and were able to finally say, “Ok, this bullshit must end, I’mma bounce”
Life is short and you only get one shot at it. Better to do the thing you think you want to do than spend your shoulda, coulda, wouldaing yourself to death. They are both young guys who seem to have good heads on their shoulders and I’m sure their next step will be cool, hopefully something they want to do and can be in control of.
I think it’s strange that so many men here use such degrading language about porn performers and also seem to be personally invested in what strangers do for a living or the choices they make about who to work for and when and for how long.
If you like a particular performer, you should want them to be in a good working environment that respects them and treats them well so they can enjoy their performances and you as a viewer can as well.
If you don’t like a particular performer, why the hell would you even care where they work or for how long enough to get mad that they didn’t listen to random strangers on the Internet before taking a particular job?
I mean…
Well said! It is a JOB. We all do thing at our job we don’t want to but it is part of the job. Wow I am surprised at all the fuss this is causing. I am asked to interview people for a job, that is what I am paid for. I am also paid to fire people…I don’t want too, but that is what I am paid for. They are asked to do sexual acts with guys (str8 or gay), it is what they are paid for. If they don’t want to do their job they are fired or they quit. You see what I am getting at?
End of story.
this whole situation is confusing but at the end of the day next door studios has a lot of problems. This situation between gay for pay and gay models and how badly it seems this studio is handling it. Its known the studio is purging money and now models, the gay for pay ones are all old news.
I say to the two models Anthony and Austin be blessed you got out with out a std or even worse. If a boss is so sleazy and pitiful enough to engage in that type of behavior he deserves nothing but silence from the public and industry.
Couldn’t agree more. And has anybody cared to check out what they are trying to sell as their new exlusives? Apart from the poor, pitiable Donny Wright all I can say is – grggh.
Why would Donny Wright sign with them? WHY? WHY WHY WHY?
Anthony I wrote in another thread that Austin never came on here and defended the company but you did a number of times and honestly you are now confirming what everyone else was saying all along about Next Door Male. Like I wrote on the other thread, Spencer Fox in all of his psychotic glory confirmed much what you have written about how Next Door works and was called a liar. Rob Romoni wrote similar things on his now defunct blog. How long into your time at NDM before you began to see this is how things really were? I think you alluded to the fact that your scene with Cody Cummings was very demoralizing and degrading.
I have to wonder if the “Next Door Hookups” site is only there to keep some of the guys “complacent”? It’s one of the worst performing of all of their sites and can’t be turning in much if any of a profit. Jake Cruise pulled the plug on his “STRAIGHT GUYS FOR GAY EYES” site after it was bleeding $$$ and some of the criticism it got for the homophobic undertones it had with the condom for gay, no condom for straight work.
As far as keeping the talent complacent and scared into submission, do they actually think Stephan is protecting them? See how well he and Tommy D protected those two models who died in Canada. Or how well he protected his talent during the porn wiki leaks mess, which I know caused a few models to promptly quit the industry. Hell look at what was written about Johnny Torque on, my understanding was that it freaked a few of the “favored ones” out because their real names were posted on that site.
You also said that Paul Wagner knows the score with this company and is going along with it. Sad and pathetic as that is, it’s even funnier to read Tucker Scott saying he has no idea what is going on and doesn’t know anything about it.
lol…they were pretty ruthless with Torque on The Dirty. He’s not the only G4P pornstar they’ve outed over there. Very vicious homophobic site.
hey Anthony-do you remember when you said you had a great time working with Cody? Because I DO! flip flopper
NDS is still in business because there’s still a market for what they produce. I have no evidence of this, but I would assume most patrons of their sites are older men. That generation of self loathing gay men ( a cliche I know, but often true) who think gay men are worthless and straight men deserve praise. Young men think its OK to be gay, be attracted to men, and have sex with them
I can forgive the “seducing a straight guy” fantasy.
I have trouble understand paying money to watch BAD SEX.
As I said earlier, there are plenty of gay-for-pays who are not self-loathing bad fucks/performers.
Heck, even in the NDS stable, they have Rod Daily who, for all his faults, does it all and apparently enthusiastically.
Why would one want to REPEATEDLY watch the Cody Cummings and Trystan Bull of the world do nothing and look uncomfortable?
Because bad sex is what you get when you have sex with a tweaked straight boy. The way he hates himself in the morning is part of the fantasy.
As I said in the earlier thread:
1) Good on them to move on and best of luck to them
2) How the hell was ANY of this a surprise to them? Everybody knew. They chose to go there nevertheless. Anybody who had a quick glance at their stuff could tell you their worship of gay-for-pay performers – and not gay-for-pay that embrace the gay like many performers but barely veiled homophobia gay-for-pay.
3) Major kudos for writing honestly about this. THIS I give them props for. I think performers should either shut up or then say it all. But hinting major ugly stuff is going on without denouncing it bothers me (like another major porn couple has been doing for months). So major props to them for telling it like it is without pussyfooting.
Having worked with NDS in the past I can think of no more accurate description of what it’s like to be gay at that studio than in the words of Anthony’s blog:
“I was paired with guys who wouldn’t perform with me—they wanted to sit there and just have their dicks sucked, fuck me, and cum in my general direction without touching me, kissing me, or showing me any of the passion that I wanted to portray in my scenes.”
I thought that treatment was just towards me being new to the studio but now that I realize they treat even their top models like this and it convinced me to never shoot with them again.
Again, I ask. Had you ever seen their scenes before? Coz it doesn’t take an experience with them to know that’s what their scenes are like!
Yes, I had seen their videos. Although, it was around my 17th and 18th years of life, usually with my little erect dick in my hands. At that moment, I wasn’t into dissecting their videos like a Sundance critic. I wasn’t friends with people in the studio; I wasn’t a frequent to gay porn blogs; I was blissfully ignorant. Should I have done my research? Yes; but let’s be realistic.
It seems like Anthony is chasing Austin around like a little puppy! Its normal for his age group, but get tired fast. Hopefully, Austin cuts him lose before getting stuck with this douche for a long time.
Too Late! They are supposed to be married! Unless that is part of all this publicity stunt!
Anthony could do a lot better. Austin is gag a maggot the the gut wagon ugly. Damn man!!!
I don’t understand this at all. I get that when you are hired for a single scene, you don’t necessarily research the studio. But signing an exclusive contract? If I am going to be hired for a job, I try to get at least some idea of who my bosses are going to be!
Don’t misunderstand it as an attack against you but I really don’t get this.
And don’t give me the naive line. You had been in the industry for a while by that point and your bf already worked for them!!!!
You gotta get paid. This amusement for the sake of the gay porn devouring public is not free. People are in school, have bills to pay. They do what they need to do, and when it becomes intolerable, they say no more. I’m totally in support of these guys
It’s a big deal to quit your job over your principles in this economy. I’m sure there are people out there doing jobs they find more morally bankrupt (slaughterhouses, animal research facilities, some multinationals’ more dubious practices…)